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Hope you don't have to pay to retake it? The DVLA love charging you money.


My examiners car broke down the morning of my test (which was about a month ago now), had to hurry and sort things out so I could use my Dad's car which I wasn't very good at driving since I had only driven it a few times.


Still managed to pass, somehow, so it's not really an appropriate story for this thread. :p

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Trying to buy some diamond earrings (http://www.gemporia.com/en-gb/product/0.25ct-diamond-9k-white-gold-hoop-earrings/uoks75/) for my girlfriend for Christmas from the Gems TV website, but when I try going into the basket (or My Account) this pops up:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.


Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".



<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="Off"/>





Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.



<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->




<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>





So I sent them an email telling them about the problem, the response I got was "Sorry to hear about that, just ring up and order instead." I'm gonna bloody have to, since it doesn't seem that they give a shit about them internets.

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Are they just not responding to you at all? Were you in touch with them regularly before? Also sorry to hear about your Grandad.


I moaned people weren't responding to me and then didn't respond to this...oops!


Some do, eventually, some not until I contact them again about something else. One person hasn't responded to any message I've sent since September (although only sent about 3 as I did get the clue) when he moved in with his boyfriend. Sometimes I do just send crap, I know that, but there are times I genuinely need to engage with someone and get nothing.


And cheers :)

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I wrote a long post, and then deleted it, and now I'll probably write another long post anyway.


This week at work was tough as I'd just had a week off, which will be familiar to many people. But the main stress has been from the darkness.


Not the band.


Some of you know that I have some eye shit. Basically I have tunnel vision, but in reality it means that I can see fuck all in low light. It's a progressive condition that gets worse year-on-year. So basically this time of year is when I really, really notice the difference compared to last year.


I was registered blind a few months ago, and I've just adapted my behaviour to my.. illness?... as it's gone on. But every now and then there are little moments that remind me, and during the winter months these moments happen far more often. There are just so many little elements to the stress and sadness, and just so few people who understand or recognise them. From getting up in the dark, to using a bathroom with no light (at work), or turning a corner on a poorly lit street, or not seeing a tripping hazard on the floor at work, or dropping a pen. Those are the 'easy' bits. What about getting on a bus and finding a seat, or walking through a crowd in town, or finding a gift for xmas on a shelf. You're in a coffee shop and you get up to use the toilet or have a smoke and come back and the person you were with changes seats and is somewhere else and you can't see where they are and you just sand there and turn circles and gawp like a fucking freak. Or any pub experience where the chairs are below eye level (of course) so you trip over them, or people are wearing dark clothes (of course) so you bump into them, or the drop in the curb isn't obvious so you falter as you walk, or the light to the bathroom can't be found because the light is off, or a hundred other things exist that everyone else just does and can't see to be a difficulty in life.


Oh, and add the fact that you are supposed to wear two hearing aids because you're hard of hearing, and one's totally broken and the other is definitely slightly distorted. Simple answer; get them fixed. Tricky bit; working full time so I can't go in to the hospital. There's a solution that will take 3 months that I can do but that's 3 months without hearing aids in the dark.


Add to this the fact I've got a bruised cartlidge in my knee and I have to walk 30 mins to work and I haven't done all my christmas shopping and I need to find a place to live and I need to sort out a million and one things...


Fuck, man. I really hate winter.

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Logically speaking, what do you think? Tunnel vision is a reduction of visual field. Put your hand up to your eye and make an imaginary telescope to look through. That's my eyes permanently. Notice how you don't suddenly need a better prescription, but yet you still actually see less?


If my eyes were just that, though, I'd be ok in winter. It's the nightblindness that comes as a consequence of the retina deteriorating which is most depressing. I understand that it's not something that you can describe in words and people 'get' it, and generally speaking I dislike when people say things that they think are helping like "oh lol it is quite dark here I can barely see anything either!" ... because the simple fact is whatever you can see right now is going to be 80% more than what I can see.


Anyway I just woke up and maybe I should have a nice day and ignore all this.

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@jayseven I don't really have anything to say except:


Ask work for the afternoon off to go and get the hearing aids sorted.


