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I loved my first few days of college. And still love college. I knew no one, no one knew me. We were all in the same boat, I could start life anew. Went for class rep, everyone was really nice, got to know them all, got called the most popular guy in the class. Was really fun.


It's not like you don't know anyone in Dublin Gavin, there's people who can show you around.

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So i'm up in the Highland Club in Fort Augustus. Pretty nice place i guess, loads of tourists and stuff due to being reight on the bank of Loch Ness. My uncle's appartment is pretty nice though, right under the brothers wing of the old monestary there. Might have to get dragged up to Inverness tomorrow though, b00h.

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Yesterday was the day everyone's bitching came out at work. Who hates who, what the college does wrong etc. Always fun.


And it seems I am doing half of my line manager's job, who is a pay grade above me, and half of the IT guy's job (who is happy to do it but they won't let him, which is ridiculous as that's what he's there for) who is on a lot more than me. Will be asking for a pay raise in a few months then!


Also sorted out holiday (well, kind of, I got the form but it's been a crazy day). Apparently I'm going to Belgium to visit my friend, when in fact I'm chilling in the hot tub in Essex.


This sounds like HWYD(s) but its all good. Been an unusual but enjoyable first week.

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An applicated to get started in hospital radio seems to be going well, I thought not hearing much was a bad sign but my former boss says they got a phone call, and a letter asking about me (as I put him as a reference) so this seems very positive.



PLUS! I've finally started drinking the WhamKa in its entireity, since Schwepps Lemonade is the key.

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The newest episode of Futurama is absolutely awesome! Three short stories with different art styles; Fleischer, 8bit games and anime. Brilliant :D


The new futurama series on Sky1 has ended with 3 stories of special religious holidays. Is this a new season you're on about?


I saw a picture of 2 of the styles and it looked good.

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Yesterday was the day everyone's bitching came out at work. Who hates who, what the college does wrong etc. Always fun.


And it seems I am doing half of my line manager's job, who is a pay grade above me, and half of the IT guy's job (who is happy to do it but they won't let him, which is ridiculous as that's what he's there for) who is on a lot more than me. Will be asking for a pay raise in a few months then!

Fucking right chap. Refuse to do stuff which isn't your job if they decline, if they're not going to pay you to do a certain job, you shouldn't have to do the work for them.

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The new futurama series on Sky1 has ended with 3 stories of special religious holidays. Is this a new season you're on about?


I saw a picture of 2 of the styles and it looked good.


No, the religious holidays is half-way through the season. Of course, the UK often does seasons differently.

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Fucking right chap. Refuse to do stuff which isn't your job if they decline, if they're not going to pay you to do a certain job, you shouldn't have to do the work for them.


No. Do a job deserving of a higher wage for a while and do it awesomely then hit them with "not my description but you need me to do it now, its too late to go back. Moneys!"


Me and the IT guy (who reminds me of jayseven) have a plan.


It always weirds me out when people watch TV shows on television. :sad:


I'm watching Futurama later tonight. Hopefully it'll be good. You never know what to expect when Ashley likes something.


Umm pure awesomeness.


No, the religious holidays is half-way through the season. Of course, the UK often does seasons differently.


In fairness the season was split into two and show across about two years anyway. In fact Futurama has been going for 12 years which is crazy to think considering its just finished its sixth season.

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Today is Ine and I's/Me and Ine's 3 year anniversary.


A few days ago, I poked around the old image gallery thread and tracked it back to when Jordan broke the news that we were visiting Disneyland together.




Makes me laugh and also smile when I read the comments. Seems so long ago now, but then it doesn't feel that long, in a way.


We both look different now from those photos. I'm doing something stupid in the first one...pulling a weird face.

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No. Do a job deserving of a higher wage for a while and do it awesomely then hit them with "not my description but you need me to do it now, its too late to go back. Moneys!"

Pretty much adding on the bit I said, but it's a different plan.


Hope it goes well for j00 though anyway.

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I don't know, Ashley... Big Love and Cougar Town weren't/aren't that good. :p


Cougar Town isn't good, I'm aware. But its harmless fun and would be a nice easy way to live life (hanging out with friends drinking wine). Although I would say it got a lot better from the midpoint of season one. Still not a timeless comedy but I sure as hell want to play Penny Can.


And I will not accept bad mouthing about Big Love. It's the most fascinating character study I've ever seen. Every character was so fully formed and full of faults but still fascinating to watch. It is the one show that genuinely left me shellshocked on a number of occasions.

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Just gotten most of the hard work of moving house behind me :) TV is set up on its new stand (important priorities sorted!) and decided to give one room a "retro gaming" area :D set up an old telly with a c64, megadrive, PS2, N64, with NES and GC to be added when I can find them :3


Just want to say, 3 Mobile's 3G connection is amazing. I've been getting online using Nikki's HTC Desire S' wifi hotspot and getting broadband style speeds and almost consistent uptime, very impressive. Still really want my proper internet back though.

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