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Today was a little bit of a rollercoaster. Well. I dunno. Anyway. A local hospice came in to give a little meeting, that was optional, so I went along. About 5 minutes in, they had been talking about what they do, how they help families, etc etc and (my mum died in a hospice) it bought up some painful memories, and I was thinking "Damn, this is kinda tough" and I felt my eyes welling up and I was like "Ruddy ell....I'ma have to bail", and a few seconds later, I had to just get up and walk out. I walked round the building to where I was "stationed" /where a couple of my mates were. Semi-ly unfortunately, this is where we are testing the new website. Its called "The Goldfish Bowl" because two of its sides are glass.


So I went in and had a tiny breakdown. Anyway, thats fine. Well its bad, but whatevs. The good news is, it then got better. So I have been doing a good job with testing this specific thing, and recently I have also been testing ANOTHER different website (we basically have other companies that want to offer share dealing through our platform), and also I did a good job on the mobile site....and also I've basically been working very hard recently, and I got an e-mail later that day saying that I got three nominations for the bottle award (monthly award with alcoholic prize, voted for by colleagues) and that it was really impressive considering I've been pretty much testing most of the time for a month, and also that I am doing a few other side projects and am writing and have suggested to deliver an internet problems training session for new people....


Anyway, so I am hopeful of progression of some description soon. But the manager of customer services gave me a meeting, a (YET ANOTHER) website thing is wanting to be launched asap, and I have been assigned to it (despite my mate having done it thus far) but I think they got me on because they know I'm better. Anyway, so I will be doing overtime (never happens in our department) to test that on live next week AND also I need to sign off the internet queries portion of an e-mail that is going out to 100,000 customers as well as delivering internal briefing about the new website.


Phew. Basically, considering the time I have been there and the amount I do/am specialist on, its really good. The only frustrating thing is, to go to the "next level" (pay grade) you would usually have to have learnt more "admin tasks". I only know one (one of/the second most complicated and involved) and there hasn't been enough resource to teach me more, but its basically holding me back now, despite me excelling everywhere else. And its out of my control. So I am going to have to put pressure on people now to give me the learning I deserve, or the pay I deserve.


Anyway. Basically work is going well, BUT show me the f'in money.

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Got a late birthday gift from a friend...it's a shaving brush! I've always toyed with the idea of getting one, now I have one. Am looking at youtube vids on how to use eet properly. Need to buy some cream/soap now.


You use it on your face. During the shaving process. :)

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Met for coffee with Very Sid Vicious (who may recall from the drunk episode I posted in the bad stuff thread). We've agreed to buddy up and try move somewhere half decent, even if we're just taking up two rooms in a share, since we're both trying to get out of broadly-unpleasant places. He's never moved out by himself and needs a dude to help with the nitty-gritty, and I'm a dude who's used to the nitty-gritty and would like to live with at least one other reliable person who doesn't have the sum personality of a turd. Needs a little time to put stuff together but stuff is indeed in motion.


Also he has a music hobby and currently spends some of his free time working on reggae/ska covers of Smashing Pumpkin songs, the fact of which alone makes the world a better place in my opinion.

Edited by gaggle64
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Had a great day in London with @Goron_3 at a fantastic Formula 1 Photography Exhibition!! :D


Got to spend a good amount of time chatting with the photographer himself about photography and the sport in general, really interesting and a nice guy; he had a lot of time for everyone. Also went to check out the Lotus store.


Rained a bit during the day though walking round London; reminded me of the N-E meet 2011. :p

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Got a late birthday gift from a friend...it's a shaving brush! I've always toyed with the idea of getting one, now I have one. Am looking at youtube vids on how to use eet properly. Need to buy some cream/soap now.


I got myself a shaving brush and soap at Christmas and am loving it so far. Makes me feel feel proper posh, yo. I haven't had any cuts for the last month as well which is a bonus.

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Carboot, charity shops, bought (male) mate a dress for £1, pub breakfast, pizza and beer lunch, go see brighton - hull football, drinks, mate turns up in dress, friends buy me shots and jagerbombs all night without me asking, lovely people, lovely times, lovely girl with lovely smile.... tax cheque arrives for £323 so I've survived! Woo!


