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bad stuff thread.


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Stupid bitch in Morrisons wouldn't accept my driving license. Apparently the picture doesn't look enough like me because I now have a beard. She didn't even have the balls to say it. Just stood there for a minute looking at me and the license umming and ahing. In the end I showed her my library card which "has a better picture".


I bought to ready meals as I'm in aber for a few days. We don't have a microwave, so I went to oven them, but can't because the gas is off.

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Grandfather died this morning :(


Really can't believe it, still in a state of shock. Apparently, yesterday he had spent 2 hours outside gardening and was completely fine. Was fine even at about 4.30am this morning from what my grandmother said. But he just seemed to suddenly slip away between then and 8am.


Not something you want to wake up and hear. Will be sorely missed. Perhaps I'll finally get that hair cut he'd been jokingly telling me to get a few days previously to honour him or something.

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Grandfather died this morning :(


Really can't believe it, still in a state of shock. Apparently, yesterday he had spent 2 hours outside gardening and was completely fine. Was fine even at about 4.30am this morning from what my grandmother said. But he just seemed to suddenly slip away between then and 8am.


Not something you want to wake up and hear. Will be sorely missed. Perhaps I'll finally get that hair cut he'd been jokingly telling me to get a few days previously to honour him or something.


Oh lovey, I hope you'll be alright - condolences to you and your family.



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perhaps it was a blessing he went when he was relatively well... my uncle had aggressive cancer but he was very fortunate that it killed him before he had to spend months in bed in agonising pain. Apparently he was laughing one minute and dead the next. Sad but in a way a relief that he passed so easily. Condolences to you and your family.

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Ganepark... I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather. :(


Its been a few years since my Grandfather died and almost a year less than that since my Grandmother died, they were two of the kindest people I ever knew... I still think about them a lot, they're terribly missed and always will be.


I know it's probably not much of a consolation right now but try and remember the good times that you had with your Grandfather in life, try and be strong for your parents and Grandmother too, things will get easier in time.



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oh yeah i forgot why i came in this thread earlier.... getting old lol


i went to see a chiropodist about ma feets today... she says I've got plantar fasciitis.. Looking at doing stretches but she says that the damage might already be done as its been long term, so i'll be looking at shoe inserts and/or steroid injections... ohyay..


so thanks to my doctor who told me to basically go away 6 months ago... :(


and i have to wear sensible shoes for the rest of my life... sad times

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Sincerest condolences Ganepark. In many ways, the peaceful way is the best.


Grandma Iun has Parkinson's, and when I went back to the UK this Summer she was just a skeleton, can barely walk, memory is going... It's just awful. I feel it will be worse for my granda who is 80 and is there watching her slip away.

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So sorry to hear about that Ganepack :/


So, the hospital wants to discharge my nan. They feel they can't do any more and it's just up to therapy. However, she cannot live alone, so they say we need to put her in a carehome. They then went onto say the closest carehomes which we're likely to be able to get her into are in Basingstoke which is over 50 miles away.


I am not a happy chappy

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The prospect of the coming workload of university is stressing me. I know this is what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure I can make it ... but standing here and looking at the five years in front of me is very demoralising. I had a "Have I made the right choice?/What the hell am I doing?" moment yesterday; when I get stressed beyond a certain point, I just totally shut down. I hope and assume I'll grow with the workload.

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The prospect of the coming workload of university is stressing me. I know this is what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure I can make it ... but standing here and looking at the five years in front of me is very demoralising. I had a "Have I made the right choice?/What the hell am I doing?" moment yesterday; when I get stressed beyond a certain point, I just totally shut down. I hope and assume I'll grow with the workload.


I'm sort of in the same boat, but mine's more money & career related. I love this new city I'm in and I'm desperate to make it work. I want to be self sufficient as much as possible and I want to dig myself in like a tic, no matter what it takes. I just don't want to go back, back to nothing and no one and no way of escape.


I've only been here 2 days and I'm already inwardly freaking out even though everything is pretty sorted for the foreseeable future. I think it's natural to be like this at this sort of time, hence those "Keep Calm & Carry On" posters being so popular.


EDIT: Relevant comic is relevant -


Edited by gaggle64
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I would say there will be a lot o folk partying non stop and will still manage to scrape a pass, so I don't see why an intelligent guy like you won't ace it :) Have a bit o faith in yourself!


Thanks. :) Though it isn't really the difficulty level I'm worried about, it's the size of the workload. When the amount of stuff I need to do exceeds a certain limit, my mind just completely freezes up and renders me unable to do anything at all. It's the most significant remnant of my autism; if I have too many things I need to be concerned with at a time, even the smallest and most insignificant of them suddenly seems impossible to overcome.


I'm sort of in the same boat, but mine's more money & career related. I love this new city I'm in and I'm desperate to make it work. I want to be self sufficient as much as possible and I want to dig myself in like a tic, no matter what it takes. I just don't want to go back, back to nothing and no one and no way of escape.


I've only been here 2 days and I'm already inwardly freaking out even though everything is pretty sorted for the foreseeable future. I think it's natural to be like this at this sort of time, hence those "Keep Calm & Carry On" posters being so popular.


EDIT: Relevant comic is relevant -



Yeah, I do think it's natural at this stage, and I do honestly hope and believe it'll get better soon. "Keep Calm & Carry On" is a great motto, and the comic and general situation reminds me of the "Fraud Police" that was the topic of a graduation speech video posted by Eddie (I think it was?) a little while ago. Basically the Fraud Police is the idea that's always in the back of your head, no matter how skilled and successful you become, that you actually have no clue what you're doing, have got by so far solely on luck and isn't worthy of your current position.

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You're bound to get like that at some point guys, it's committing to something for 3-5years and trying to push through a lot of hard work. But it is worth it.


I complained and struggled and whinged about all sorts when it came to uni, but I did make sure good friends, some decent connections and I now have a city I now enjoy living in, although now I'm nowhere near there :(.


Freaking out is perfectly acceptable, I'm willing to bet there's quite a few people in your classes doing exactly the same thing.

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