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Thanks for the condolences, still struggling to deal with it, can't believe it was only last week we were down the pub together. Funeral is set for next Friday, there's a load of us set on giving him a big send off, he deserves it, was a great guy.


From some one who's had the same experience, you, his family and friends have all my sympathies.


The day is only at it's beginnings but I still for the life of me cannot sleep. Read nearly half a book in an attempt to get nearly tired enough around 11, tried sleeping the past 2 hours and it's just not happening.


It's times like this I wish I was a brainless zombie, no stupid thoughts and musings to keep me awake.

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Like totally randomly? :hmm:


It was random, and it happened to be around some old peoples bungalows as well. I get random threats every so often, and the Police do nothing even after i give them a description.




Sorry to hear about that martinist. Thoughts are with you at this time.

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Mad Monkey; can I ask how it happened? I mean, was it his fault or someone elses? I've never lost a friend, just came close a few times. I couldn't imagine it.


Not his fault, got hit by a drunk driver, hope they throw the book at them, and cut off their knackers.


the stress is getting to me, had a bit of a relapse, looks like I'll be doing the funeral in my wheelchair.

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I played flip cup with my best friends bandmates, got so drunk that I ended up exposing myself infront of the lot of them and a couple of ladies, and no doubt spewed some insane bullshit. I now feel like I have PTSD, keep getting flashbacks while I'm doing random shit like walking in the middle of the street and keep having to stop and facepalm. It would be kind of amusing in retrospect if it wasn't so predictable.

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Nearly got beat up whilst taking the dog for a walk earlier, i hate living where i do.


Really? that's ridiculous.


I've been to Caldicot on a few occasions as alot of people I know from work live there, To be honest more often then not when i've gone there, there has been trouble.


Even at the social club thing. I don't know if its your rugby club / football club or just general social club house, but yeah playing pool with some work friends on a night out, one girl we're with was being constantly hit on by some knob, she became annoyed and asked us to just say something.


As best we could, we just told this fella to give it a rest as she wasn't interested and then that was it, he's pushing one of our lot to the floor, his mates run over... just so unreal how it escalated.


But yeah on-topic. that sucks balls!

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I've got to fly down to London tomorrow for a course on Thursday and I really can't be arsed. Anything in particular to do in London that will kill a few hours? Don't have that much time for sightseeing.


Hit a museum. Science, Natural History, Imperial War Museum and the many, many art museums are all pretty excellent.

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I've got to fly down to London tomorrow for a course on Thursday and I really can't be arsed. Anything in particular to do in London that will kill a few hours? Don't have that much time for sightseeing.


The only correct answer is; go to a pub.


But prepared for 'London tax' on your pint.

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I've got to fly down to London tomorrow for a course on Thursday and I really can't be arsed. Anything in particular to do in London that will kill a few hours? Don't have that much time for sightseeing.


Go to the V&A. You can kill more than a few hours, and even if you find it boring or it's not your thing, it's worth it to even quickly walk through once.


Camden Market is always interesting too, you can wander around for a few hours.


I hope my suggestions aren't too touristy (since I was always in London as a tourist :p), but those are some of my favourite places...

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Urgh, 1 am and I can't sleep. Have an early morning at placement, having to catch my stupid train and bus, which seem to have a habit of running late. Today both of them were late! Such a pain.


Anyway I can't sleep even though I'm really tired. Think I'm kinda stressing out about placement, thinking of lessons I could give, trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything done that I need to get done... Urgh. Still wondering why I'm doing this to myself heh.


Should just pursue my dream of becoming an illustrator, yet here I am about to teach art to people who don't want to draw/paint. =P

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Should just pursue my dream of becoming an illustrator,


You really should. Your stuff is perfect for kids books. Literally perfect. Everyone here knows it.


Surely it's just a case of sending off examples of your work to the relevant places and saying "Look homeslice, I know this stuff is slick, you know this stuff is slick, hows about we put aside all the bullshit and just give me a job so we can start making a shit tonne of money?"

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