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On 21/08/2020 at 4:13 PM, bob said:

How did you manage to get the peas and sweetcorn both underneath and above the waffles? Such poor presentation@Cube .

I did a bit of analysis on the image, turns out those waffle things have holes in them.

garden peas and sweetcorn... disgraceful.

Still never tried a turkey twizzler, wouldn't mind giving it a go though.

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I did a bit of analysis on the image, turns out those waffle things have holes in them.
garden peas and sweetcorn... disgraceful.
Still never tried a turkey twizzler, wouldn't mind giving it a go though.
Are you trying to suggest that the peas and sweetcorn slipped through the waffle?

How exactly?

Brownian motion? Did@Cube jiggle the plate vigorously before serving? Was there some sort of pressure differential between the two sides of the waffle?

You're talking nonsense man. Nonsense.
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Went to a drive-in cinema this evening and it was great. Film choice was fairly limited, but Trolls: World Tour wasn't too bad.

Such a cool experience to be able to just drive up and sit in your car the whole time. No worrying about uncomfortable seats, annoying people looking at their phones or making noise or people getting up to go to the toilet. I was a bit concerned about the screen quality after seeing some photos on their Facebook page, but it was actually great (once it had gotten dark enough). The only downside was that after several hours sat in a car that wasn't running, the windows got a bit foggy, but it was a minor inconvenience.


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21 minutes ago, drahkon said:

It's 15 °C, gloomy, rainy and windy here. Feels like autumn already and I love it :D
Really hope summer doesn't have a huge comeback later in September. I want temperatures to drop.

That sounds glorious. I love it when it starts cooling off from summer but still quite light and the horrible stuff hasn’t started. I’m quite jealous. 

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Am drinking and trying to force myself into being more sociable like I used to be, even if it’s mostly online socializing. 

I don’t really have any good news per se, but didn’t want to post in the bad news thread. Um,  my sisters youngest just turned 10 recently. Becoming a real person of their own, always had a lot of personality but is now a vegetarian and has stuck with it for a few months (other than seafood being the exception. 

The middle child recently did an equestrian meet for the school team and took a number of first places. Also, has a love for legos that may one day rival @ReZourceman. I got a Mandalorian set for the youngest birthday and it sat unopened on the table....middle child went to their mother and stated:

“Seeing the LEGO set sitting there not built is hurting me”

I buy that child legos for every gift giving occasion. 


The oldest had a birthday a few months back. I bought a couple switch games for them, Okami HD (which they’ve played enjoyed but got stuck) and Darksiders 1 which they absolutely loved and played through in like a weekend. Kid has good taste. 

whelp fuck, that’s all I got. I’ll leave you fine folks to your evening/morning. It’s only like....3am uk?

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21 minutes ago, Cube said:

By this time next week, the credit card debt that I've had for around 11 years will finally be paid off.

As someone who works a lot with people who struggle with debt, and has had many conversations with people about their debts and everything that comes with that, I just want to recognise that it sounds like that was a massive undertaking.

It's not easy to clear debt even if you have the  disposable income and a plan to do it, and it's even harder to talk about a lot of the time too because of how debt is viewed, so it really can weigh people down. 

I can't imagine the ins and outs of what you've been through while dealing with it, because it impacts people so differently, but either way, this is big! Congrats Cube! :smile:

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32 minutes ago, Cube said:

By this time next week, the credit card debt that I've had for around 11 years will finally be paid off.

That’s awesome, congratulations!

As @Julius says, debt can be a real challenge to overcome and it’s a quite an undertaking when things take a number of years. Next thing is to keep up the healthy financial life and continue to have a good mindset on it all. It’s much nicer when the numbers start getting bigger in the other direction!

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30 minutes ago, Julius said:

As someone who works a lot with people who struggle with debt, and has had many conversations with people about their debts and everything that comes with that, I just want to recognise that it sounds like that was a massive undertaking.

