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At work today, Jedward were on the radio. Not good stuff itself, but it lead to greatness.


We put on some Spotify clone (which actually seemed better. Sorry Nightwolf). Throughout the day we were listening to a variety of win, including (but not limited to): Dragonforce, AC/DC, The Home Alone soundtrack and various other awesome tracks.



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I had this idea to sort out a Secret Santa for N-Europe, where anyone who wants to puts their name (and address) into a hat, and then you send something random to each other (hadn't decided whether you know who you're sending to, or whether you just get an address).


Unfortunately i think i may have had the idea too late...

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Unfortunately i think i may have had the idea too late...


It's probably too late for including people outside their UK (unless they want to do their own same-country ones), but if we're quick it could be possible for people in the UK.

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Went to the Mario Kart launch party last night which was awesome, good to see some people o hadn't for a while, Ashley, and free bar woop!


And today I'm going to a wikileaks press conference at my uni, excited to hear what they reveal. Then tonight got a talk with the Attorney General of the UK, another event with free wine!


Third year has turned me into such an alcoholic.

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It's probably too late for including people outside their UK (unless they want to do their own same-country ones), but if we're quick it could be possible for people in the UK.


Yes well i was going to restrict it to European address anyway to try and make the postage costs fairer (sorry Rest of the World!).


I suppose it could still go ahead anyway and people just might not get them before Xmas. Wouldn't be the end of the world if they were late.


Lets see how many people want in.

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My manager called me into a room today. Basically I'm being awarded star of the month (one of our three bonus schemes :p) which is amazing (particularly good/brilliant because I have been there for such a short amount of time) cos' she was like "We were all so impressed with your application last week, and a few weeks ago you took a call from someone who was going home and she loved your attitude, we all think you're so upbeat and such a pleasure to have in the team" etc etc etc. Laid it on thick.


Loved it. So this is great news. I don't know how much it is yet, but its between £50 and £200 usually I believe. Yeeeeessss.

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Yes well i was going to restrict it to European address anyway to try and make the postage costs fairer (sorry Rest of the World!).


I suppose it could still go ahead anyway and people just might not get them before Xmas. Wouldn't be the end of the world if they were late.


Lets see how many people want in.


I'm in, if it goes ahead that is


My manager called me into a room today. Basically I'm being awarded star of the month (one of our three bonus schemes :p) which is amazing (particularly good/brilliant because I have been there for such a short amount of time) cos' she was like "We were all so impressed with your application last week, and a few weeks ago you took a call from someone who was going home and she loved your attitude, we all think you're so upbeat and such a pleasure to have in the team" etc etc etc. Laid it on thick.


Loved it. So this is great news. I don't know how much it is yet, but its between £50 and £200 usually I believe. Yeeeeessss.


Congrats are in order :santa:

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Good Stuff from Today:


-Completely finished up an online store I was creating for someone

-Went out to the Pizza Hut buffet for lunch with my partner, great lunch followed by 2 rounds of crazy golf (2 different courses) - I won the first by 4 shots and the 2nd by 3!

-We went to investigate the Lazer Tag and skiing too (XScape at Braehead is awesome!) but Lazer Tag was dead and we decided to leave skiing until next week

-Finished planning for skiing holiday in January including all the driving schedule and planned stops

-Sent over the pre-contract agreement to the dude who wants to let desk space in our office



Very productive and good fun all at the same time!



And the best part? I managed to set up a SIP client on my iPhone which means that when I'm away in Oman over Christmas I can call back to the UK for free using my existing VOIP phone! Boom!

Edited by Charlie
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At work today, Jedward were on the radio. Not good stuff itself, but it lead to greatness.


We put on some Spotify clone (which actually seemed better. Sorry Nightwolf). Throughout the day we were listening to a variety of win, including (but not limited to): Dragonforce, AC/DC, The Home Alone soundtrack and various other awesome tracks.




Haha, don't worry about it, Spotify is the company I work for, but outside of my work I do not have to wear a banner and shout at those who don't like it.


The new apps thing is pretty snazzy though, loving that.


Good laugh with some guys at work this week, sorting out maybe getting a flat soon too. :)

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3rd Payrise in 12 months coming my way in January.


I'm stunned with it to be honest, The IT Director took me away saying he'd like a chat, at this point I'm shitting myself as the Director of IT doesn't just take people away for chats. He mentioned that my name had been discussed in many meetings he'd been in the last few months, and that it had always been in a good way. He mentioned that he'd heard that I'd always deliver the work despite surrounding situations and work flow and that he felt that I should get some recognition of all the work that I've been doing,


He told me the new wage I'd be on as of 1st January 2012, and then mentioned that I'd still be involved in the annual pay rises in June, so It will increase again.


Completely shocked and so grateful. I wanted to hug him, but decided that would probably be a bad idea. Incredible news given my plans over the next few years of moving to a new place in 2012, and getting married in 2014, will make saving for it alot less strenuous.


Oh And I got my Fiancé a job interview in the IT department. All goes well hopefully more monies for her too!


4 years at this place is really starting to pay off now :)

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aww well done murr :) Life is looking up for you these days!


Today I went to the christmas continental market and had a big foot long german sausage :3 It was goooood :) And I got ome cherry brandy fudge! Good stuff.


Was it like one of those German Christmas market things? If so, did you get on the Mulled Wine?


One of the best parts of the Christmas market I think is a nice cup of warm mulled wine :p

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Congrats Murr, glad it's paying off for you now.


Was it like one of those German Christmas market things? If so, did you get on the Mulled Wine?


One of the best parts of the Christmas market I think is a nice cup of warm mulled wine :p


Mmm, mulled wine. Goes down a treat with a warmed mince pie as well.

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Managed to get all my Christmas shopping sorted today (well, I still need to buy Amazon vouchers for my Grandparents but that's it). I was quite surprised that I managed to get everything I needed, and it took just over an hour. Although I chose Mega Blocks instead of LEGO (BLASPHEMY!) as my brother also likes Halo. I also went into GAME and didn't look at a single game - I was there for the Spyro Skylander figures for my sister. What was most surprising was that I managed to find some clothes for another one of my sisters that I think will suit her and are somewhat fashionable (even though I don't know the meaning of the word). I also decided to get proper cards this year for close family (Mum, Stepdad, Dad, Stepmum, Sister, Sister, Sister, Sister, Sister, Brother, Brother, Step Brother, Nephew) instead of generic ones.


As I was finished by 1PM I headed to the food court (Arndale Centre)...took a look around and just thought "frak this!" and decided to eat in a proper place instead. Ended up having the best burger I've ever had in my life at a place called TV21.

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After one of the more strange & mythical nights-out that I've had in a while.. [Did I really just take drugs!?] I was hungry.


About 10AM I managed to walk around the city looking for grub. Probably shameless as I looked a mess. Same clothes as the night before. Blah.

I bought a coffee and croissant and was a wannabee Audrey Hepburn window-shopping the high streets. Spent an hour or so in St. Stephan's Green as it was incredibly sunny! Beautiful place, don't think I'd been there before either.




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