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After 5 months of being in the new house things are in full motion and we should have alot done by the end of 2012.


We've got the spare bedroom finished, The upstairs social / 2nd spare room complete, The gym in the garage complete.


The bathroom is being completed end of November

The Kitchen is being fitted on the 13th Dec

Downstairs bathroom also being done on the 13th

Game room is getting finished on the 13th too.



2013 will be Master Bedroom, Living room, Dining room & turning half the front garden into another drive way for 2nd car.



Cheap ass Christmas this year that's for sure.

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No Wii U in Murr's new game room any time soon!


Oh no no... That's still pre-ordered and arriving on the 30th (If Shopto don't screw me over)


Just means the day my bathroom is being completed, I won't be making cups of tea for the bathroom fitter, just getting some Wii-U action.


(Have the 30th off work specifically for Wii-U, not house work reasons :p )

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My grant came in today so my bank account is fat with moneyz which makes me happy. I celebrated with Mongolian all-you-can-eat and coffee with friends


Speaking of which, made a friend 2 months ago and he's probably become already one of my closest (: plus he likes to tell me I'm pretty which is lovely

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Oh no no... That's still pre-ordered and arriving on the 30th (If Shopto don't screw me over)


Just means the day my bathroom is being completed, I won't be making cups of tea for the bathroom fitter, just getting some Wii-U action.


(Have the 30th off work specifically for Wii-U, not house work reasons :p )


Invite the bathroom fitter (plumber?...) for a game. He'll work much harder knowing that he still has to get it finished on time.

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Nooo :heh: The bathroom is probably being fitted at a fixed rate and if you cut down his time, he'll just rush it and bodge things up.


No no, Murr, tea and biscuits galore if you want a good job doing! You can just carry the game to the kitchen and bathroom with you, isn't that one of the console's main functions? :p

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Today I discovered a beard-hair that was 10cm long! Hiding in the sideburns pretending to be regular head hair.


Unfortunately this discovery was made because I was having one of those periods of time where a rogue hair was ticking me, so I grabbed it and yanked it away from civilisation as it knew it.


I figure it must be at most 4 months old. I was very impressed with myself, and, rather terribly, began contemplating growing an Uncle Albert beard (for I fear I'm inable to grow anything Gandalf-esque).


I dubbed it 'Careless Whisker" btw.

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My grant came in today so my bank account is fat with moneyz which makes me happy. I celebrated with Mongolian all-you-can-eat and coffee with friends


Speaking of which, made a friend 2 months ago and he's probably become already one of my closest (: plus he likes to tell me I'm pretty which is lovely


Still waiting on mine. Did they cut down yours?

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Went to an event at UAL about being a creative entrepreneur (talk/networking thing). Was nice and reassuring to talk to people who, a few years ago, were in the position I'm currently in and it all worked out.


And in other news: left post-it notes with lyrics to Pocketful of Sunshine scattered around my housemate's room for when she returns from work. Shame I didn't have more post-it notes to do the whole song.


I've now wrote the word 'sunshine' on scraps of paper and put it in her coat pocket. I'm in a silly mood...

Edited by Ashley
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Today we had a big company meeting for all staff in my division so around 200+ people. I had to give my self introduction (in Japanese) and then they made me lead the company slogan reading.


Went really well, lots of people now wanting to go out with me, arrange things for me, set me up with things I like. One of the scariest things I've done, but so so worth it and feeling pretty good now!

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Last full week until w/c 7th January. Excited much?


Used up my remaining holiday to have one day off every week until Christmas and then booked the 2nd-4th Jan off.


Oh and found someone at work who is on my wave length. We spent the day emailing about music, moaning about stupid people and Ayn Rand. Shame she's leaving in a few weeks. Oh well, I hand in my notice a few weeks after that!

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Wooop! In similar good job news, I found out I'm on a new testing project at work today. A pretty great one, so thats cool. Plus I'm already on an upcoming test of something. And got several other projects I'm working on. AND I got massively commended this week, as we received 274 documents and forms in (that formed part of one application) and I was on new account processing this week, and basically, I did a spreadsheet and put them all in, in a ridiculous short amount of time, pretty much helping out another department, I think it has turned a few peoples heads (I was half asked to do it)....so they are (Mad that they asked me, but super impressed I did it or something) so thats good.


Anyway one more thing.


I am a pretty god damn speedy typer.....and I sit near the head of CS, and I always hear her typing and think about how insanely fast she is, well in that meeting today, she was logging in (and as we were on a test environment I thought it might not be a real account) so anyway, she signed in, put in a reference and password, and she typed SO fast, she literally slammed her fingers everywhere pretty much (like you would, if you were putting any old rubbish in, like it didn't matter) , but it was her actual account and password.


I was pretty much in awe.

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