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I rang the agency and told her about my woes a second ago. Got to work for the rest of the day though. She is gonna try to speak to my manager now so when I go up at lunch hopefully she will have spoken to her....if not she is gonna grab her at 5pm ish. This could be awkward/not looking forward to this afternoon. Oh well. lets see what happens. I couldnt continue though....not like that. Im not taking my work home with me worrying and fretting.


Do you guys think I've been mental/a dick?


You've done what you needed to do, so don't worry about it. Hopefully the agency will pass on your concerns then you and your manager can sort it out.


If that doesn't work out at least all parties concerned know how you feel and you can move on from there.

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(I realised I didnt specifically say that I resigned but yeah I have basically. Like I said just gotta work today. Going to be difficult tbh)


I was the same in my previous job, I took steps to get proper training, ended up getting ''trained'' by a 16 year old, then re-asked about it, nothing was done, so I left.


You can only do/ask so much and if they don't want to cooperate then you don't work there, especially if it's causing so much distress.

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(I realised I didnt specifically say that I resigned but yeah I have basically. Like I said just gotta work today. Going to be difficult tbh)


You've resigned? dude :sad: well if you weren't happy (which you clearly were not) then thats the most important thing about the job. Is there a way to at least explain to them that you are/were unhappy and why for them to have as future reference?


My dad just informed me that my Grandad may die soon which is disheartening. :weep:

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ReZ, even with all the advice anyone could ever give you about what to do, what ultimately matters boils down to this: Were you happy? Some people can have a job they dislike, but still be happy because it's just a way for them to make money. But you're not that sort of guy. You need to enjoy what you're doing, otherwise it affects your overall happiness. And so I honestly do believe you made the right choice. Not the easiest, but the right. :)

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Very tiring day today. I've been heavy lifting since around 9:30AM. First we had some new racking arrive - this came in some large, heavy parts and we had to take up to the sixth floor of a mill. That took us until lunch, and this afternoon we had a container of fabric arrive.


So I'm extremely worn out.

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You've resigned? dude :sad: well if you weren't happy (which you clearly were not) then thats the most important thing about the job. Is there a way to at least explain to them that you are/were unhappy and why for them to have as future reference?


My dad just informed me that my Grandad may die soon which is disheartening. :weep:




You are better than that job Rez! now...aim higher and show that the decision you made was the best decision you made! :D


....HUH. :p


ReZ, even with all the advice anyone could ever give you about what to do, what ultimately matters boils down to this: Were you happy? Some people can have a job they dislike, but still be happy because it's just a way for them to make money. But you're not that sort of guy. You need to enjoy what you're doing, otherwise it affects your overall happiness. And so I honestly do believe you made the right choice. Not the easiest, but the right. :)


Ah Dannyboy, always make me feel better.


Thanks guys. Unfortunately my agency couldn't get a hold of my manager, so I'm going to go in tomorrow as my last day, and she is going to catch up with my manager just before I leave, so she may then assumably have a word with me. I'm just gonna be honest, (well no I'm not lol) but I'm going to say I don't like the processes, and felt I couldn't give as good-customer service as I would like, with their current system in place, that it was making stressed and unhappy. It'll be a difficult day for sure, but I guess I'll cope.


Luckily, and to my fucking joy when I spoke to the person at my agency after work she said she was going to help me find something else asap, which is something I was worried about - so that was a weight off my mind. I apologised to her and thanked her for her ongoing help because I know I'm a bit of a school boy bitch. Bloody cried down the phone to her at lunch. Ugh.

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I usually take a deep breath and remind myself that it doesn't matter what threads are called.


You are just as bitchy on the name a game thread so shut it :D


That was NOT what was angering me by the way, I don't think changing names on n-europe could anger anyone... It was still shit and not funny though


Edited by mcj metroid
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@mcj Metroid


Some practical+very useful techniques.

Get yourself some real good earphones and listen to the music you need. Different music calms people down so whatever you're down with :D


I always find I can get immersed in a good book very easily also.

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That's the stupid thing about the job market at the moment. I believe that the majority of people could easily be trained to do the majority of £sub-20k jobs. Companies just want to save those pennies!


Makes sense as to why a 17 year old is earning 6.50 and I'm earning 4.92 at 20.


God I was peeved, I'd move over to that company too but they are complete wankers. :p

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My boss has told me that I'm not going to get paid the 2000TL (£800) I'm contracted to receive for last month, but instead pay me 1500TL (£600). Apparently it's because I'm less experienced than my colleagues. As my contract is a UK one, I rang up the company's signatory, and he agreed my boss was being stupid. I'm told the legal term is "totally fucking ridiculous"...


It should all get sorted out, but it's already late and given that I've called the person who is effectively his superior in the company to sort this out, I doubt I'll be getting my contract renewed...



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Getting fired would be unfair dismissal. Not sure how it works with contracts not getting renewed though.


Well, surely when you're contract is up, the company can in theory do whatever they want, since they technically don't employ you anymore? I don't think they're under any obligation to do anything. That's just what I think though, it may not be the whole truth. I hope I'm massively wrong.


That doesn't sound like a good situation to be in, Fish. Is there any chance in you getting your contract renewed by his superior, maybe?

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