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bad stuff thread.


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The new PC isn't working. I'm certain I've hooked everything up completely. I got a new case and a new PSU, and everything seems to be plugged in right. However, the power button isn't working. The thing won't fucking turn on.


So yeah, I have a £500 brick


Swap around the PSU for another one if you have one spare. Make sure both are adequate for your machine though.


Back onto the solitude in Japan..


Haven't seen any one I know for the past two days. This is a really odd feeling that I haven't had in a while. My cold is clearing up, but I don't even have the strength to focus on a video game. All I've done is mainly sit at my computer reading random shit and listening to Boards of Canada (despite being so relaxing, it's rather depressing). I went to the cinema yesterday by myself to watch a movie adaptation of an anime called Star Driver which I used to watch, as it was pretty uplifting because of how gay it was.


I guess I have changed. I spent so many of my days at university 2 years ago sacking off every social event just to get my video game fix and loved being by myself. Met up with one of the Japanese exchange students that was there that year and they were really surprised how talkative I was and how for once, they finally heard me speak Japanese and said I was really good (believing her compliments however is another story..)


And now today is valentines day, which is a big thing here too. Despite how desperate I am to meet any body, it's not going today. Curse the fact I've made too many friends who are girls. Curse the fact every fucker I know is busy with work. Ugh, I need some happier music to listen to.

Edited by Debug Mode
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Swap around the PSU for another one if you have one spare. Make sure both are adequate for your machine though.

The one from the PC I'm trying to replace is not powerful enough. This new one is double that power. There's no reason I can see for this to be doing this

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So I'm out in NY (good stuff) and get a call half way during the week that my old housemate who is my age killed himself. I'm crushed and the colleague I'm out there for a week with just says nothing. Didn't even try to show sympathy.


I come home, planning to go to the funeral and catch a bug (that colleague also got) that keeps me away from the funeral. Don't even get to give him a send off.


Fuck you world.

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So I'm out in NY (good stuff) and get a call half way during the week that my old housemate who is my age killed himself. I'm crushed and the colleague I'm out there for a week with just says nothing. Didn't even try to show sympathy.


I come home, planning to go to the funeral and catch a bug (that colleague also got) that keeps me away from the funeral. Don't even get to give him a send off.


Fuck you world.


Man, I'm sorry. :( You all right?

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Best wishes dude. We're all here if you need us. Next time get that other guy fired and hire one of us and we'll sympathy-drink anytime.




My 'bad' stuff doesn't really compare. My friend's (Mutual Friend, as she is known) father passed away late last night. I moved a lot of my plans around and me and her and my lady had a great fun evening, but as a consequence I wasn't able to pick up the v-day gift my other friend promised to make me (I don't think she's actually made it yet anyway).


So yeah. Not the same scale of bad-ness.

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Had another 2 rejection emails for a grad job (though technically one is with a company that's decided to no longer offer that particular grad scheme:indeed:) while the other was after one of those cognitive/IQ type tests though I should hear back the score of the test soon. Still waiting for feedback from an assessment day 3 weeks ago too.


Tempted to post a 'Hall of Shame' of companies that have turned me down, or to start blogging my experiences anonymously but I'm concerned it may come back to bite me.


Looking increasingly likely that I may do a Masters year.

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Slightly annoyingly....went down town to buy some shoes. Ended up buying a suit jacket for £60 (I never get anything like this) and the toy shop had a new LEGO set that I had to buy, another £60. And Shoes....more than my usual budget of £33.


Kind of hate.


I am going to the casino tonight. It would now be phenommmm if I came out up, rather than just bloody awesome. Hmmm. To be continued.

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So I'm out in NY (good stuff) and get a call half way during the week that my old housemate who is my age killed himself. I'm crushed and the colleague I'm out there for a week with just says nothing. Didn't even try to show sympathy.


I come home, planning to go to the funeral and catch a bug (that colleague also got) that keeps me away from the funeral. Don't even get to give him a send off.


Fuck you world.




Best wishes dude. We're all here if you need us. Next time get that other guy fired and hire one of us and we'll sympathy-drink anytime.




My 'bad' stuff doesn't really compare. My friend's (Mutual Friend, as she is known) father passed away late last night. I moved a lot of my plans around and me and her and my lady had a great fun evening, but as a consequence I wasn't able to pick up the v-day gift my other friend promised to make me (I don't think she's actually made it yet anyway).


So yeah. Not the same scale of bad-ness.


Sorry to hear about your bad new, guys. Man hugs.

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Was in town today and decided to get New Super Mario Bros Wii U. Game was my first stop but it was £49.99 so I left immediately for HMV... they didn't have it at all and neither did CEX. Gamestation has shut down and that was always my first choice for games and if it were still running I know it would've had the game and at a reasonable price. So shitty.


Ordered it on amazon now and It'll be delivered tomorrow. Goodbye high street games shops!

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Work is really difficult at the minute, new services and lots of hellishly complex stuff we have to handle that we've had ZILCH training on.


Workmates are being arsey and I just CANNOT deal with people.


Stuff at home is crap - my mum and sister are ill. I came home from work last night and they seemed to be getting better. Went and gave my mum a hug, and she told me to go away so I don't get it (not in a nice way, more like a "i cant really be bothered" way)... Sister champed my head off for no apparent reason.... no how are you how was work, or even a fucking hello.


So to fuck I went to the gym, despite having had no rest days this week. Body feels like its dying. After that I drove around town about six times last night in a complete depressed daze.


Then my safe haven (gym) has been invaded by a fucking retard that I hate.


AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF. I'm now catching this horrible bug/virus/fever/flu thing. Just in time for the weekend, and the one thing I was looking forward to this week, my PT session.



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Well looks like my aunt is gonna die of bladder cancer. The thiing is thay also said the cancer spread to her lungs then they said it didn't. But not they've went back on themselves and said it has spread to the lungs. Since the last scan they've said the tumor in the bladder has gotten bigger and there are another two tumors developing along side it as well as the tumor in the lungs. B000h not really expecting anything good to come out of this.

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