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good stuff thread.


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What is this, facebook?


Please don't post 'fishing' posts. It makes being nosy really difficult.


See, there's a dynamic to it. It all depends on whether it's assumed that people are going to ask about it. If not, then a post like that isn't a fishing post, because it's accepted that the poster has divulged what he or she wanted to. No more questions asked.


I'm not sure what practical relevance this has, but I just felt it needed saying.


Anyway, what I actually came in here to say is that I appear to have figured out the skip issue with my Guitar Hero games; the skips were a result of the game repeatedly trying to connect to the internet without luck. I had forgotten that all connected units had been kicked off our network when we put a password on it; as such, there was a connection that the game tried to access, but the connection didn't work. I turned off the connection, and voilà, the skips were gone!


But now I can't seem to connect at all, even when putting in the password, which I don't quite get.

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It's not a direct attack at MBAM (I'm pleased she had a mysteriously good weekend) but just a comment at those sorts of posts you see on facebook. My cousin is very bad for it; "FOR FUX SAIK!!" will be his typical kind of post, followed by 10 "OMG sup hun???!?Radsf" and 1 "They do night courses for spelling, mate".


I think I'm a bit conservative about stuff..?

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It's not a direct attack at MBAM (I'm pleased she had a mysteriously good weekend) but just a comment at those sorts of posts you see on facebook. My cousin is very bad for it; "FOR FUX SAIK!!" will be his typical kind of post, followed by 10 "OMG sup hun???!?Radsf" and 1 "They do night courses for spelling, mate".


I think I'm a bit conservative about stuff..?


Oh, I definitely agree with your dislike of that type of posts, but I just think it's wrong to assume that a "secretive" post is necessarily intended to make people ask about it. It could simply be that MBAM wanted to share that she had had a good weekend without going into detail.

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It also works when you have a blog too.


There's been a few times I've posted about feeling a bit crap, someone has asked why, I've been truthful and then they go in a hissy fit.


Surely it's a don't want to know, don't ask situation?


Besides just kick them off facebook if they do it too much.

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I just assumed she got laid. No fishing necessary! :grin:


hahaha no


It's not a direct attack at MBAM (I'm pleased she had a mysteriously good weekend) but just a comment at those sorts of posts you see on facebook. My cousin is very bad for it; "FOR FUX SAIK!!" will be his typical kind of post, followed by 10 "OMG sup hun???!?Radsf" and 1 "They do night courses for spelling, mate".


I think I'm a bit conservative about stuff..?


i just got happy n at that point in time i couldnt be bothered to type out my whole post :P


in all fairness it was a good weekend


- spent some time catching up with a couple of friends that i havent seen in ages!!

- went PIG racing.. (we bet on pigs.. watched them race...it was fun :P)

- got told more drama about myself that was more fun that annoying :P

- found my freesat remote which means I can watch tv again

- started playin pokemon


there... happy....?




I did not expect anyone to comment asking why i had a great weekend, or to even care that I posted. I was just happy n wanted to go WOO! :P

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My girlfriend was away on a hen weekend...


so Friday at 2:30pm till Sunday 4:30pm, my living room become a nerd hub.


brought my PC downstairs from the office for Football Manager, My 360 and Wii downstairs from the bedroom and hooked up to the tv, and my ps3 was down there already anyways.


On Saturday my friend came over with his 360 and stayed over, so I brought the 42" downstairs from the bedroom for him to use....


the result was this.


it's hard to see the 360 and PS3 in the pic, but they are there... so I circled the pic :p

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My girlfriend was away on a hen weekend...


so Friday at 2:30pm till Sunday 4:30pm, my living room become a nerd hub.


brought my PC downstairs from the office for Football Manager, My 360 and Wii downstairs from the bedroom and hooked up to the tv, and my ps3 was down there already anyways.


On Saturday my friend came over with his 360 and stayed over, so I brought the 42" downstairs from the bedroom for him to use....


the result was this.


it's hard to see the 360 and PS3 in the pic, but they are there... so I circled the pic :p


Its like something from a dream..


Where do you live? I plan to rob you.


Today: I got all the bills sorted from my previous flat, even found the water supplier owed me money, this can only ever be a good thing. Wahey.

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A friend walked over to my desk and saw me on Facebook.


Him: That's not working.

Me: No I'm just leaving now.

Him: Quitting eh?

Me: Yup, while I'm ahead. Which is why you'll never leave here as you'll never be ahead.




Also finding OOT: 3D waiting for me at home was nice. Shame it's this side of the weekend :p


Aaaaand my composer sent me the finished piece earlier than anticipated which is nice! Such a jolly tune and catchy too!

Edited by Ashley
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I sang the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune to my class today, and got them to compare it to Hey Jude. We looked at what a rap is and then they made their own raps for the three times table.


I work at the school of Fuck Yeaah.


Do they all flock to the basketball hoops now in the hope that they'll get in "one little fight" and have to move to Bel Air?

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