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I slept for 18 hours straight last night. Woke at 4:00pm today and I feel so out-of-sinc with the world. I don't know how..missed lectures and all. Perhaps to make up for my 5 hour sleeping routine for the past few weeks (?).


18 hours has given me far too many dreams haunting me as I'm awake.

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Why the fuck was The Event ever cancelled, it's fucking awesome. I'm just finished watching episode 12 and I don't think i've been as glued to a TV screen as much since the days of Star Trek: Enterprise. It's beyond epic, just literally amazing. So many different angles in each episode all revolved around the one big arc. Bringing in new twists every episode but not enough to mind fuck you and wonder if it's just going to be another Lost.



It's actually everyone else's fault that it's not on anymore and I detest each and every one of you that didn't watch it. I could actually watch the remaining 10 episodes in a marathon session now but I want to prolong the joy the show has brought me until the painful moment it dawns on me that there will be no more :(



Now i'm rambling like Wesley whilst attempting to channel my inner Paj and express how literally stunned this show has me.

Edited by Jon
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Why the fuck was The Event ever cancelled, it's fucking awesome. I'm just finished watching episode 12 and I don't think i've been as glued to a TV screen as much since the days of Star Trek: Enterprise. It's beyond epic, just literally amazing. So many different angles in each episode all revolved around the one big arc. Bringing in new twists every episode but not enough to mind fuck you and wonder if it's just going to be another Lost.



It's actually everyone else's fault that it's not on anymore and I detest each and every one of you that didn't watch it. I could actually watch the remaining 10 episodes in a marathon session now but I want to prolong the joy the show has brought me until the painful moment it dawns on me that there will be no more :(



Now i'm rambling like Wesley whilst attempting to channel my inner Paj and express how literally stunned this show has me.


Dude. When you watch the finale take yourself to a padded room. Because you will want to punch the living fuck out of everything. Best finale ever.

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Currently struggling to come up with an answer as to whether or not I should take on a Masters degree next year. Several people around me have already applied for theirs, while others are calling it quits after they finish their undergraduate in June.


Such a menial thing to be tossing over, I know, but I'm starting to grow tired of higher education yet at the same time, I realise there's more value to taking a Masters (with a PhD framework) when it comes to the kind of work I'm interested in, especially considering how many people are graduating with a degree in Psychology and few of them are getting jobs at the moment. ::shrug:


Either way, I'm trying to decide between staying where I am and studying for a MSc in Visual Cognition or heading to Glasgow to try Neuropsychology (which is what I'd prefer to do but I hate Glasgow as a city).


*sigh*..... the woes of the unimportant.

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I have the same problem!


My course leader the other day suggested that I take do a masters.


It will probably be a MRes and will involve doing some teaching/management in order for fees to be paid for me.


But yeah... kind of wanna just...


Have a job?

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To add to the menial woes I'm deliberating between trying to work towards a job in the field I'd actually like to move into or the easier (and by no means bad) option of doing a paid for MRes at work (and then maaaaybe a PhD but I can't see myself being at work for the next seven years).

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The results i took wednesday are shit. I suspect the results i took yesterday are too. Everything on my experimental rig is breaking. I had to stand up on the bus this morning.

Our boiler broke so i couldn't have a shower. Worse day ever.

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A bunch of louts just rang the doorbell 5 times and pounded on the door. I thought I was being broken into, but no, they had the wrong door (next door is having a very loud party which involves singing at the top of their voices). Getting the wrong door is ok, everyone does stupid things (:heh:), but there was no need to pound on it that hard.

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Oh God I'm such a massive twat.


I think stress/still trying to stay happy has resulted in me acting like a twat in some situations.


One of those is probably posting activity here.


I think I might sort some thing out.



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Oh God I'm such a massive twat.


I think stress/still trying to stay happy has resulted in me acting like a twat in some situations.


One of those is probably posting activity here.


I think I might sort some thing out.




Your posts lately do seem a bit unhinged...maybe you should vent about it? :(

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While walking from one group of friends I was seeing to go meet another at the pub, I noticed that my recent sore throat/cough/popping ears thing meant that it hurt a little if I breathed in solely through my nose. Something about wearing my headphones exaggerated this, so I was preoccupied with testing what felt better. Anyway, I got to a cash machine - I chose "Cash", but was thinking, "Oh I should check my balance really...", whilst in strange pain and singing along to the song on my iPod. So I chose £20, took my card, and walked off.


I didn't take the money.




Someone in the street just got £20 off me because I'm an idi.




Now I feel I can't buy Rihanna/Kate Bush/Drake's new album in a few days because I need to save my monies. I hate. UGH.

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have you checked your statement since, Paj? If nobody grabbed the money straight away I think the machines eat the notes again. You might be lucky and still have your £20 in the account.


That would be good, AIB here said that millions of euros have been left at ATMS in the past few years and that they would refund it.


AIB estimates that the cash is left behind in approximately 1 in 3,000 ATM transactions.

There is a 30-second window to take the cash at an ATM. AIB says that at some busy machines three people a day leave their money behind them.

AIB says anti-fraud measures prevented them refunding the money before now as a previous policy required customers to contact the bank themselves if they did not take their cash from a machine. The bank could not contact the customer.


Try that and see what happens. A camera probably saw you leave it there.

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