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Just had a call from Three offering me an iPad 2, 16gb (3G and wi-fi) on 24 month contract for £25 a month.


I'm tempted but unsure. Anyone recommends?


I can simplify it into one simple question:


Do you want to buy very outdated technology for £600?

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Google the phone number. Quite often companies claiming to be phone companies call people, but its not actually them (apparently. Happened to me a while ago with Orange).


Also, 25*24 = £600. You can get an iPad 2 for around half that.

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I can simplify it into one simple question:


Do you want to buy very outdated technology for £600?

Is it that bad/outdated? I've not really kept track of Apple's tech :hmm:

Google the phone number. Quite often companies claiming to be phone companies call people, but its not actually them (apparently. Happened to me a while ago with Orange).


Also, 25*24 = £600. You can get an iPad 2 for around half that.

True, but I would get the tablet for free. So I'd be paying approx £300 for internet/whatever for 2 years.


I did Google the phone number whilst I was talking to them, seems legit even when I phoned back. But I recorded the end of the "transaction" just in case. It couldn't be verified because I haven't got enough money in my account. I asked them to ring me back Friday when I get paid.


Until then I thought I'd get my research on.

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Got myself my first ever job interview next week. I was moderately shitting myself, until i got the email form the recruitment company saying it will be with the MD of the damned company.


Now i'm bum-destroyingly shitting myself.



But i suppose it is good stuff, so it goes in here.

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Is it that bad/outdated? I've not really kept track of Apple's tech :hmm:


True, but I would get the tablet for free. So I'd be paying approx £300 for internet/whatever for 2 years.


I did Google the phone number whilst I was talking to them, seems legit even when I phoned back. But I recorded the end of the "transaction" just in case. It couldn't be verified because I haven't got enough money in my account. I asked them to ring me back Friday when I get paid.


Until then I thought I'd get my research on.


Don't do it. The iPad 2 is old enough already and it will be so slow by the end of 2 years.


Got myself my first ever job interview next week. I was moderately shitting myself, until i got the email form the recruitment company saying it will be with the MD of the damned company.


Now i'm bum-destroyingly shitting myself.



But i suppose it is good stuff, so it goes in here.


Is it a small company? Being with the MD is probably a good thing, it means that you can see how the company works. It means you know the MD takes an interest in new employees. Do some practice beforehand with friends/family.

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Just had a call from Three offering me an iPad 2, 16gb (3G and wi-fi) on 24 month contract for £25 a month.


I'm tempted but unsure. Anyone recommends?



Not only should you absolutely not buy a 2 year old tablet but the last thing anyone should do is buy into any deal anybody calls you up with. Especially when it's an expensive 24 month contract. No no no tell them to stuff it and stop ringing you.

True, but I would get the tablet for free.

No, you will be locked into a contract where you have to gradually overpay for it for the next 2 years.

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Got myself my first ever job interview next week. I was moderately shitting myself, until i got the email form the recruitment company saying it will be with the MD of the damned company.


Now i'm bum-destroyingly shitting myself.



But i suppose it is good stuff, so it goes in here.

Do research of the company beforehand! Will help immensely if they ask questions.

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One thing that people often forget to do is research themselves. It's easy to think you know all about your own life, but can you really explain your degree or your personality in a way that expresses your skills?


Set yourself some questions (e.g. demonstrate a time when you worked as a team; led a team; overcame a problem; had to...? etc.) and answer them with as many examples as possible .You probably won't use them all in the interview, but it's best to have a few different ones ready; that way you'll be prepared for many variations of the question, and you won't be forced to use the same example for multiple responses.

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Not only should you absolutely not buy a 2 year old tablet but the last thing anyone should do is buy into any deal anybody calls you up with. Especially when it's an expensive 24 month contract. No no no tell them to stuff it and stop ringing you.


No, you will be locked into a contract where you have to gradually overpay for it for the next 2 years.

24 month contract is the worst thing you can hear. But having had lots of telesales experience I can confirm that we're not all cunts, and we would appreciate if you listen to the pitch and be reasonable rather than swear at us or hang up. Just hanging up means we have to call you again, and swearing just makes you sound like you're an idiot who doesn't know anything.