BONUS CONTENT! My friend's facebook status;


The guy who does the cover designs for Adventure Time comics is designing me some Troll's Pantry T shirts, because he's obsessed by my burgers. True story. The latest comic cover is even going to feature a burger!



dA seems to be down for me right now so I haven't actually seen it yet


This is my mate (more of a friend of a friend, eh) who was a vegetarian for years, and now makes quality sourced hand-made meat-based produce. His van was voted amongst Brighton's top 10 restaurants by someoneorother, and it's not even a shop! It's a trailer thing!


P.S. http://nick-edwards.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/trolls-pantry-face-meltingly-good.html is another related post.

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Just been to the dentist. So, my mouthwash, Corsodyl had started to turn my teeth brown. It was getting gross. I feel amazing now after a scrubb/scrape/whatev/polish. I went in with a little bit of trepidation, like "have my teeth been stained by Corsodyl, or do I have awful brown teeth because of some horrendous disease?" Now they are back to lovely whitey normal.

I was recommended the daily version instead of the original I've been using.

So happy!

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@Shorty Fuck yea Small World - only played it like 4 times a couple of years ago but it's great fun! I'm being dense about which xbox game you're playing, though.


Today I spent £4.44 on my food for the next 4 days - noodles, ready meals, soup, spaghetti, cheese (reduced). Feel kinda pleased with myself, but it's a really shit diet. Got something like £8 to last me 'til friday as well, so of course that'll be a couple of litres of cider one night and maybe bus fare if I need to travel about.


(very exciting, eh)

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Nope but it's another "entry level" boardgame. No dice required! Looks complicated but is really simply, just requires you to think through a strategy with your given set-up (you have a race and a class, or something, which defines how many 'armies' you can place. Obviously there are lots of other variables/rules).

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Just been to the dentist. So, my mouthwash, Corsodyl had started to turn my teeth brown. It was getting gross. I feel amazing now after a scrubb/scrape/whatev/polish. I went in with a little bit of trepidation, like "have my teeth been stained by Corsodyl, or do I have awful brown teeth because of some horrendous disease?" Now they are back to lovely whitey normal.

I was recommended the daily version instead of the original I've been using.

So happy!


I've used both and found them to be great*, the original to be stronger.


How long were you using it for? You're only meant to use it for a month.



*other than the fact that the original stops your taste buds from working for a few hours, but for effectiveness, you can't fault it.

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I've used both and found them to be great*, the original to be stronger.


How long were you using it for? You're only meant to use it for a month.



*other than the fact that the original stops your taste buds from working for a few hours, but for effectiveness, you can't fault it.


I was using it intermittently, but I've not been to the dentist for a while so there was about two years of intermittent staining to deal with. It wasn't gross or anything, but it was starting to get to me.

I use it as I am on a high dose steroid for my asthma and that can lead to oral thrush. :( The Corsodyl has been very effective at keeping that at bay. The first time I used it I nearly gagged, and it took me a while to get used to how my mouth would taste in the morning after using it last thing at night, but now I almost miss that when I don't use it. :)

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Applied for a placement on a NHS suicide intervention training workshop in March at the weekend there and found out I got a place this morning which great. Get a certificate for completing it and I think it'll be worthwhile training for whatever my future career is (and it'll look great on my CV which is severely lacking extra-curricular activities). So that's great.


Also been pushed into giving up something as part of Lent (which I've never done before) by my group of MSc student friends. They're giving up something and pushed me to join in so I've decided to try and kick the coffee drinking habit. Why is this a good thing? Well I've notice my hands shaking recently (not massively but enough to freak me out) and I suspect it's the large amount of coffee I'm drinking. Either that or I'm developing MS. Who knows. I'll find out in 40 days :D


Also, in a further attempt to step out of my comfort zone beyond doing the NHS workshop I mentioned, I've decided to rock along to a speed dating event at uni with some friends and see what happens.


Every great thing starts with one small step and I'm finally making mine so :yay:

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