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  Ashley said:
And I will not accept bad mouthing about Big Love. It's the most fascinating character study I've ever seen. Every character was so fully formed and full of faults but still fascinating to watch. It is the one show that genuinely left me shellshocked on a number of occasions.

Big Love was alright, but that one actress was right when she said it turned into a telenovela. The last two seasons were just... ugh. The first three seasons were better, but it was still never as good as it could have been.


It also had a thoroughly unlikable main character.


Futurama was good today, though, so let's put that on the same pile as Arrested Development and 30 Rock. ;)



  nightwolf said:
PASS! :laughing:

Goafer will be crushed. :sad:


Watched Le Futurama, was enjoyable enough. :grin: First segment was win, second was sexy awesomes and the 3rd was good once I realised it was purposfully bad. :)


Good stuff?


Like I sorted out my internets yesterday so I'm fully steaming ahead. I found out while I was offline one of my Gifs on Tumblr got a full on 566 notes. So like I'm obviously like a celebrity now. :heh:


PLUS: I had mon feet Nib Led in the fishy ferocity tanks down in the old city. They sure do love cracking at the broken skin of man with their tiny tiny teeth. OM NOM NOM.


15 minutes later my feet feel realleh smoooooooooooooooooth johnson.GET BACK FROM THE OVER PASS.


Other than that just really enjoying the free time I have before the 3rd year of Uni begins and I'm left a wreck in the corner of my new house, talking to myself again, staring beyond this psyhical world...


...last time it was scary and I don't want RETURN


(@EEVILMURRAY - tag of interest)


Oh god. 24 hours of complete win. Really quite great.


So basically yeah.


Had planned to go to the casino with two guys from work after pay day (Thursday) on the Friday, and we ended up on the early shift which was perfect. Dress down day too. So for lunch we went to Subway. Then eagerly awaited the end of the work day. It came. We went round one of their houses as he needed to drop off his car. His house was awesome and huge. He had his own "front room" in his parents house.


Even saw a box of boxed N64 games and I was like "Oh wow, what a great collection. I can't believe they were stolen!!" :p


Then we left for Luton.


Yes, this is the good stuff thread just to clarify for anyone confused by the previous sentence. lulz @Ramar


Got to Luton. Walked around for a bit finding somewhere to eat, eventually discovered "Aroma" an all you can eat Chinese buffet. I think they're a local chain (well there is certainly one in Hemel), and despite being smaller than the one in Hemel....the choice was pretty big and actually incredibly decent. I'd go as far as the say - selection wise it was as good as I've ever seen a Chinese Buffet, they had all my favourites apart from Chilli Beef and Kung Po Chicken.


Epic plates of duck/pork/chicken later, and having heard some great stories from the guys we headed to the casino. But first we popped to Namco World/Station to get geared up.


We had basically decided before hand that a gambling budget of £200 each was in place.


We got to the casino, and went in.


Had a drink, a small gander around and sat on the sofas to soak up the atmosphere for a bit. I was itching to hit the tables and so we soon strolled down to the 50p Roulette table.


As a cheeky casual first play to see how I did I threw down £10 and received Yellow chips. I started doing pretty well. Really well actually it was awesome. I got up to approximately £45 or so, and I threw down another £30 for some £5 chips to hit the (non-numbers), and actually did very poorly on them (I don't think I won any of my £5 gambles).


So I was hovering around £40 of chips but had now spent £40. I eventually dwindled this down to nothing - fine though.


We casually left the table and strolled around, eventually deciding to take a seat at the £1 roulette table. My friend started doing a few crazy bets. Well "crazy" for us. There were some guys slamming down some £100 chips on single numbers and loving life. I slipped a cheeky £20 onto the table and this time I was rewarded with Green chips. Not a single win this time. Was a shame. Put another £10 on I think, and still nothing before I think a final £10 on and I won once but nothing big, and nothing else.


So I was really hating on the £1 table, she wasn't good to me. At this point I believe I was £80 down - still fine. It would have been a shame to lose all the budget, but that was planned for.