Currently doing PPI calls, where essentially we're offering a free check on finances to see if you were ever missold PPI. The number of people who have had a credit card, loan, or mortgage before 2009 who don't want anything to do with us simply because we're a telephone-based business is huge, despite the actual facts. I mean, I've been on the phone to someone who has had over 20 credit cards, several loands and three mortgages and just says that they can't be bothered to let us do a FREE check... We may take a stake of the money earnt back, but the fact is if we find PPI on your claim then you could be due thousands. On monday we got an offer through for £50,000. For one person. They would never have gotten that money if they had not let us run a FREE check... we take a chunk but the fact is if we hadn't investigated then there would never have been a cake to take a slice from in the first place, y;know?



But this is the GOOD stuff thread so I'll spoiler tag all that.


Been working from 9am 'til 7 or 8pm each day for a week now. Good days and bad. Generally it's good because I've got lots of people in different departments aware of who I am and my work ethic. If I can keep this up for two months (megaslog) then I have a chance at a decent job in one department. The company as a whole is one of the best places I've worked, but the 11 hour days are difficult. I still get home with the self-directed smug nod of satisfaction for having worked my arse off. At the end of the month I'm hoping to pull in a (paltry, considering the hours and effort) £1400. A few months of this and I'll be completely debt free and able to start SAVING MONEY. Something completely alien to me.


So yeah. I get about two hours of free time a day when I get home... It's hard. Realy hard. Ok I'm totally rambling. Sorry.


Sorry again.

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I think its not the fact its a free check, but rather knowing you'll (plural 'you') then take 30% (or more?) off whatever you get that may switch some people off.


Although speaking of, I told them details, they sent me paperwork and I decided I'd go it myself. Although I doubt I am actually entitled to anything as the only 'claimable' thing was my CPDL.

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Mate I'm sorry, I know it's your job and there are human beings on the other line, but I was harassed with PPI calls a minimum of once every single day for weeks and weeks a while back, then it settled down to once every other day, it took several months before they stopped calling. I asked nicely for people to stop calling at first. I heard their pitch several times, then asked nicely. Only then would I occasionally be fed up enough to swear and hang up. Why would I be an idiot for this if I already knew what they were going to say because it was literally the 40th time they had called? I recognised the number and would click it straight off some days, and some days I would answer to practically beg them to stop calling. I am on the TPS list and I told them this. I told them that they were wrong, I had never had PPI because I had never even taken out a loan and my credit card PPI is about £1/mo and it's something I want.


I considered changing my phone number just to stop PPI sales calls. I still get the texts once a week about my £2xxx in PPI claims that is waiting for me.


So yeah maybe you're one of the good guys, maybe your company is honest and finds people real money, but you're in the minority.


But when it comes to iPads and phone contracts etc, it's nothing to do with the fact that it's telesales, it's only that it won't be a good deal compared to what you can find on your own. Also in my defense I didn't suggest swearing or hanging up.

Edited by Shorty
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Mate I'm sorry, I know it's your job and there are human beings on the other line, but I was harassed with PPI calls a minimum of once every single day for weeks and weeks a while back, then it settled down to once every other day, it took several months before they stopped calling.


I experienced a similar situation a couple of years ago. Literally every day, at least once, to the point I'd never answer the phone but wait for it to stop ringing and then check messages. One day I happened to pick up and was able to recite the entire pitch to them before they could.


I just want to state that I appreciate that everyone who has to do these things is doing it to make rent and I neither judge or envy anybody involved. In my view we're all human beings stuck in service to some horrible system. However if I do just hang up assume I'm masturbating.

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My boss has also asked me if there's some new work I'd like to take part in which would make my life a lot more calmer whilst feeling a bit less like a peon, so I've accepted. Joys! :D


After the last week of working on another game, this is finally coming through.


Pleased face! :blush:

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Next week should be pretty fucking incredible. Could be the best week of the whole year.



- Test Driving 2 new cars. I'm looking to buy one.

- Squash

- Sitting in the garden and chilling/tanning



- Squash

- Xenoblade Sunday (I've dubbed it this)

- Potential haircut

- Chilling in garden



- Nintendo Direct

- Chinese take-away to commemorate that day, tradition



- Dexter Season 7 should have arrived



- Animal Crossing for Eeeenuhhh




Having friends over. We're going to eat before watching the film

Potential squash.

Garden sunshine fun.



Les Revenants/The Returned starts on Channel 4

Potential Squash and Sun


My school reports will hopefully have been handed in by this week, too. So, it's pretty much coasting from here.