It's not easy to clear debt even if you have the  disposable income and a plan to do it, and it's even harder to talk about a lot of the time too because of how debt is viewed, so it really can weigh people down. 

I can't imagine the ins and outs of what you've been through while dealing with it, because it impacts people so differently, but either way, this is big! Congrats Cube! :smile:


The main breakthrough I had was 18 months ago. Until that point, I was making monthly payments, but I was essentially just paying the interest. Someone made a suggestion which sounded absolutely ridiculous: get another credit card.

I (stupidly) had no idea that you could move the debt to another card. I also didn't expect that you can not only get a card where they charge you nothing for the transfer, but also have a long period of zero interest. So instead of the 10 and a half years where I was essentially paying fees and only a tiny amount was paying off the debt, now suddenly every penny was paying it off.

Unfortunately, the biggest issue with my credit score (the credit card debt isn't actually as big an impact as I'd expect, presumably because I've always at least paid minimum) is still there for another 3 or 4 years, and that one is even more annoying because I feel it shouldn't be there: a defaulted account. I moved into a place, thought I'd set everything up (including water bills). Welsh Water sent me letters every 3 months with a statement for those three months saying "this is not a bill, continue paying by your current method" or something like that. When I moved, it took them a few months to be contacted by a debt collection agency (I contacted Welsh Water to make sure) for the entire amount. Not once in the two years or living there (or after moving out) did they contact me to tell me that there was an issue. 


I have a finance adviser now in regards to eventually getting  a mortgage, and they deal with quite a few mortgage companies who look at things closer than a lot of the big ones that go "low score, ok pass".  He doesn't think the default will be an issue (especially as I finished paying it all back earlier this year).

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I'm being sent books to review before they are released. They're called ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) and you can have them for free if you write an honest review about them. You get a time limit to read them by and you have to finish it by the end and write a review of it. The time limit I have on this book is three months so it's not bad at all. 

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Paying off debt after 11 years is no mean feat, well done @Cube

In the last few years I have really struggled with being social with friends, I regularly hang out with a couple and a few friends a bit far away, but I've not made any active effort, I find myself a lot more closed off and wanting to just hide away at home.

This weekend I spent some serious time with my best friend and his partner, its been lovely. We're now making it a monthly thing with board games to get me out of the house and to enjoy some company. I felt like an older (nicer) part of myself for a bit. 

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I think I've mentioned before that I've been setting up my Passat for use as a makeshift camper. I went to a VW show over the weekend and used it for camping for the first time. It was surprisingly comfortable. Just enough room for me to stretch out, whilst also being able to keep all my stuff in the car with me. The curtain arrangement also worked like a charm and gave me plenty of privacy.

No photos of the inside, but here's the car at its camping location:


I think if I were to do it more regularly, I might get the rear windows tinted so that I don't have to bother setting up the curtains every time. They weren't that much hassle though, so I'm in no rush.

Some other photos from the VW show:











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On 05/09/2020 at 12:49 PM, Cube said:

By this time next week, the credit card debt that I've had for around 11 years will finally be paid off.

I see you're saving for a house so this may not be useful now, but one of the best things I ever did financially was when I paid off my student loans I started paying the same amount into a savings account each month. I didn't let myself get used to have that extra money each month, and after a few years it's now an appreciable amount.

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The D&D podcast that some friends and I have been working on for a while finally went live today. We've got 5 character intros coming each weekday this week, followed by Session 0 and Episode 1 next Monday (I think, possibly sooner).

I've loved playing/making the podcast and hopefully that comes across in the episodes. I think they're good, but I am biased.




Dice and Desire on Spotify

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40 minutes ago, Mr_Odwin said:

I see you're saving for a house so this may not be useful now, but one of the best things I ever did financially was when I paid off my student loans I started paying the same amount into a savings account each month. I didn't let myself get used to have that extra money each month, and after a few years it's now an appreciable amount.

For now, the ISA is basically that. I think once we do have a deposit, putting that money into a savings account does sound like a good idea.

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