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In Bournemouth earlier Flink provided me with a much needed break from my family, and even bought me a drink! Shame it had to be brief, and sans Eenuh as she was at work, but it was gooooooooooooddd (as he would say).


My mother then said he was "a strapping young man" (or something like that). So he won't be going near her again. I'm onto him...

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My mother then said he was "a strapping young man" (or something like that). So he won't be going near her again. I'm onto him...

He didn't buy your mom a drink, so I don't know what you're so jealous about. Plus we don't know if Ine was really working. It sounds more like he wanted you all to himself to me.

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Well it was dudes with guitars and their voices. Unless you're being picky and because they were mic'd up that makes it ELECTRONIC. :yay:


Yeah i was being pointlessly picky, not sure why. Just some people describe any music that's a tiny bit quiet as 'acoustic' nowadays. Don't know why I care though....


Hope it was good anyway.

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In Bournemouth earlier Flink provided me with a much needed break from my family, and even bought me a drink! Shame it had to be brief, and sans Eenuh as she was at work, but it was gooooooooooooddd (as he would say).


My mother then said he was "a strapping young man" (or something like that). So he won't be going near her again. I'm onto him...


That cider was lovely, brooo. Glad you had a good time, I enjoyed it. Next time, we'll need to go to Aruba when its night-time, it's a totally different place. :awesome:


:laughing: at the last bit.


Yesterday turned out to be a good day. Meeting up with Ashley was lovely and then we had a fantastic meal for tea. A home cooked Prawn Masala with Fruit and Nut Rice. Fuck...dat rice. Contender for the best rice of all time. Up there with coconut rice, for me.

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One of my best mates from home lives in Salisbury, but somehow we haven't met up on many occasions down here in Bournemouth. Today, he came around and we chatted and just generally chilled out together. It was most excellent. :)


That was nice, plus the football season has started up agaaaain.

In addition to that, we celebrated with some pizza and a few naughty chocolates. :D (it's only one night)


Also also, my Spanish and Dutch are both coming along now. I'm suddenly remembering things and finding things a bit easier to remember. The light switch has finally turned on. :bouncy:

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Got a phone call earlier from my nan saying she got the flowers I ordered for her and thanked me and what not. What amused me though is she was trying to tell the delivery driver they must have got the wrong address because she doesn't get flowers. D'aww.

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Work promotion! I'm now Publishing Manager for our mobile division. Comes with a nice payrise and my bonus % is doubled from what it was before. Have been doing the job for over a year so it's nice to finally have the title to go with it.

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Still two weeks until I move to Plymouth but I'm already getting super excited. Doesn't help that I have plans tomorrow night and Saturday with different sets of friends and its my sisters birthday the weekend after so the times gonna fly by! Busy, busy!


Can't remember the last time I was so excited about something I couldn't sleep! :bouncy:

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Still two weeks until I move to Plymouth but I'm already getting super excited. Doesn't help that I have plans tomorrow night and Saturday with different sets of friends and its my sisters birthday the weekend after so the times gonna fly by! Busy, busy!


Can't remember the last time I was so excited about something I couldn't sleep! :bouncy:


That's such an awesome feeling. I thought I might have it before going to Singapore in January but I slept like a baby.

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Work promotion! I'm now Publishing Manager for our mobile division. Comes with a nice payrise and my bonus % is doubled from what it was before. Have been doing the job for over a year so it's nice to finally have the title to go with it.


Congrats dude!


At the rate you seem to be moving through/up the company you'll be sitting in the CEO chair in Tokyo by 2020 :heh:



Spent Wednesday making a quick animation based on one of @Eenuh's drawings. Needs amending as its slow and need to figure out a way of making the chest move convincingly (it currently doesn't move' date=' in case anyone tries to see it), but it was good to have a quick one-day task to work on. At the moment I'm kind of wallowing in wallowness, so this helped.




As I said, it needs amending. Think I'll try and tweak it over the weekend.


And this morning I've (followed a tutorial and) made a quick game: http://www.ashleytwo.com/Builds.html


Productivity woo!


Now to go meet some former colleagues for lunch then back this afternoon to learn some more JavaScript.

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Spent Wednesday making a quick animation based on one of @Eenuh's drawings. Needs amending as its slow and need to figure out a way of making the chest move convincingly (it currently doesn't move, in case anyone tries to see it), but it was good to have a quick one-day task to work on. At the moment I'm kind of wallowing in wallowness, so this helped.



Looking good Ashley! The snow effect looks nice, and it must have taken a while to get the eyes etc. to change shape. I do agree with speeding everything up a bit, will make it look better. =)


I have no idea how you would make the chest move though, I never worked much with After Effects (that is what you are using, right?). I should probably get into animation again... and illustration. =P






An animation based on Eenuh's drawings. I love it.

Funnily enough that drawing is actually a screenshot from an animation I made about 7-8 years ago (god now I feel old...). =D


It's a bit shit, but it was the only good thing I made during my animation course before I dropped out haha.

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I got the nicest ever customer compliment! It got sent to Head Office who sent it to every single store in the UK. Slightly embarrassing but so cool, this is what it said:


My name is Jane Bolton and on behalf of my family, I would like to write a complimentary comment for one of your shoe salesmen that goes by the name of Darren. He is one of the best people in retail my family and I have seen in years and he is always smiling and happy to help us with whatever we needed.


Usually my son is a little shy in public situations and he was scared of having his feet measured but when Darren served us, he made us feel welcome and at ease and told a story so Joshua wouldn't be scared (Josh loved it as did the rest of my family). I asked him where he heard the story and he told me that he just made it up from the top of his head so that Josh wouldn't be scared of the foot measuring machine. I thought this to be sweet as it showed that he really did care about us. He showed us the sizes available, helped us find shoes that fit Josh that was in our price range and he also sold us scuff cover (which will come in handy with Josh!). Darren really knew his stuff about feet and shoes.


I just wanted to say thank you so much to him and that I hope he keeps on smiling and carries on being the happy, bubbly person he is. I would definitely visit this store again and when I do, I hope that he will serve me! If there were more people like him working in more shops, the world would be a better place


Aww! I thought it was so nice! I remember the family as well, they gave me a Subway lunch (it was a Planes Kids' Pak because the kid wanted me to have one). I'm made up! :D


I also had the balls to ask for a girl's number but that's for another thread! ;)

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Darren really knew his stuff about feet and shoes.


That would make a great epitaph.


But seriously, congrats dude. It's nice when people are actually complimentary. People far too often shout to head office when they're upset, but seldom do the opposite so it's nice when it happens.

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