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I'm not the only one :') if only there was a course that taught everything...


Try sneak into large lectures of subjects you have interest in. It works!


They actually encourage that at my university. :) But I feel I'm more than occupied with what I have at the moment, so it will have to be afterwards. Maybe I'll end up never leaving academia. :heh: Or I can try to get my hands on learning materials and just read up on it in my spare time.

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The Boy Least Likely To, one of my favourite bands, is doing some pledge-based stuff with their new album. I really want them to write a song about me but can't justify the £250 cost :(


But instead I'm going to go for the gig/pub quiz/Q&A thing.


Tweeted them asking if they know when this will be as every time they've done a gig I've been away and they said probably February, so I said my birthday is on the 7th and they said they'd consider it ^_^ Doubt it actually would happen, but its nice anyway.

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Driving along the M80 in the overtaking lane this afternoon going around 70mph and a BMW appears in my rear view mirror, no more than 2 metres away from me.


After he started flashing and waving at me to get out the way, I did what any sensible driver would do and slowed down to match the speed of the car adjacent to me.


After a mile or so I finally relent and let him through, only to spot him further down the road being spoken to by the police.

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I spent today preparing the food for a 15 year old girl's birthday party. I bought a bunch of stuff but took the time to make a few things with puff pastry. I was impressed with myself because I made a practice version of everything to ensure I'd not screw it up, and I finished cleaning up literally as they walked in the door so it all appeared seamless.


The best thing about my life right now is the free time to cook new things. I have nobody teaching me so I'm certain I'm doing things wrong, but the end results are tasty so that's all that matters.

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Pretty successful trip to central. I bought a new issue of the Adventure Time comic, saw Roy Cropper and high-fived a panda.


Is this what Coolness' life is like?


Aaaaaand just finished and submitted a job application that I've been slaving over for weeks. The application itself was fine, but creating a portfolio in the process has been killer. My portfolio site still has some niggles (mostly due to compatability) but I don't think I'm going to be able to squash those so I may as well give up.

Edited by Ashley
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Pretty successful trip to central. I bought a new issue of the Adventure Time comic, saw Roy Cropper and high-fived a panda.


Is this what Coolness' life is like?


Yes, yes it is. :grin: My life is ART. :heh:


The comic is great.


I saw those Adventure Time plushies/Merch in Forbidden Planet to the other day btw as they were putting them out. I was so tempted to get Jake the Dog.




Actually most of it was spent at work and I still need to tell them I'm leaving at the end of September, not sure how to bring it up. :p

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Driving along the M80 in the overtaking lane this afternoon going around 70mph and a BMW appears in my rear view mirror, no more than 2 metres away from me.


After he started flashing and waving at me to get out the way, I did what any sensible driver would do and slowed down to match the speed of the car adjacent to me.


After a mile or so I finally relent and let him through, only to spot him further down the road being spoken to by the police.


Somewhat related;


One of the main things I learnt at my speed awareness course has made me a faster driver (generally speaking I stick to the speed limit, got caught in a 30 that had been changed very recently from 40 and didn't see the signs/stupid) anyway, but you can go 10% above the speed limit and won't get done.

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Somewhat related;


One of the main things I learnt at my speed awareness course has made me a faster driver (generally speaking I stick to the speed limit, got caught in a 30 that had been changed very recently from 40 and didn't see the signs/stupid) anyway, but you can go 10% above the speed limit and won't get done.


I really don't think this is the case. Reason: The father of a work-mate was caught doing 32 in a 30.


But then, you have to also take into account what speed he was actually doing, seeing as how the speedometer may have read 35 or something, due to the markup. So, who knows. On the letter, it just says he was doing 32 and was given his points.


Must have been a slow day for the traffic cops.

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@ReZourceman @Fierce_LiNk @MoogleViper @nightwolf


On the topic of speeding...


Legally doing 31MPH in a 30MPH you are breaking the law and speeding.


However, ACPO (assosication of chief police officers) guidelines state that prosacutions should only take place on 10% + 2, so in a 30MPH it would be 35MPH and above. Note they are only guidelines and technically if police wanted to stick to law, they can do. Most do follow ACPO guidelines though. Which is where ppl get the 10% story from.


A lot of forces now take part in the speed awareness course like Rez did, where if your speed falls within a certain zone you can get offered that instead of ticket and points, then there is a zone for a straight ticket and points and anything extreme would be summenced to court to let a magestrate decide.


Just thought I would throw my knowledge out there! :)

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