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Fierce, or Timid?


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A question that I ask of you.


I'm a big fan of Majora's Mask, and was at the time of joining the forums, hence the name. I'd like to think that there was a tiny bit of Fierceness that I had back then, a fire in my belly, although I think the fierceness has gradually quieted down over the years and been replaced by something else. What that something else is, I don't know. I used to have quite a temper, and sometimes I let it show, but it's quite rare these days.


How would you describe your "nature." Are you quite an argumentative person, for example.


I don't know how I'd describe myself, although I do know that sometimes I can be really moody. When I'm in an argument, I am a bit of a bastard. Sometimes I know I'm being a tart, yet I carry on, because I feel I have to "win" the argument. :heh:


Woud you describe yourself as peaceful? Most of the time I am peaceful. My mood tends to differ, like sometimes I'll just want to be alone (usually at the end of the day) where you're just tired of talking or socialising. But then, at other times, I like having people around me, and being able to talk to different people. So, talk to one for a little while, then flutter to the next, and so on.


I think about this quite a lot.

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Interesting thought.

But I don't think I could sum up my nature in just a few words, 'tis fairly unpredictable.


Yes, I'm aware of the irony of me technically describing it in one word :p


If I was to add another little comment, I'd say that I'm rarely in arguments these days. I generally don't hang around the right people to have a genuine argument about. I like to surround myself with good people :) Well, I try anyway :p A little stressed these days and a bit all-over-the-place but I'm generally peaceful...I hope

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Depends on what the situation is, but i can get a bit firey (spelling probably wrong there) in arguments. Sometimes, i'm wrong and don't win them. But i do win the occasional argument, only because i know i am right.


By firey, i mean in the face.


Outside of arguments, i am quite a nice person. As those who know me will confirm this. I do let you know if i need "me" time, and i do like speaking to loads of peeps.

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Eurgh I am a major stress head who gets agitated and aggressive very quickly.


I realised a few years ago I could actually blame my dad for this, it's awful when the pair of us are stressed out.


Buwahaha, it's getting better, I'm slowly become a calmer person, but if something breaks like my car I'm a puddle of mess/stress.

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What am I? I honestly don't believe I can sum myself up with one word. I am quiet, lazy, laid-back, awkward, I joke all the time, etc.


Can I describe my nature in a single word? No. I don't think any of the words uttered thus far can single-handedly describe any of us succinctly or accurately. Human beings are far more complex than that.


But I will agree on one thing: who I am and what defines me occupy my thoughts very frequently. I can never find a proper answer.

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Interesting thought.

But I don't think I could sum up my nature in just a few words, 'tis fairly unpredictable.


Yes, I'm aware of the irony of me technically describing it in one word :p


If I was to add another little comment, I'd say that I'm rarely in arguments these days. I generally don't hang around the right people to have a genuine argument about. I like to surround myself with good people :) Well, I try anyway :p A little stressed these days and a bit all-over-the-place but I'm generally peaceful...I hope

I think "cheesy" or "corny" are the words you're looking for.

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I wouldn't say I'm argumentative — if anything I go out of my way to avoid conflict — but if my back's to the wall I'll bite and refuse to let go. Not to say I'll ever argue a point I don't believe in, but if I think you're wrong I'll do my best to shut you down as fast as possible with hammer-like cadence.


So, fierce but not bloodthirsty? In any case, the takeaway is that you shouldn't argue with me. Or, perhaps more astutely, not say stupid things when I'm in earshot.


In more general terms I'd say I'm very dry. This alienates a lot of people and I'd have an easier time of many things if I played up to people's preconceptions more, but I see little point in living my life pretending to be somebody else; there's around 7 billion other somebodies if people aren't interested in me. I guess that means you can add uncompromising to the list, at least when it comes to myself — throw me into almost any situation and I'll choose the option that serves both sides.

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I would say that by nature I am very paranoid and easily get the idea that everyone is going against when they are not.


I have this mentality that I am paranoid about people around me finding out about how paranoid I am so I try to hide it as much as I can while mentally preparing for some accusation against me that never happens.

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A question that I ask of you.


I'm a big fan of Majora's Mask, and was at the time of joining the forums, hence the name.


WHY HAVE I NEVER MADE THAT LINK BEFORE!? I wouldn't care but MM is my favourite video game.


I would think that my overbearing personality trait is curiosity. I want to do so much with my life.


Apart from that...vaguely ambitious, very contented, irritatingly argumentative, misguidedly self assured, somewhat pragmatic, quietly passionate, annoyingly egotistical, fairly confrontational and of course, overly introspective.


Oh, and sexually charismatic to a remarkable degree:





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I honestly wouldn't really know how to describe my personality...


Sarcastic is probably a good place to start. I don't get angry often but when I do I get in a right piss, I just think that shows I care though :heh:


I used to be quite closed off but over the last few years I've gotten a lot more outgoing. I'd like to think I'm a nice guy, but I know sometimes I can come across as a bit of a cunt, without meaning to though.


Of course all this could be me deluding myself, everyone else may well see me as a complete prick! :heh:

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I am incredibly chilled, laid back and nice, always thinking of other people's feelings, not aggressive or unfriendly at all. That said, the moment someone wrongs me I will come down on them like a ton of bricks, not like a psychopath - I just don't like people taking advantage of me.

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