Anyway, I have never played (with money) a Blackjack/21/BloglyChewb game, and neither had my friend. We obviously knew how to play but not a clue how money came into the equation. We decided to play a cheeky game or two, and so rocked up at the empty table. Then some other players joined us, whacking down £150 ish each, whereas (Jake) and I looked pretty pathetic with our single £20 notes haha, so he handed us our (4 x £5 chips each. £5 minimum).


He dealt the cards. Ace. Nice...thats a good start. Came round again....King. Sweet. Blackjack straight away. So I got (£5 for win and £2.50 for Blackjack). Played again and drew (keep bet) and played again and won, so I pulled out at that point. Or maybe had one more and lost. Anyway, on the second game I was like "Hit me." and repeated it loads as I got so many low cards, then the guy next to me started cracking up and everyone loved that I was saying "Hit me". The dealer put his fist up and smirked....he said "Just say "Card"".....so next go round...


"Card me"




So I took my Blackjack winnings to the £1 Roulette table and I think I lost them fairly soon. Well a couple of them anyway.


We then approached the non-tables area thinking about leaving soonish,I cashed up my remaining cash chips and was approximately £80 down still at this point. I might have lost track a bit....I think I was £100 down actually. Must have been.


Anyway, we had a quick look at the slots at the end and a quiz machine and (Jake) said to me "You're tempted to go back aren't you?" and I was like "Oh yeah, definitely" (Jake and Charlie were both down a bit more than me. £140 and £170 respectively) they both had some great plays come in though! Charlie's first bet...literally first bet of the night was on the 50p table, and £2 on a single number came in and we were loving life. On the £1 table Jake had £2 on Zero and it came in! Great.


Anyway, so I was persuaded and we went back over to the 50p Table for a final play of the night. It was just me and I put £20 on the table and this time I received Dark Blue chips. The only remaining seat at the table was at the late end, which was fine anyway but it meant it would be easier to concentrate more on late numbers bets rather than having to constantly ask dealer to put tens of chips down (of course I did so, but only one or two on the low side). Generally speaking I always tend to go for a lot of 30's anyway, and I very very often do 0-4 in any combination.


Anyway, slammed about £4 ish worth of chips down including £1.50 on 30. Bam 30 comes in straight away. I was just like "@Daft face". Turned around and Charlie and Jake were chatting, pointing out some attractive woman in the other direction. I gave them a little tap as they turned back around and a mass of chips entered my direction.


Then did some more....pretty sure the very next go I had another big one come in. I think it was something like 4 chips (£2) on a street. Anyway....I was just on fucking fire. So much so that soon enough some £25 chips started heading my way. So I set aside a "cash up" pile of chips and a play pile of chips. Literally kept getting in. Cashed up some chips for £5 chips and eventually had a total of 3 x £25 chips and several £5 chips. Bet my last few single chips and went over to the cashier.


It was £105. So I managed to change £20 into £105. Now at this point I was definitely £15 down. So must have been £120 DOWN before going back to 50p.


We were walking out and I was absolutely chuffed and we were all loving it that I managed to get up to only £15 down after being so low. Jake said, just as we were walking out "You should probably put a quid in there" and pointed to a machine at the very exit. Literally next to the door. I strolled over and put in my lonely £5 note. Spin, 20p win. Lulz. Spin, £1 win, lulz. Spin, lose, Spin lose....spin..three question marks (I didn't really know what was going on). It came up "Mystery Prize" and a fairy waved a wand at a money counter £1.50. I was like "Cool" and Jake goes "It will keep going up! You're gonna win big!" and it went up to £3. Then £5. Then £10. And I was like "OMG!" and tapped Collect furiously, and Jake was like "No, you can't collect it will just keep going up!" then £14, then £20 and it stopped. Bam £20. Collect.


Ended up about £2 up!!!!!!!!!!!


Couldn't believe my crazy luck streak at the end.


Amazing journey back I hear a load of gossip and info about people at work.


