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My mom had a round "piece of carpet" that was a sort of U or C shape and wrapped around the toilet [on the floor]. Indeed really nice for them feetsies, but you can slimpy put one like this in the washingmachine.


Currently Googling for one myself. :D


This idea:




I really couldnt find a better example because i dont know what they are exactly called. Maybe something else from the neds has more info?

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My mom had a round "piece of carpet" that was a sort of U or C shape and wrapped around the toilet [on the floor]. Indeed really nice for them feetsies, but you can slimpy put one like this in the washingmachine.


Currently Googling for one myself. :D


This idea:




I really couldnt find a better example because i dont know what they are exactly called. Maybe something else from the neds has more info?


Toilet Seat Covers, Bath rug and Pedestal mats. (3 pieces bath mat sets) :)

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So it looks like I'm having major surgery/open surgery/laparotomy.




Shit, thats awful. Is it particularly risky or is it just a relatively safe procedure?


You know where we are if you need to talk/rant etc.

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Damn nightwolf...wish you all the best :)



I have an exam tomorrow but not sure if I can take it...currently suffering from gastro-intestinal problems (don't want to elaborate) and knowing how my body handles these I'll be bedridden during the weekend.


In the last 3 semesters I couldn't take the first exam because of health issues. After that it's been fine. No problems when the other exams came up. Always the first...

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Shit, thats awful. Is it particularly risky or is it just a relatively safe procedure?


You know where we are if you need to talk/rant etc.


It is and it isn't.


Usually complications are 1 in 100 for most women (think like c section stuff), for me due to what is going on those drop down to 1 in 10.


At this moment I've had to take the risk that I'll lose my ovaries, possibly my womb, but then there's also the complications of my bladder and bowels being damaged also (the surgery includes a removal of a few things but also of helping me live more of a normal life as well).


So unfortunately not, but my surgeon seems confident and he has done this exact problem for a couple of other women.


edit: Thanks for the support guys <3 you are all lovely.

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Jeez all this developed from next to no symptoms not all that long ago if I recall?


Hope you recover quickly, fingers crossed they can keep as much intact as possible. Lots of love mate xxx


Yeah pretty much.


My doctors have made it clear that I've probably had endometriosis since I was 13, but because of the way the world handles menstruation and my inability to tell people when I'm in pain, then its been "undiscovered" for a long time.


The other things came about in August and put me in A&E. This stuff was missed by 7 doctors/nurses (both hospitals in cambridge and london are still baffled by this and I've been advised to take them to court/sue/other). After that I was sent home and not fixed so it took a while for my own GP to understand what was happening and got me referred to Addenbrookes here in Cambridge (different part from A&E thank goodness).


Because of the way the nhs works as I'm sure a bunch of you are all too aware its taken months to be seen by the second hospital because you have to go through your GP.


It could be another 3-6 months before my op, but my nurse did say my fibroid was "impressive", so I have that going for me...:indeed:

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It is and it isn't.


Usually complications are 1 in 100 for most women (think like c section stuff), for me due to what is going on those drop down to 1 in 10.


At this moment I've had to take the risk that I'll lose my ovaries, possibly my womb, but then there's also the complications of my bladder and bowels being damaged also (the surgery includes a removal of a few things but also of helping me live more of a normal life as well).


So unfortunately not, but my surgeon seems confident and he has done this exact problem for a couple of other women.


edit: Thanks for the support guys <3 you are all lovely.


Sounds heavy. There's not much to say, other than I'm sure it'll be fine if the surgeon seems confident. Is the ovaries/womb/bladder/bowel stuff a definite outcome or a worst case scenario (aside from infection etc)?


I shall keep my fingers crossed either way. Please keep us posted (if you feel up to it of course).

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Sorry to hear about your trouble Nightwolf, all the best and hope things take an upturn very soon for you :smile:


Moved into a new flat on Wednesday last week and it's been a battle of issues ever since I set foot in it. It's the first time I've gone with an agency but they're proving to be awful.


My property manager has left/been sacked possibly because he didn't get the place prepared and cleaned for us moving in (it's in a horrendously dirty condition even now after myself and my partner have cleaned) and I received a dodgy email from the agency the Saturday before I picked up the keys well outside of office hours asking me to pay an outstanding balance of £225 despite there being nothing to pay. I queried it but never heard back. Turns out the woman who supposedly sent it is the wife of the owner of the company and is currently undergoing litigation with Clydesdale Bank up here after they incorrectly transferred £750,000 into her account and she summarily removed it and closed the account.


So I've got a new property manager now who hasn't seen the property or know anything about the state its in which is great considering some of the major health and safety issues that are only now getting sorted that we've moved in. There were no smoke alarms fitted, that happened on the afternoon of the day we moved in, a new fuse box had to be fitted as it was breaching regulations and unsafe, a new extractor fan and light had to be fitted to the bathroom because they posed a significant hazard (i.e. if we touched them after using the shower, we'd have been killed) and was only done 2 days after entering the property without either of us being told anything about it and the boiler is 20 years outdated and only works on the immersion boost and we only found that out after 3 days in the property so there was no hot water out of the taps for that time.


And that's only a smattering of the issues. I've just spent the last 3 days going through the inventory and condition report for the property (took their guy 40 minutes and he missed a huge amount) and have had to write up a 17 page amendment and additions document to hand in along side the inventory. We don't even get a copy of the inventory to keep apparently :nono:


Bit of a farce to be honest, especially as their agreement says they'll dock out deposit at the end of the tenancy a minimum of £30 if they find finger print marks on surfaces and door, what the actual fuck :shakehead Got a crap ton of photos and this amendment document so don't think they'll have much of a leg to stand on if they try to charge cleaning fees considering the toilet was left with a surprise in it, as well as a nail, and other places were mouldy and such :woops:


So fun times, still trying to get things unpacked but hopefully things will get sorted swiftly.

Edited by Ganepark32
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