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good stuff thread.


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5000 words done of my dissertations first draft, WOO,


Soon to be 6000!


Soon to be 8000!


On a scale of 1-10, how annoyed would you be if I attacked your computer with a cricket bat?



EDIT: Got an interview for an EFL Summer Camp job, woo! :awesome:


If I get this, my planned US and Canada trip is definitely going ahead. : peace:

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Finally got myself back into work. It's only a temp role but could go permanent depending on how things go.

I'll be an export administrator in a logistics department, which I've done before so I should do well.


I'm just glad to be back working after 5 months out!

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Was watching QI and apparently in the late 18th century/early 19th they had devices called bellows hung all along the Thames. If someone was drowning, someone would grab one of these and use it to blow tobacco smoke up the drowning person's arse. Blow man! A man's life is in the balance!

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We had our animatic crit for the final project at the National Gallery today. Mine went well :D Surprisingly well in fact. I assumed it wouldn't go badly but it got really positive feedback. People seemed to find it funny (that was the plan!) and some really good ideas were batted around. Although I kind of wish the main woman had asked me if I had gotten permission for the music (Andrew Dost) because I had :p


Its meant to be inspired by a painting in the gallery. It...kind of was. It was more "this painting reminded me of this idea" and then the painting changed into another to better sell that idea. The art historian (who was an odd duck) was all giddy after seeing it and said "that is exactly the kind of engagement we wanted! And the way you used the blues and oranges from the painting to move the story along is wonderful". Not bad considering I just threw that in there at the last moment as it looked a bit plain with just an outline.


And I'm home! I shall miss London while I'm away but warmth! I am really looking forward to a proper night's sleep, a proper shower in the morning and no Talk Fucking Sports.

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Can we (I) see the animatic Ashley? =)



Today I taught another art class. This time, I got a positive feedback from the teacher, who is a lot more fun to work with than the bitch teacher I mentioned in the bad stuff thread.


She gave me pointers to work on, mentioned a few things I should do differently, but overall the lesson was good. It did help that half of the class wasn't there today though. But then I also had extra stress as I had three mentors watch over me heh. =P


But the kids enjoyed the assignment and the results were quite nice I think. So yay!

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While this is pretty old, MadDog, it is indeed very funny :laughing: I hope my death will be caused by a Bullet Bill.


Today is going to be full of good stuff.


I can sleep long, I will be watching football with my mother (our favourite teams will play against each other) and as always we'll be having a nice talk about everything that comes to our minds. :)


Later today my girlfriend will come over and we're going to watch Inception.


So, yeah. This:


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So I was going to post in the drunk thread thingy coz I am pretty damn wasted, but I thought I'd post here coz it is kind of good... for me at least!


I went out for a mates birthday and got quite drink! My fav drink of the night was a hulk beer which is half a Stella, a triple vodka and a blue WKD all in a pint pot... it turns green, hence the name hulk beer.

Anyhoo, some classy lady took me back to hers where she thought it'd be fun if I screwed her ass with her dildo whilst we went at it. Lovely. Needless to say, it was a very fun night to which ive only just returned home... after she suggested some kinky/outrageous shit that she wanted to do to me with said dildo! Jesus!


Anyhoo, you've gotta love the older generation... she was 46! Haha

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So I was going to post in the drunk thread thingy coz I am pretty damn wasted, but I thought I'd post here coz it is kind of good... for me at least!


I went out for a mates birthday and got quite drink! My fav drink of the night was a hulk beer which is half a Stella, a triple vodka and a blue WKD all in a pint pot... it turns green, hence the name hulk beer.

Anyhoo, some classy lady took me back to hers where she thought it'd be fun if I screwed her ass with her dildo whilst we went at it. Lovely. Needless to say, it was a very fun night to which ive only just returned home... after she suggested some kinky/outrageous shit that she wanted to do to me with said dildo! Jesus!


Anyhoo, you've gotta love the older generation... she was 46! Haha


Proof, if it were needed, that sharing isn't necessarily caring.

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My knees are starting to get better! Yay! My personal trainer said I'd made amazing progress over the past year. Even more yays!


I've improved my strength a lot more than my stamina, so i'm going to work on c25k (couch to 5km) to improve it, I'm feeling really good about it! ^_^

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Watched The Dark Knight again. The second time in 4 days.



Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not...one...bit.


Sometimes I wish that I could have a role like this in a movie. Live out a bit of craziness.

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we've been training the cat with the new catflap we got on Friday... Had it taped open for a while and shutting it for a few hours a day to see what he makes if it. Pushed him through a few times on saturday, and just now all I had to do was push it open a lil bit, and he went out!! :D


I'm so proud I could cry ^____^

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Just went facebook legit with my girlfriend. Hurrah.

Who added the other first? I hear that's really important.


Probably something about the person who does the initial adding being 'the man' in the relationship or something...


Also, weren't you going to try internet dating for the first time only a few weeks ago? Success? :smile:

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