Then I get up this morning and check my bank balance - PENSION GET finally! So I can get a car now!! Really want/hope Claire's dad can take me this weekend but I don't know yet. :)



  ReZourceman said:
Then we left for Luton.


Yes, this is the good stuff thread just to clarify for anyone confused by the previous sentence. lulz @Ramar


lulz indeed. I'm guessing you went to G Casino? I've been there once, lost £20 and whinged like a soppy bollock for the rest of the night. Drinks in there are steep too.


Yeah G Casino. Apparently you get free boozes when using the card thing at tables (well points mean prizes whatever) but I only had one drink (£3.60 JD and Coke, same for lager = lolz). Wasn't "on it", but I enjoyed the night immensely.


Considering it again in a few months but unsure atm.


Good Stuff ;





Decided to "modify" my entertainment set-up earlier. No longer have a separate monitor for the computer, have it all plugged into the 1. HD picture for all but the Sky, and thats because i don't have HD Sky. Saves space now. Only draw-back is that i can no longer watch TV and surf the net, actually i can do the surfing via the HTC. Still getting used to the screen-size to be fair.


Hi, if anyone is interested in joining an awesome free online football manager game called "Xpert Eleven" our N-Euro private league is recruiting new members. The site is http://www.xperteleven.com/ and our league ID is 120161. For any help or advice on how to get started check out our thread http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1347714&posted=1#post1347714. Just mention you joined on my recommendation. Hope to see you there!

  JonSt said:
Dean Winchester is my hero. If I could live anyones life or be like someone, it would be him.


Agreed, although Crowley is my favourite character, just because he's badass. :awesome:


I decided I'll be doing my first ever give away! =D

I'm a bit excited by it, even though I don't know if people will participate haha.


If you're interested, here's the link (though maybe it's more a girl thing =P ):




I'm viewing a flat later today. Good location, good place. If it looks good then it may be it. I have a checklist of things to look out.


My boss also offered me a flat to rent, but I don't like the area and I'd rather not have my boss and landlord as the same person. Plus my family says he's a lousy landlord.

  Cube said:
I'm viewing a flat later today. Good location, good place. If it looks good then it may be it. I have a checklist of things to look out.


My boss also offered me a flat to rent, but I don't like the area and I'd rather not have my boss and landlord as the same person. Plus my family says he's a lousy landlord.


be sure to ask man....


Posted (edited)

Went out for a bike ride with my shiny new trip computer-ma-bob. Managed a top speed of 21mph under my own power and just over 30mph hill assisted. Fuck yeah.


I reckon I can go faster on both counts.

Edited by Goafer

Really like the place. Will probably do all the signing stuff on Saturday then will move in on the 1st October. Just one or two things to sort out.


I will also likely get everything I need furniture wise really cheap, due to erm...I really don't know how to put this nicely...a death or a relative I barely knew. He lived in a council house so the stuff needs to be moved pretty quickly or the council takes it.


I went to Birmingham on Monday morning, and arrived home back this eve. Taking off in GALE FORCE WIND is interesting!!!


Cadburys smells so chocolatey it feels like you are eating chocolate.... Had Krispy Kreme dohnuts for the first time ever. There are so many black people in birmingham, its amazing. People just wear what they want and they don't have to conform to this ridiculous template that everyone in ballymena seems to!! It was busy, but not congested like ballymena is. Everyone is friendly and down to earth, even if you don't know em! I got to shop in a japanese shop called Muji <3 (could've bought everything in sight) got through money like something shocking! Had a Woo Woo in wetherspoons, love eet. Floozie in the Jacuzzi! Was in an irish pub, but it wasn't really very irish apart from being green and serving irish stew...Pizza hut service is ABYSMAL no matter where in the world you go! I ate way too much junk food, NERDS candy......Great weather, walked the legs aff myself, and had the best time :D


The left-wing parties have just been elected into government in Denmark! (Well, about 7% of the votes still need to be counted, but we have practically won.) After 10 years with the liberalists at the helm, the power is finally back in the hands of the socialists again! :D

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