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bad stuff thread.


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Our eldest cat Quincy died last night, we knew it was coming though - and so did he - as he'd had stomach cancer for a long time - nothing that could be done - so I suppose it was for the best, still... I'll miss that cat.


He lived until he was about 14ish - rescue cat so we don't know exactly - but that doesn't seem to be particularly bad innings for a feline. :)

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Walked 3 miles to the local pub with my parents. Got to the pub. It's a country pub, where the average age of clientele is around 60 years old.


They had a fucking disco set up with shitty cheap lights and crappy music. Loads of people in their 50s and 60s sat swathed in poor quality coloured light. And the disco was taking up about 10 seats. So now this pub was rammed.


Didn't stay for a drink, just kept straight home.

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I'm sad to hear about James Avery. I genuinely was very upset to hear the news.


My bloody ankle is absolutely killing me now. Yesterday, it was hurting whenever I put some pressure on it but it's fine. Now today, when I put any pressure on it, it stings like a motherfucker! I'm gutted because I really want to go to the gym or play Just Dance but I can't.


On the bright side, I finally got Super Mario 3D Land and I got Charmander on Pokemon X.


...I'm going to start doing that. No matter what 'bad stuff' happens to me, I'm going to think of something good. Challenge accepted! yes, I just challenged myself...

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Always seem to get into a bit of a rut around the Xmas/New Year period and this year, it's hit hard. To say I'm having a bit of a rough time would be a bit of an understatement.


Flew off the handle at my mother when I was round not because of something she did/has done but because little things have been building up over the last couple of weeks and they just kind of spilled out and she was the unlucky one who happened to be there at the time. Was so bad that if I hadn't taken a step back and realised it wasn't her that I was angry at, it would have killed our relationship.


Also, my grandmother, who I considered probably THE most important person in my life, it turns out has been lying about various things in an attempt to cause rifts in the family. "Friends" (saying it like that because at this moment in time, I honestly don't think I can trust some of them any more) have also been piling on with the lying and what not.


And I'm pretty much tired of everything else. Genuinely wish I could just shut my eyes and make everything disappear and start again. Haven't felt this bad since 2nd year of my undergrad when I didn't speak to anyone for 6 months while I attempted to sort my shit out :(


Desperately in need of a break away. Trying to see if I can go and visit some friends down in Cambridge to just get away from everything, even for a few days.


tl;dr - I are sad panda :(

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Always seem to get into a bit of a rut around the Xmas/New Year period and this year, it's hit hard. To say I'm having a bit of a rough time would be a bit of an understatement.


Flew off the handle at my mother when I was round not because of something she did/has done but because little things have been building up over the last couple of weeks and they just kind of spilled out and she was the unlucky one who happened to be there at the time. Was so bad that if I hadn't taken a step back and realised it wasn't her that I was angry at, it would have killed our relationship.


Also, my grandmother, who I considered probably THE most important person in my life, it turns out has been lying about various things in an attempt to cause rifts in the family. "Friends" (saying it like that because at this moment in time, I honestly don't think I can trust some of them any more) have also been piling on with the lying and what not.


And I'm pretty much tired of everything else. Genuinely wish I could just shut my eyes and make everything disappear and start again. Haven't felt this bad since 2nd year of my undergrad when I didn't speak to anyone for 6 months while I attempted to sort my shit out :(


Desperately in need of a break away. Trying to see if I can go and visit some friends down in Cambridge to just get away from everything, even for a few days.


tl;dr - I are sad panda :(


I literally know how you feel and, even though we're strangers and we've never met, we're all here for you, dude.


Like you just said, go to Cambridge or somewhere else and have a nice break away from life. With your 'friends', cut ties and move on if they're making you feel this badly but with your family, is there any way you can talk to them about how you're feeling about the lying and stuff?

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Come and see me! (in Cambridge).


It's officially - like most people here I imagine, back to work time. The most depressing Monday of the year.


Oh goodie!


The 2nd depressing date comes later in the month, the dreaded Credit Card bills from the holidays. Yeah, i'm full of cheer today.


New jobs/extentions (137 to be precise) have come up for my location. You may be thinking "hey, this is good news for a change" You'd be wrong, it's the same work i've been doing for the past 2 1/2 years. I find it bad that we've got to re-apply for the same work, and that it's the same work.


And to top it off nicely, the icing on the cake. As the adverts say "6 month extension". It's a new 6 month contract, meaning anyone whom takes this up WILL lose the redundancy payments of anything upto £5k

Edited by Jimbob
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Come and see me! (in Cambridge).


It's officially - like most people here I imagine, back to work time. The most depressing Monday of the year.


Oh goodie!


I'm back today too after 17 days (inc weekends) off. Was dreading it all week but wasn't too bad this morning as I made the effort to get up early and hit the gym. It's the thought of no holidays in the forseeable future that does it for me.


The 2nd depressing date comes later in the month, the dreaded Credit Card bills from the holidays. Yeah, i'm full of cheer today.


New jobs/extentions (137 to be precise) have come up for my location. You may be thinking "hey, this is good news for a change" You'd be wrong, it's the same work i've been doing for the past 2 1/2 years. I find it bad that we've got to re-apply for the same work, and that it's the same work.


And to top it off nicely, the icing on the cake. As the adverts say "6 month extension". It's a new 6 month contract, meaning anyone whom takes this up WILL lose the redundancy payments of anything upto £5k


What happens if you don't apply? Will you still get the payment?

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The 2nd depressing date comes later in the month, the dreaded Credit Card bills from the holidays. Yeah, i'm full of cheer today.


All my big bills come in just before Christmas. I don't have a credit card.


So apart from rent, I'm covered. At least one thing. Phew.

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What happens if you don't apply? Will you still get the payment?


I'll still get the payment if i don't re-apply, which is a good thing. I feel sorry for those applying who would be expecting a larger pay-off, because they wouldn't get it as the 6 month extension would be a new contract, which is cunning and sly and saves them a heck of a lot of money (unions are up in arms about it, they are trying to save all the jobs and don't want people re-applying for their own jobs.


All my big bills come in just before Christmas. I don't have a credit card.


So apart from rent, I'm covered. At least one thing. Phew.


That's lucky indeed, a few of my friends had their bills come in today and boy they are not happy.

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Absolute joke.


Was ill over Christmas. Sinus pains mainly, lost taste, insomnia, stuffy etc.


Felt better. Friday I felt pretty good. Saturday had a sore throat. Thought it was just a dry night reathing thing...it wasnt. Got worse. Again little sleep Saturday. Virtually no sleep last night. Off work today. Gets slightly better. Then in the evening...epic sinus pain has returned. And on top of all that my wisdom teeth are currently fucking kaning.


This is so fucking depressing. Feel like horse shit. How the fuck does back to back colds work. Ugh.

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There are a lot of viruses that cause colds, so you were probably just unlucky enough to get hit by one that you had no protection against from your first cold.


I hate how you can't go to work without someone being sick. As soon as one person starts to get better, it's someone else's turn to get sick. I just want to live in a plastic bubble forever.

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