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I don't see why it's such a big issue that you tell her. Let her know what happened and play it off as a minor thing if you have to. I don't really see what you achieve other than hiding something from her if you don't tell her.


In my more mature years, I've always tried to be as honest as possible. Partly because hiding things makes me nervous, partly because it's just the right thing to do. I've always tried to be honest and things usually work out fine in the end.


Plus if you're always honest, people will believe you if you ever have to lie. It's great!

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Plus if you're always honest, people will believe you if you ever have to lie. It's great!


People will always believe lies if they don't find out/know the truth. :p



You should tell her, Nintendohnut. It's all good now, so nothing to worry about.

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(I don't understand the "should I tell my girlfriend?" thing. My gal would've been the first perso I told!)


Trust me, last night all I wanted to do was tell her and for her to make me feel better about it, but not only would she have been worrying all day she would just be so incredibly disappointed in me. I know it was a stupid thing to do, and I regret it massively, but if she knew it happened she would just be so disappointed.


Thanks for the advice guys, I think I'll tell her in a little while. She doesn't have direct contact with anyone at work so I'll drop it into conversation in a few weeks time, perhaps failing to mention that I have been given a warning. (I may have failed to mention that I have been given a final warning about this, but I have).


Can I just say last night and today I really needed someone to talk to about this and you guys have all been just so awesome. I couldn't talk to anyone I know as I didn't/don't want them to know about this yet, but the support and advice from you guys was such a huge and epic help. I probably wouldn't have got through it without you all (I think I would have actually exploded if I didn't vent last night) so thanks to everyone who has commented. I've run out of thanks for today but all I can say is thank you to everyone who posted here, I am so grateful and so happy that I am part of such an awesome group :)


(and no I haven't been drinking, this is actually real, sober emotion ;) )

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A technically sound guide.


Granted the potential job loss may be something you can't hide as much forever, depending on how many you told in the "real world".


One thing which has really pissed me off is these t-shirts I've designed for us Pokémon TCG players to wear at Nationals. Here:



I've shown them the designs awhile back and I got very swift replies confirming approval. Now I finally upload them as proper t-shirts there seems to be lttle interest. I'm fucking annoyed that I asked them to give me some 'mon to draw for a t-shirt which I do then show which they approve then suddenly seem to buckle when money is involved. It wasn't exactly a secret that they were going to fork out money when I finished with the design for the shirts.


I'm not that bothered about the money (although a cut from RedBubble wouldn't go unappreciated), but the fact is if they don't wear the shirts they asked me to design it'll piss me the fuck off...


It took me fucking ages sorting out an image for a t-shirt. In some cases I had to upload it numerous times because of a slight Photoshop error. To top it off they won't bother buying it...

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Blerghhh, felt shit this morning. Had a splitting headache and my stomach felt a bit bleh. I took an aspirin or whatever for the headache. Was supposed to leave to school, but I suddenly decided I didn't think I could go.


Good decision, as I ended up being sick a few times (even though I hadn't eaten anything). Blehhh. D:


Feeling a tiny bit better now after a nap, but feel bad that I missed out on school. Have to cancel the chiropractor too I think. Even though my back really needs her hands right now. =(

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My PC parts probably won't arrive until next week.


Fucking annoying fuckers.


I paid for next day delivery, but then suddenly something was out of stock - even though I made sure everything was in stock - and now, while waiting for a piece, another piece is out of stock.



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My PC parts probably won't arrive until next week.


Fucking annoying fuckers.


I paid for next day delivery, but then suddenly something was out of stock - even though I made sure everything was in stock - and now, while waiting for a piece, another piece is out of stock.




Com[plain tyhaty dshit bro.

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Spent the whole morning fixing things on the website. Looking good now though! The thing is, these are all basic errors which the developer should've got right the first time himself and I paid him to do so a pain in the arse I'm doing them myself!


Also bloody Vista Print are taking ages to get our business cards sorted which we paid express delivery for!

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We have to be the one to put up with the ones carrying it and shitting infront of people! Right fellas? :heh:


Do you know what's worse than a woman all moody swingy during periods/pregnancy? Not being that woman.




Haha brilliant!


Well you shouldn't have stuck your p in the v should you! :shakehead

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