martinist Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 I'm getting chest pains and arrhythmia, also feel like collapsing each time it happens...I went to a cardiologist about this a few months ago but they said there was nothing wrong with me. Gave me a heart scan and a 24 hour ECG last time but they couldn't find anything wrong. Looks like I'll need to convince them again.
nightwolf Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 We lost her :'(. She died when we went to take her back to the vets, who then told us to take her to the hospital, she was the runt of the litter so her heart gave out. My parents came back devastated and crying, I will miss her so much and our poor maxi is wondering where her sister is. What an awful fucking day, I miss her so much.
Serebii Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 So sorry about that Losing a close pet really really sucks
Happenstance Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 Sorry to hear that Nightwolf, it really is horrible losing a pet. More than people realise sometimes.
Serebii Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 I just saw my nan for the first time since the stroke and it just killed me. She didn't look good at all. Her memory is touch and go and she seems to keep fussing with the covers on her bed. She can't move or feel any part of her left side. It's just devastating. I hate seeing her like this. She's always been one of the strongest and most stubborn people in the family...and the thought she may never return to that is just horrific
jayseven Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Compared to the bad stuff that has been posted in here recently, my bad stuff is rather trivial. I woke up 15 mins ago as I was supposed to stumble 30 mins up and across brighton, dragging a massive suitcase full of books and dvds to join a car-booting session. I've basically had no money for 6 days and will have none for another 5, so I was looking to earn at least a tenner. Just got a call from my step-mother who is already there in a car who told me that the car boot's been cancelled, so her and her friend have gone with a car 5 miles away to another site they know. There's no chance I can get my stuff all the way there. So Sunday morning here I am, not even 8am and I'm rather stumped. I've got maybe one or two cigarettes worth of tobacco left too... Should be an interesting week!
S.C.G Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Nightwolf, I'm truly sorry to hear about your dog I know how much it hurts to lose a beloved family pet so my condolences to you... all I can say is try and remember the good times that you and your family had with her, it does help. Serebii, I'm very sorry to hear about your Nan I remember feeling the same when my Gran had a stroke, I'm not sure if she even realised she had one or didn't want to admit it at the time but she was never the same after it, not what you wanted to hear I know but all I can say is try and be strong for her and for your parents sake of course... I miss both of my grandparents terribly, it's really true that you don't know what you have until it's gone :/ they were two of the kindest people I ever knew, I can only hope they knew how much they were loved and know how much they are missed now.
Charlie Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Jimbob said: Not liking this overtime sunday on single pay. I've never understood why people get paid more (or think they should get paid more) for working on Sunday's/unsociable hours/whatever. You're getting paid to do your job and if it's overtime you must've agreed to do it. As for getting paid extra on a Sunday or because you work late? If you work in a job where it's likely you'll be working late or on the weekends you would've known this when signing up - if you don't like it don't sign the contract!
EEVILMURRAY Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 We get paid extra because we're rebels against God for working on his day of rest.
nightwolf Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Charlie said: I've never understood why people get paid more (or think they should get paid more) for working on Sunday's/unsociable hours/whatever. You're getting paid to do your job and if it's overtime you must've agreed to do it. As for getting paid extra on a Sunday or because you work late? If you work in a job where it's likely you'll be working late or on the weekends you would've known this when signing up - if you don't like it don't sign the contract! I got a 5 grand uplift for working unsocialable hours aka nights. Honestly, I did the same job as people on days, but my health after just two months was utter rubbish, even at Jagex where they provide as much healthy stuff as they can, I think sometimes it just not that easy to say ''well we all do the same job''. Working on sundays however, is a different story, I've never once been paid overtime for working a sunday, a bank holiday sure, as it's a holiday, but sundays are another day of the week to me. Today has been quite tense, mum is still in shock and keeps getting upset everytime something sets her off.
Wesley Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Charlie said: I've never understood why people get paid more (or think they should get paid more) for working on Sunday's/unsociable hours/whatever. You're getting paid to do your job and if it's overtime you must've agreed to do it. As for getting paid extra on a Sunday or because you work late? If you work in a job where it's likely you'll be working late or on the weekends you would've known this when signing up - if you don't like it don't sign the contract! Sometimes you have to work late/weekends due to bad management though. Management should therefore compensate the workers I think.