Then, end of the month...Glastonbury!! :o

Potential Thorpe Park visit after that.

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That's sounds awesome :)


I can only look forward to a weekend of playing video games on my new and shiny 3DS XL.


And an evening full of FIFA 13 on Friday.


And probably going out Saturday night to party hard.


Not so bad, after all.



Oh and at work tomorrow I will probably be able to play PSVita nonstop, because it looks like there will be nothing else to do :D

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I think its not the fact its a free check, but rather knowing you'll (plural 'you') then take 30% (or more?) off whatever you get that may switch some people off.


Although speaking of, I told them details, they sent me paperwork and I decided I'd go it myself. Although I doubt I am actually entitled to anything as the only 'claimable' thing was my CPDL.

Yeah not everyone likes hearing that it's 25% (plus VAT, so yeah, 30%!) of the money you are rewarded goes to us. But we fight for the 8% interest you would've accrued if you had the money in a savings account instead, and also use magic lingo to get compensation - people have missed payments, gone into arrears or whatever and potentially if they had never paid PPI they could've avoided whatever pitfall it was. That compensation usually outweighs the 30% cut we take, and it's not something easily attained without the use of a company that knows precisely what lingo to use.



There is also a lot of work, and that can put people off if they do it themselves. The banks make it as long-winded as possible. Many banks are contacting customers themselves to fill in a questionnaire that is worded in such a way that the bank can say "we did not mis-sell you PPI" even if they did. Also if people deal direct with their banks they risk not receiving the full amount due to them. We do a Subject Access Request and receive a massive bundle of paperwork (reams. Seriously.) that accounts for full financial records for the customer. We then go through every page. The bank has several firewalls in place before they allow the SAR to process, and the bank can say "we have never put PPI on this account" and be wrong.


If you're doing the claim yourself you may stop as soon as you hear "no PPI" and bam. The bank gets to keep the money.


30% sounds a lot, but getting back 70% of your money plus 8% interest plus compensation... well that's better than getting nothing.





Mate I'm sorry, I know it's your job and there are human beings on the other line, but I was harassed with PPI calls a minimum of once every single day for weeks and weeks a while back, then it settled down to once every other day, it took several months before they stopped calling. I asked nicely for people to stop calling at first. I heard their pitch several times, then asked nicely. Only then would I occasionally be fed up enough to swear and hang up. Why would I be an idiot for this if I already knew what they were going to say because it was literally the 40th time they had called? I recognised the number and would click it straight off some days, and some days I would answer to practically beg them to stop calling. I am on the TPS list and I told them this. I told them that they were wrong, I had never had PPI because I had never even taken out a loan and my credit card PPI is about £1/mo and it's something I want.


I considered changing my phone number just to stop PPI sales calls. I still get the texts once a week about my £2xxx in PPI claims that is waiting for me.


So yeah maybe you're one of the good guys, maybe your company is honest and finds people real money, but you're in the minority.


But when it comes to iPads and phone contracts etc, it's nothing to do with the fact that it's telesales, it's only that it won't be a good deal compared to what you can find on your own. Also in my defense I didn't suggest swearing or hanging up.


The TPS route is the best. Companies have to update their records once a month. If they call you even once after you've told them you have TPS then you can make a complaint - write down date/time/number of the call and when you get a phone bill you highlight the calls.... yeah it's the best route but the most annoying, and I don't even know how the TPS complaints process works so I don't know if you basically sue the company, or what.


We get in proper trouble if we a) don't remove a TPS person, or b) don't stop calling a person when they have explicitly said they don't qualify, or c) don't make accurate notes to show how previous calls have gone.


If your hassling dropped to once every other day then it sounds like yeah you had multiple companies contacting you, and one of them took you off their list.


I think the combination of PPI companies makes it all seem bad. They're all doggedly chasing the same herd of people. It's a target-driven environment and it's not the nicest way to do business. Automated texts and telephone calls. I don't think there's any way to convince a lot of people that PPI is a legit wrong-doing, that many are really owed money. Unless it was a government thing.


I'm certain the majority of PPI calls are awful and insulting and harrassing. Completely. I do my best to not piss people off, but as much as you may be harassed 4 times a day by PPI calls, I still think it's worse to have people just screaming obsceneties at you over a dozen times a day, and still have to be as cordial as possible. In most other jobs if you spoken to like that by a member of the public you have some form of right to complain/accuse the person of verbally abusing you.




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