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The couple-friends that me and my girlfriend have been on caravan holidays with have recently moved in to a flat about 20 mins away (I helped lug the heavy shit up 6 flights of stairs!). Tonight I went over and had a cooked meal and played disney trivial pursuit and WON (with my mate, as his girlfriend thought he was rubbish and refused to go on his team).


Earlier today my mate came over and we played darksiders, pac-man CE and peggle.


Just generally having a nice time now my phone works again. Can't believe how lonely I was without it. Also bumped into my mate's ex-bf on the way home and he gave me his number for anytime I want "a cup of tea and a spliff" when I'm in his neck of the woods... probably won't take him up on that.


But yeah! Overall, despite money being shit, had a nice saturday! Tomorrow hopefully I get to see my girl as she's back from her hols. Maybe convince her to cut my hair, too :P For now I will try and find where I left off with House...

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The book I ordered for my cognitive neuroscience class finally arrived yesterday after 2 weeks or waiting (Was told it'd take 5 days at most. Well done there Waterstones). Just in time as well as I have to give an hour lecture on one of the chapters a week on monday so I've managed to start making my slides. Still quite a lot to do for it but its coming along nicely (and should be a damn sight better than the lecturer's slides).


Also finally managed to finish filling out my ethics application for my dissertation. Just need to email it to my supervisor to give the once over and then I can get is signed and handed in. What a relief. Shame that the entire experiment still lies ahead but there's plenty of time for it and it's relatively simple.

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So I've moved into a new place, which is awesome. I bought a new bed, which is super comfy and I've started seeing some girl, who just so happens to be lovely, stunning and likes gaming.


Then to top it all off, EDGE gives Skyward Sword a 10. Belting!

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Tomorrow I'm working 9-1 in one job then 3-12 in another and I'm really looking forward to it! Unfortunately MOTD2 was mega-important today so I may've had a couple of glasses of wine and may be a little hungover tomorrow BUUUT my gf is back from her holiday and I have a working phone so mmmmm texty text text!

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Absolutely amazing deal I just found 3 for pay as you go. Top up by 20 euros per month and everything is free except 29c for calling other networks on weekdays. So texts, unlimited data, three to three calls and calls to other networks on weekends are free... Switching in the morning :p


Aware I sound like a salesman but I am genuinely shocked by it. Puts Vodafone to shame.

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I woke up this morning, checked my phone and noticed I had received a reply from Jarret Stoll on Twitter. This would mean nothing to you pop culture junkies but Stoll is a forward for the Los Angeles Kings, who play in the NHL :)


Here's a video of Jarret doing his stuff to celebrate.



Edited by Jon
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Received a phone call from PwC today, I got the job!




Over the frickin' moon.


It starts in March so I have a few months to save up some money and hopefully go travelling.


But in the meantime, I'm going to celebrate by playing loads of video games and drinking large quantities of booze.

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Things are picking up at work. From November I will be getting a pay rise and will be classed as a manager (I'll basically be in charge when the boss isn't in). As well as other benefits like monthly bonuses and pension starting in January.


So, job is going really well. I'm now living in my own flat which, apart from internet, is going really well.


So all that's left is finding a girl.

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Today was one of the most boring, yet at the same one of the most awesome work days I've had so far. After coming into work at 6:30 we get told there was a break in at the petrol station, someone had properly raped the cigarette display, so we couldn't go in. My co-worker Ben and I were drafted into some replenishment but then I was asked to wait outside the petrol station for the police to arrive. About an hour later Ben shows up, having just walked out on the other work, so we spent the first 6 hours of our 9 hour shift doing pretty much bugger all. All we could do was tell customers that they couldn't come inside to pay. We looked like we were on strike.

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Sadly, that's not an option. Although I'm going to beg again.

Not the best choice of apartment then, if they won't allow you to keep a cat in it. :heh:


I can just imagine you finding a great girl who's perfect in every way and you fall madly in love with her...


And then you find out she's a dog person.

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Had a good weekend. Took it easy, did a lot of cycling, bought some stuff.


Tonight went out for a meal after work with my housemate, her mother and one of her employees. Was nice (Busaba!) and free, which is always a bonus. Then housemate got the tube home and I cycled and I beat her. VICTORY!

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Charlie Brown meets TF2? Strange idea. :heh:

Especially since anyone could tell you that it's not actually Team Fortress 2.


Except Kotaku, of course. I doubt they've ever watched Firefly.


I was going to say you should keep your eyes open for my brother and slaughter him painfully for me, but I suppose you probably wouldn't stand a chance if you ever ran into him. :heh:

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Yesterday was EPIC! :grin:


It started off normally with experimenting at 9 (2 of my participants decided not to show up!) BUT since it was my Birthday it got awesome. :D


Firstly I'm now the proud owner of a Bluray player which I could barely drag my eyes away from PLUS I now have Gears of War 3! on top of that my friend made me a birthday dinner of Octopus, onion rings (two different types), potato skins, wedges, vegetables, various sauces etc. which was delicious. My other friend joined in with this meal and we watched Scott Pilgrilm on Blu-ray. (another present I recieved. :))


MY DAY WAS RAD. :bouncy:

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