Ellmeister Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Wesley said: Sometimes you have to work late/weekends due to bad management though. Management should therefore compensate the workers I think. I think that is different to what Charlie described. Work where you regularly do overtime/ work on Sundays (particularly in a retail styled job IMO) then overtime shouldn't be necessary. Whereas, bad management would require some sort of compensation. Work night shifts is also different, those really are unsociable hours.
Fierce_LiNk Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Jimbob said: Not liking this overtime sunday on single pay. A tiny bit insensitive considering some of the posts above yours. Sorry to hear about the stuff you're going through Wolfy and Serebii.
Charlie Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Ellmeister said: I think that is different to what Charlie described. Work where you regularly do overtime/ work on Sundays (particularly in a retail styled job IMO) then overtime shouldn't be necessary. Whereas, bad management would require some sort of compensation. Work night shifts is also different, those really are unsociable hours. Yeah that's exactly what I mean. If it's due to bad management then you should be remunerated for your troubles. I used to work every single Sunday and wouldn't expect to get paid anymore for it just because it's a Sunday. It was the job I chose to do; why should I get paid extra just because which day it is?
Wesley Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Ah right, yeah I agree with that as well. For a year and a half I worked every Sunday and... yeah, I knew that was going to happen. No extra pay was given apart from when you went over 40 hours, simple.
Fierce_LiNk Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Charlie said: Yeah that's exactly what I mean. If it's due to bad management then you should be remunerated for your troubles. I used to work every single Sunday and wouldn't expect to get paid anymore for it just because it's a Sunday. It was the job I chose to do; why should I get paid extra just because which day it is? Sunday can cause complications though, especially if you're travelling by public transport. I know my housemate has problems when she finishes her night-shift on the Sunday, because the buses only start a certain time and are less regular. So, if Sunday is to be treated like a regular working day, then wouldn't it also be better for public transport to run like a regular working day, shops to be open the same hours, etc?
Sheikah Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Charlie said: Yeah that's exactly what I mean. If it's due to bad management then you should be remunerated for your troubles. I used to work every single Sunday and wouldn't expect to get paid anymore for it just because it's a Sunday. It was the job I chose to do; why should I get paid extra just because which day it is? I used to work every Sunday at a bakery, I expected more money and I (rightly) got it. Time and a half ftw. Sunday is a day to relax and enjoy with friends and family, it makes absolute sense to expect to be paid more than if you worked some weekday.
Goafer Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Ugh. Everything hurts. My throat has swollen up and hurts to the point where I can only eat something if it's freezing cold.
Charlie Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Fierce_LiNk said: So, if Sunday is to be treated like a regular working day, then wouldn't it also be better for public transport to run like a regular working day, shops to be open the same hours, etc? I've been saying for years that public transport on a Sunday is a joke. The village I'm from has one bus an hour into town throughout the week. On a Sunday there are 2 buses the whole day. Sheikah said: I used to work every Sunday at a bakery, I expected more money and I (rightly) got it. Time and a half ftw. Sunday is a day to relax and enjoy with friends and family, it makes absolute sense to expect to be paid more than if you worked some weekday. But why should you expect more? Were you not told you were going to be working Sunday's when you signed up for the job? To me it doesn't make sense at all. If you don't want the job and want to be able to keep your Sunday's free don't do the job.
nightwolf Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Sorry, I missed a few messages there. Thanks a lot guys, my parents are both on alert about everything, it's difficult to say much as my mum keeps crying over things and I was told my dad had cry whilst out doing some scam stuff (motorbike club that does advanced testing.) It's so sad, my little doggie - maxi, is looking lost, she's perfectly fine luckily, apart from her also heart problem (she's had hers a lot longer.), I didn't expect my parents to be so taken by it, but then it happened within 3 hours and she's been around for 14 years. Sigh, such a shite weekend, I even cancelled on my friends because I'm that worried about my parents.
Happenstance Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Charlie said: I've been saying for years that public transport on a Sunday is a joke. The village I'm from has one bus an hour into town throughout the week. On a Sunday there are 2 buses the whole day. You're lucky. My village has one bus out at 7:25 and one bus back at 5pm Mon-Sat, nothing Sunday. If I want to go anywhere during the day I have to walk to the next village.
nightwolf Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Happenstance said: You're lucky. My village has one bus out at 7:25 and one bus back at 5pm Mon-Sat, nothing Sunday. If I want to go anywhere during the day I have to walk to the next village. Thats the reason my parents got me a car. No word of a joke, they were getting so annoyed with me waiting for buses so long to get anywhere. Well first it was a bike, but I sold that.
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