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He went to the vet with for a thyroid check-up, they found a lump in on stomach. They don't know what it is yet, but they've already said that they won't be able to operate due to his age (he's 16).

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Had to rescue that little fellow. I saw loads of flapping entering the window (I thought it was a massive moth or something at first as you naturally assume that it's bugs that fly in through the window) and that guy was just set at the far end of the window. Had to help him out. There was a bit of what may be blood, but he seemed fairly alert and flew off pretty well once he was coaxed to the open window.

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Hayfever is a fucking bitch.


Nearly passed out earlier, was stood outside Morrisons and my site went completely white, legs were jelly and lost feeling in my face. I had no idea where I was, was quite scary.


Yeah, acid comedowns are a bitch. :hmm:

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I tore a muscle in the bag of my left leg because some fool decided to Volley my leg instead of the ball at Football on Sunday.



It's very painful, the lack of mobility is also a massive inconvenience.

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I spent so long reading through this thread and catching up with the Mad Monkey situation and now I have nothing to say and it feels like a waste. But now it isn't because I've said something.


Also, humanity is annoying.

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It was my daughter's birthday yesterday. Just after I got home I went in the kids' room as Caleb was shouting for help to get down from the top bunk. There was a hamster in its cage on top of some shelves.


Esther has bought a hamster. I am more angry than I have ever been with Esther. We've joked about it, but I have always maintained that I didn't want one, and now there is one. It is a huge commitment - cleaning, feeding, looking after it for years. There is time and money involved. If Esther has all this spare time why is our house not clean and tidy? Esther has entered into this without a real discussion with me, and then asked the kids to keep it hidden from me.


I feel really betrayed (and I know that sounds overly dramatic). How would Esther react if I just got rid of some of her stuff I don't like? I've joked about it, and so has she, so is that enough to justify it? Obviously, no.


The above all sounds trivial, but it is symbolic of an ignoring of my views. Anyways, I get the feeling that I'm being uncool about this and acting like a douche, but it has really got under my skin.

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If it's bothering you that much, it seems best to have a decent talk about it with her (of course without it turning into an argument). If you feel your views are being ignored, tell her. And let her give her reasons for buying a hamster. Talking about it is the only thing that can solve anything.



As for the hamster itself, they're very low-maintenance so to speak. Giving food and water is easy (the kids could do it) and cleaning the cage won't take long and doesn't have to be done daily. Plus hamsters don't live long at all, about 2 years tops maybe.

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The fuck?... Hamsters should live 2/3 years.


You kidding me? We had a Russian Fighting Hamster that lasted about two weeks... It was basically a circle of fur with razor-sharp teeth and a volcanic temper.


It met it's end against a flint wall after it bit my father as he was trying to put fresh foo in the cage.


And Odders, let's be honest, Esther hid something from you. You're not being a douche, the fact that she actively chose to conceal something from you SHOULD be disturbing for you.


BUT: go in rationally, don't go in all "hell woman, whatchoo goin' done gettin' dem kids a ham-ster? Ain't I done said kids ain't havin' no ham-ster? You showin' me no respect here, woman!"


Because that, while awesome, wouldn't be conducive to reasoned and fair discussion.

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BUT: go in rationally, don't go in all "hell woman, whatchoo goin' done gettin' dem kids a ham-ster? Ain't I done said kids ain't havin' no ham-ster? You showin' me no respect here, woman!"


Because that, while awesome, wouldn't be conducive to reasoned and fair discussion.


But ... that's pretty much what I did as soon as I saw the hamster last night. I'll sort it all out tonight - tempers will have eased and the talk will flow easier.


We've had hamsters before and they're such a bind (and ours lived about 3 years). We go away for weekends, or on holiday quite a lot and it's an added layer of complexity that I've not wanted.

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You kidding me? We had a Russian Fighting Hamster that lasted about two weeks... It was basically a circle of fur with razor-sharp teeth and a volcanic temper.


It met it's end against a flint wall after it bit my father as he was trying to put fresh foo in the cage.


And Odders, let's be honest, Esther hid something from you. You're not being a douche, the fact that she actively chose to conceal something from you SHOULD be disturbing for you.


*Conjures up the image of Iun's dad feeding fools to a giant, man-eating hamster*


Out sub-company at work is hitting a really awkward point - we've just entered the stage where we need to charge VAT.


Which is really hitting into our profits (so now we're getting more money in, we're getting a much lower profit). To rectify this I need to work out profit margins of everything and work out what price to change everything to. I really hate the financial side of things - it's so confusing.


Still, the last time I bumped the price of a fabric up (for absolutely no reason) it seemed to have no affect on sales (if anything, they improved). Hopefully the same happens here.

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If it's bothering you that much, it seems best to have a decent talk about it with her (of course without it turning into an argument). If you feel your views are being ignored, tell her. And let her give her reasons for buying a hamster. Talking about it is the only thing that can solve anything.


Fuck that. The only thing that will get through to her is one-upmanship. Now you don't want to be a sissy and do a half arsed job, so I suggest buying a sports car. The best you can afford. If you have access to some of her money, use that to help fund it.


She will be livid. But she'll understand how she made you feel. Then apologize probably. Maybe even cry a bit over how silly she's been. She's yours for life at that point.



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I saw my interview rival down town earlier. Lul. I said "Alright man" or something, and was about to say "Good Luck" but I decided not to.....didn't want to get into some kind of awkward conversation.


FFS. Claire is such a fucking unbelievable chicken shit.


She gets paid somewhere in the region of £14,500 ish. She has worked there for 4 years. There was a job going there the other day that they put up - her job, just in a different department (if anything...less technical) and its started wage was £17,000. She is too scared/refuses to ask for a pay rise. She has an appraisal tomorrow, and as I have been doing so for two years, I told her to ask for a pay rise and to bring up that the same job was offered starting on 2.5K more than what she is on after four fucking years.


But she refuses to because "her old manager tried/couldn't" and that "If I get one, other people will need to get one and it won't happen". Told her to stop being so stupid, but she is mental. Any advice? I've tried all I can to persuade her. So fucking stupid. Just makes moving out a bit of a pipe dream if half the partnership is on such a disgustingly low wage.

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