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@Coolness Bears post relates to some good stuff for me tonight.


Mortgage advisor's meeting tonight...


getting the wheels in motion for operation sell current house and buy new house.


it's not a catchy operation name, but sums up the plan well enough.


Heh going through similar at the moment. Phoned someone earlier to arrange a viewing and he was all "oh you should sort out the finances first" and as I said it would be going under my housemate's name (which is true) and she's busy at work he should call her. New plan though, just going to give him her mother's number and she'll say "I'm paying for it all". It's a fucking viewing!

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Heh going through similar at the moment. Phoned someone earlier to arrange a viewing and he was all "oh you should sort out the finances first" and as I said it would be going under my housemate's name (which is true) and she's busy at work he should call her. New plan though, just going to give him her mother's number and she'll say "I'm paying for it all". It's a fucking viewing!



Well this is the first time I've gone to sell a property. Wow, didn't realize the costs involved in just selling a property.


We ran through the costs at 'worst case scenarios' and selling alone will cost us £3500,


And I swear the price for buying a property has gone up loads too. Just legal fee's, stamp duty, valuing the house etc is going to cost again at worst case scenario £5000.


I've got £10k saved up which my partner and I agreed we wouldn't put on the deposit and save for legal fee's and with what ever is left over use for home improvements on the new place..


Have to admit I was expecting more than £2k leftover for home improvements, but never mind. At least we don't need to dip into our deposit for the fee's.


Yesterday was all very estimated as we've not had our place valued yet, but the figures we got back would result in us having a £40k Deposit available. We're looking at properties around the £200k range, so hoping that we can borrow £160k, steep ask, but we're pretty good financially, have good credit scores, not got any debts / credit cards etc...


Won't find out till next tuesday now though, fingers crossed.

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The joys of all that!


Well, I'm moving into a different place it seems, closer to work, cheaper, less people (just one guy I've worked with at spotify and jagex.) So hopefully things will improve.




I also got ads service for my youtube videos, so I can make money, woo!

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getting the wheels in motion for operation sell current house and buy new house.


it's not a catchy operation name, but sums up the plan well enough.



Enrolled for a French course today, I intend to do the same for a German course and English course next week. Pretty costly, but I’m looking forward to it. Oh and goddamn, the teacher who.. assessed my “French oral skills†(there’s really no reason to put that in quotation marks) was damn hot. And than the French accent to top it off.. Yeah, definitely looking forward to it.

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"Sir, If I was in charge of this country you would be free to inject heroin into your eyeball and I wouldn't give a damn. But I'm not the one in charge. One day, maybe, but that day's not today."


Actual thing I said to a customer today while handing him his change, after he started getting uppity about having to show ID for a lighter. He gave me an odd look and left without saying anything else. I won't lie: I feel quite pleased with myself.


And the difference in pay.... 2 thousand pounds a year. Ho boy me gonna buy me some bling with that... or smth :3


New to MTV: Pimp My Kitteh!

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Really looking forward to going back to university next week. I've not left the house for days & 'm growing restless. Several trips to LOL places've been planned already with my cracker friend. It's OK. I enjoy the buzz of it. Plus, our lonely building will now host to many new faces in Semester 2.


It's really strange to imagine going back and not seeing the same faces (apart from the Irish faces, who're remaining of course) in our Uni accommodation. [i forget that N-E doesn't know everything and I really should explain] -- most of the foreign students of last semester in college have returned home to finish their college degree/


I'm looking forward to meeting the new people, however. Not sure how much of an effort I'll put in. We'll all bond over some cheap wine, I'm sure. Some night.


ANYWAY. I feel like one of those venders on a street corner shouting at people so I'll stop. It's much too late. I need to become more real. More concise..but that'd be predictable, wouldn't it.


[/skips away and plays Zelda on mute for another 10 hours opting to listen to Alannis Morisette.]

Wut? No. Zelda music is formidable.

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The management are in the process of contacting the members of staff whom have since left (affected by the payrise I mentioned) so I'm assuming they are in the process of getting the money together...hmm I'm really dreading just seeing how much tax imma have to pay when it comes in :(


They bloody better be paying me first, i'm the most senior person damn them :p


and im in a terrible terrible mood so it would really help things a lot if they got it sorted for next payday....dare I hope? (27th...unlikely lol)

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2012 shaping up to be another great year for me... even only 13 days into the year.


* Disney Land Paris on 3rd to 7th February


* Nathan Cleverly Boxing: Defending his WBC belt in Cardiff on February 25th


* KoRn gig on 3rd April


* Download Festival 7th to 11th June


* Lanzarote 16th to 23rd August


plus the selling house / buying new house is in full effect now.



wonder if I can top 2011 this year (will be very difficult)

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Great/Funny moment with out hosting company.


Our sites went down due to "billing" issues. I phoned up to renew our hosting plan.


According to them, the billing thing was a "mistake" as we've paid up until January 2013. The same thing also happened last year.


The thing is...we haven't paid. We've had our hosting for 2011 without paying, and the same will be happening for 2012. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened next year, too.


If they're stupid enough to not check the billing (I can check it through their system and can tell we haven't paid) properly and tell us that we have paid them, I think we deserve to get the hosting for free.

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I had one good thing vs about 20 this week, anyway


My new colleague showed me his technology :P He's an above knee amputee and has an INTELLIGENT LEG. Although its going a bit wonky at the moment and not moving like it should (its an artificial knee) and he uploaded the settings to it while we sat in work... I'm such a sucker for technology and was asking him lots of questions about it :3


Uploading settings to your knee, how awesome. And he has to charge his leg every night. I just love so much.. <3



(obviously like i said to him there's no real replacement for a KNEE, but how freakin' awesome, it makes his life an awful lot easier)

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Was hesitant to go out tonight but glad I did. Met friends from uni for food, drinks and karaoke. Didn't drink (cycling and gotta be up early) but had a good night just catching up with people :) Plus karaoke, in which I somehow ended up doing a fair few songs. Forget all of them but it included Power, I'm on a Boat, Jizz in my Pants, Runaway and ended the night with Black and Yellow.


Quote of the night: "Ashley we've talked about your racism before".

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I'm looking forward to meeting the new people, however. Not sure how much of an effort I'll put in. We'll all bond over some cheap wine, I'm sure. Some night.


This feels like it could be from a Catcher In The Rye/Bell Jar-esque novella.


opting to listen to Alannis Morisette.




Thank U

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