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Nothing really "good" as such, but more of a fuuuck yeah for me.


I was working out at home, listening to The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Rises soundtrack on spotify. Quite good "atmospheric" music, good for working out, for some reason.


I shower, la la la, do my stuff. Then, come out of the shower, and the last song from Rises is playing - RISE.


I walk in on those last few minutes, the uplifting part, just before it kicks in with the finale. Just felt like a fuck yeah moment.

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My application for a new apartment was accepted! Nicely located right in town, way cheaper than most I've seen and just been renovated so everything inside is really nice. Was getting a little worried as I have no credit rating whatsoever over here, but I guess my references checked out and it's all good.


It will be my first time living on my own ever, I can't wait to move in.

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I'm not sure what that means but... I signed the lease today' date=' yay! Can start moving stuff there straight away which is good, should be fully in by Monday :grin:[/quote']


Nice, sounds like it's in a prime location indeed. Well done on that.

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I don't think Will has waited to do that kind of stuff.


Got The Muppets, Iron Sky and Boom Street in the post today. And @nightwolf has said she'll buy Adventure Time S1 for me and post it when she gets back (saving me money!) Genuinely the best thing that's happened to me today.


Considering re-evaluating my life choices.

Edited by Ashley
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Cut my arm at work and had to go to A&E to get two stitches... it didn't hurt and I got home 2 hours earlier than scheduled :p

Too bad you didn't land on your face.


Because chicks dig scars and I assume face scars are the most attractive kind, I mean.



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There is (was in 2005) a Best Buys in Chelsea. I assumed you were in Manhattan anyway?


Realised earlier I get paid on Friday, not Monday like I thought (forgot it was a bank holiday). Woo, pay!


I certainly do, there's like 6? Best buys around, so the hunt is on.

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Today was an insignificant day in the grand scheme of things, I spent all day in my Pyjama's and watched films.


A day that most others would forget but there are elements of this day that will remain with me either knowingly or unknowingly. It was the subtlety and the nuances of everyone around me being at peace, everyone was enjoying the fact that they were alive and grateful for their existence or at least that's the atmosphere I was receiving.



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I'm leaving for Dallas to see my cute boyfriend tomorrow morning!!!! :hehe::hehe::hehe::heart: Bye for 9 days!!


Have a safe trip. And don't get shot in the face, I hear them Texans can be a bit trigger-happy with your sort of pesky foreigners who keep on invading their lands and stealing their jobs! Dagnabbit!

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Had a lovely evening with some friends last night. They came around and we played some Mario Kart Wii, Double Dash, Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.


Mortal Kombat was hilarious, as it's been a long time since I played it so forgot everything, whilst one of my friends was spamming...and pretty much won every game. We all had tears in our eyes at one point, it was too funny.


Mario Kart Wii is dreadful, though. :shakehead Double Dash is far superior, especially the handling/weight of the vehicles. Also, the tracks are just better.


My friend also offered to sell me his 360 for 30 quid, which is quite an insane deal. I weighed up the pros and cons. The more I think of it, the more I realise that there's not really anything that I want to play on the 360, or desperately want to. Can't justify spending more money on a console when I've got too much of a backlog.


We're going to watch the fireworks tonight down by the pier. I hope it doesn't piss down with rain.

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Had a crappy day and week so I text a friend at lunch to see if she was three and we did a mini bar-crawl around Brick Lane (a restaurant and three bars). Was great to see someone, just what I needed this evening :)

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