I know this obviously isn't going to be sorted in an afternoon, but it will allow you to go and take a step. Most companies (I'm pretty sure you can check your contract or with your manager) will allow you the time off for appointments, without any penalty or docking wages.


Its just a thought, but it might help for the time being.



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You're not wrong at all. It would serve as a decent foundation to get on with the rest of things. I'm sure you remember me losing a hearing aid or two a few years ago.


Typically we can only have one person off at a time but I know I've earned brownie points with work -- plus they're really good at making sure I'm alright in terms of my eyes/ears. I definitely got to do this.

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I moaned people weren't responding to me and then didn't respond to this...oops!


Some do, eventually, some not until I contact them again about something else. One person hasn't responded to any message I've sent since September (although only sent about 3 as I did get the clue) when he moved in with his boyfriend. Sometimes I do just send crap, I know that, but there are times I genuinely need to engage with someone and get nothing.


And cheers :)



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Although I don't pretend understand how difficult that must be for you, I had problems with post concussion syndrome for a few months a couple of years ago and one side effect was almost permanent tunnel vision. It lasted for a good few months, I couldn't see anything that wasn't straight in front of me and I couldn't look at anything with any sort of motion or bright light without getting sick.


Feel for you man.

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Dad sent me the internet bill, considerably over the 40gb allowance that is currently in place. I keep saying, and offering to up the allowance to unlimited and i'll pay for it. And they keep refusing, which i don't understand. I guess they want me to stop using so much Internet, but then again that would mean no watching the sports or Netflix anymore.


Guess i'll just have to get a 2nd phoneline installed and get my own internet.

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You're not wrong at all. It would serve as a decent foundation to get on with the rest of things. I'm sure you remember me losing a hearing aid or two a few years ago.


Typically we can only have one person off at a time but I know I've earned brownie points with work -- plus they're really good at making sure I'm alright in terms of my eyes/ears. I definitely got to do this.


I imagine you'd be put as a priority given it affects your day to day life in a big way.


I certainly remember, I don't see well in the dark myself and I recall those 'yeah well I'm more blind than you!' moments. :laughing:


Good luck, I'm sure work will help you out, like you say, you've done loads for them and the least they can do is give you the afternoon/day/whatever to take care of yourself.

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Dad sent me the internet bill, considerably over the 40gb allowance that is currently in place. I keep saying, and offering to up the allowance to unlimited and i'll pay for it. And they keep refusing, which i don't understand. I guess they want me to stop using so much Internet, but then again that would mean no watching the sports or Netflix anymore.


Guess i'll just have to get a 2nd phoneline installed and get my own internet.


Why not just upgrade it yourself by pretending to be your Dad?

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That's weird, that's like something my dad would do when I was a kid to stop going on the internet as much.


Really though, download caps need to die a death in this day and age.


They do, i watch quite a bit of the NBA and Netflix which adds up to a huge chunk of Internet. I hate caps as well.

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I learned today that my manager who joined less than 5 months ago has moved elsewhere "on his own accord" (albeit under the pall of some weird regional investigation). By the end of January I'll be up to 2 years and 4 months in my current store and onto my 4th manager in that store. I spent today clearing out another busted back-freezer filled with rotting meat, soggy pastry and melted ice creams. My job makes me want to die.

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I've just been informed that one of my friends who I was close friends with at school was found dead by his girlfriend last night/this morning, and that he had hung himself. I spent years talking to him each break/lunch, and sometimes after school (I even drove his land rover and JCB as he lived on a farm). Yet, I only spoke to him once or twice after we left school - I have no idea why we didn't keep in contact, and I now regret not doing so.


Actually, I've barely spoken to anyone from school since leaving, and I think I need to do something about that.


Edit: I've now found out that he has a daughter. Poor thing. And how the hell did I not know about it?

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That's a horrid thing to hear Cube, hope the rest of your old mates are well.


In other news:

My keys have gone missing and I'm getting irrationally stressed out by it. I've borrowed the spares and all I've got to do is go tell the landlord tomorrow and pay for a replacement but for some reason it's making me feel like my chest will explode at any second. Is not losing sleep over minor things that go wrong something people actually do or is it one of those urban myths like the winning formula for lottery numbers?


On the plus side I've cleaned my room twice tonight, so there's that.

Edited by gaggle64
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