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I've got rhinitis, nosebleeds, eye pain & hives.


its like hayfever but without the nice weather... nargh :(


I'm not sure whether to pass it off as medication related infection that will pass or go to the doctor...


I've been getting bad hayfever these few days too, though without the nosebleeds and eye pain :( Hope it gets better soon. Do you take an antihistamine for relief?

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One of my best friends died last night in a car crash, I'm shattered.


I'm really sorry to hear that :( I have nothing else to offer you apart from my deepest condolences as I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now. R.I.P

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Had a miserable day today. When I came home, I decided to randomly google my old workplace in google news. I was fired from this company and the article on there was pretty much about them firing me:




"Mr Clarke has fired around 35 people during the company’s 14-year history. On the day they are sacked, employees are asked to leave the Basingstoke-based business immediately and are rarely given formal warnings.


This goes against the Acas code of practice, which would leave the business in a weak position if a claim ever did reach a tribunal.


The fact that the company has never faced a claim is a “tribute to the quality of people we bring in the first place”, Mr Clarke believes."


The company has around 25 people and used to have a lot less until recently.. They pretty much fire everybody who leaves.


"It’s in their best interests to send sensible people in because they’ve got skin in the game. If they send you a lemon, you’ll drop [the agency].”


They dropped the agency after employing me, which made me feel like c**p working there. They had people come and sit by me when being interviewed for jobs in order to secretly replace me over a month before they asked me to leave with no notice.


"Somebody who doesn’t fit is like a splinter in your finger,” he said. “The offending article is gradually pushed out. It’s a bit organic – there’s a clear understanding among everyone here of people who fit and people who don’t. We’ve had to get rid of good people as well as bad, but they know we’re not doing it for any other reason than the good of the whole.”


I knew they were going to fire me 2 weeks after they employed me and I managed to survive for 5 months in that environment, where they were constantly setting me up to fail and didn't even train me for my job role. I didn't fit in because I didn't have a degree and that annoyed the people I worked with.


Ah well, what a good way to make my day even more miserable than it is. A Telegraph article calling me an orange and my life a splinter in everybody's backside.. Orange is a code word I use for certain people and now I am the orange.:sad:

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Sorry to hear that Monkey.



Worst thing that's happened to me? My friend. He's become really clingy. Basically his best friend's girlfriend hates him so he's using me as a fill in BFF. I'm not really bothered but literally every day and night he wants to hang out. It's worse than that, though because although we get on he's really self absorbed. Like there's absolutely no point in me talking about pretty much anything I'm interested in (games/football/films) because he'd just tell me he's bored, which he's done a few time. Other times if I talk about something that doesn't interest him he'll just float onto his Blackberry. I mentioned that I was going to be busy sorting out this computer to build and he looks at me like I'm a nut case and calls me a geek.


There are other things too and I'd talk to him about it but these little incidences are fairly innocuous so it's pretty difficult to pick a point to do so but they just build up. He talks about the weirdest things, stuff that I don't care about at all but I still listen to what he has to say.


Anyway, I just needed to vent. He's been like that for a while but ever since he's felt the need to fill the best friend shaped whole in his life it's become a bit too much.

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Sorry to hear that Monkey.



Worst thing that's happened to me? My friend. He's become really clingy. Basically his best friend's girlfriend hates him so he's using me as a fill in BFF. I'm not really bothered but literally every day and night he wants to hang out. It's worse than that, though because although we get on he's really self absorbed. Like there's absolutely no point in me talking about pretty much anything I'm interested in (games/football/films) because he'd just tell me he's bored, which he's done a few time. Other times if I talk about something that doesn't interest him he'll just float onto his Blackberry. I mentioned that I was going to be busy sorting out this computer to build and he looks at me like I'm a nut case and calls me a geek.


There are other things too and I'd talk to him about it but these little incidences are fairly innocuous so it's pretty difficult to pick a point to do so but they just build up. He talks about the weirdest things, stuff that I don't care about at all but I still listen to what he has to say.


Anyway, I just needed to vent. He's been like that for a while but ever since he's felt the need to fill the best friend shaped whole in his life it's become a bit too much.


Ouch, sounds like an erm interesting guy?


Today it's spending another day by myself, I don't mind my own company and everything, but it seems as time goes on my friends are getting more and more involved with their boyfriends and I'm getting less time to spend with them.


I've not seen anyone since Monday..



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Ouch, sounds like an erm interesting guy?


To be fair, he is entertaining to hang out with but he's got a real nasty streak to him sometimes. I wouldn't stand for it if I thought he did it knowingly but he doesn't, so I guess I'll just deal with it.


What are friends for? (That's what they say, right?)


Today it's spending another day by myself, I don't mind my own company and everything, but it seems as time goes on my friends are getting more and more involved with their boyfriends and I'm getting less time to spend with them.


I've not seen anyone since Monday..




I like having a week a year where I pretty much don't see anyone. Event not leave the house. It's kind of a nice change of pace. But yeah, the whole couples thing is annoying.

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One of my best friends died last night in a car crash, I'm shattered.


I know how this feels as I lost my best friend when he was just 18. He was beaten up and killed. It was the hardest time of my life. Letting it all out and grieving is a good thing in the long run though. Break-down and cry and grieve and then you can begin to celebrate their life.


However, what truly got me through (and still does) was when my mum told me that he will be with me now more than ever before.

I always think about him and try to make the most of any opportunities that come my way as I remember the fun times we had and how precious life really is.


Remember the good times, remember the wonder that you both had together and never forget them as they will be with you now and always.

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To be fair, he is entertaining to hang out with but he's got a real nasty streak to him sometimes. I wouldn't stand for it if I thought he did it knowingly but he doesn't, so I guess I'll just deal with it.


What are friends for? (That's what they say, right?)




I like having a week a year where I pretty much don't see anyone. Event not leave the house. It's kind of a nice change of pace. But yeah, the whole couples thing is annoying.


It is nice and I have got an awful lot done, what made it worst I should have said is this is going to continue to get worse, as it did last year a few of my friends coupled up.


Which is a shame as y'know I love seeing my friends and hanging out and whatnot, even if the boyfriends turn up, because they are nice guys too. I just feel a bit the odd one out just because I'm the single one..


Which is kinda my fault and everything. But hey-ho.


Today its waking up at 2pm thinking it was like 10am...whoops!

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I burnt my tongue really badly on a godamn double down burger while doing a video review as requested by Rez.


On the plus side I was drunk at the time and the combination has come out pretty hilariously. I'll edit and upload to YouTube tomorrow I think.

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I burnt my tongue really badly on a godamn double down burger while doing a video review as requested by Rez.


On the plus side I was drunk at the time and the combination has come out pretty hilariously. I'll edit and upload to YouTube tomorrow I think.




Oh man. KFC. So fucking win. I had KFC yesterday. I love it because it is awesome.

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Placement starts tomorrow. I'm absolutely shitting myself. Wondering why I ever started this course...


Haven't even managed to get into contact with the teacher whose class I'll be in tomorrow. So she likely doesn't even know I'm coming. Urgh.


And I got told by another teacher that the students will probably laugh with my name. =(




*doesn't want to go*

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