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I fear people can't see past the fact that I'm overweight.




Went to the neurology appointment today. What a pointless waste of time.


Apparently the fact that i'm having severe episodes of panic-attack like exhaustion, migraines, hallucinations, double vision, inability to focus, and general fatigue, including difficulty with breathing... is because I'm fat..? And then suggested...caffeine. What doctor in their right mind suggests caffeine to someone with hallucinations and panic attacks..


I'm just astonished. I'm so close to heading towards a mental breakdown without him writing me off as ... useless.




Your doctor sounds like a real quack. While losing weight (preferably in a non-stressful manner) might maybe ease your symptoms; weight is probably not the root cause of your problem assuming that you are not morbidly obese.

All of your symptoms can be caused by an anxiety disorder. You should definitely seek a second opinion. If you have no other major illness and are not taking any medications then you might try to see if you can get some relief with valerian root. Keep in mind that this is also used to treat insomnia and has the potential to leave you drowsy. Use a lower dose first then gradually increase if needed. You might find some useful information here: http://www.mental-health-matters.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=241

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I fear people can't see past the fact that I'm overweight.




Went to the neurology appointment today. What a pointless waste of time.


Apparently the fact that i'm having severe episodes of panic-attack like exhaustion, migraines, hallucinations, double vision, inability to focus, and general fatigue, including difficulty with breathing... is because I'm fat..? And then suggested...caffeine. What doctor in their right mind suggests caffeine to someone with hallucinations and panic attacks..


I'm just astonished. I'm so close to heading towards a mental breakdown without him writing me off as ... useless.

Wow, what a prick. I take it he's using your weight as a way of saying "I honestly don't know." :sad:

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Your doctor sounds like a real quack. While losing weight (preferably in a non-stressful manner) might maybe ease your symptoms; weight is probably not the root cause of your problem assuming that you are not morbidly obese.

All of your symptoms can be caused by an anxiety disorder. You should definitely seek a second opinion. If you have no other major illness and are not taking any medications then you might try to see if you can get some relief with valerian root. Keep in mind that this is also used to treat insomnia and has the potential to leave you drowsy. Use a lower dose first then gradually increase if needed. You might find some useful information here: http://www.mental-health-matters.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=241


Hello random internet dude :P


I think it could be anxiety related, at least partially. I'm not a stupid person as this dr seems to think, I know the difference between tiredness from being overweight, or doing too much. These episodes come on like the snap of my fingers, completely out of the blue. One minute I'm fine, the next i'm clumsy/exhausted/unable to think/unable to move. I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I think losing weight would help to a point, but its not a "click fingers and its gone" situation.. and I needed support and advice not just told to lose weight, and take plenty of caffeinne


With regards to other medical illnesses, i've got a few. I've got a big history of immune disease (Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, and bowel disease), which is why I was concerned about ruling out something like Myesthenia Gravis which is strongly linked and following a lot of my symptoms.

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I fear people can't see past the fact that I'm overweight.




Went to the neurology appointment today. What a pointless waste of time.


Apparently the fact that i'm having severe episodes of panic-attack like exhaustion, migraines, hallucinations, double vision, inability to focus, and general fatigue, including difficulty with breathing... is because I'm fat..? And then suggested...caffeine. What doctor in their right mind suggests caffeine to someone with hallucinations and panic attacks..


I'm just astonished. I'm so close to heading towards a mental breakdown without him writing me off as ... useless.


Look, not to be harsh, but the reality of the matter is that a poor diet and obesity is the cause of many problems. It's all linked to your body mass index. Exactly what you weigh and what your BMI is could affect a lot of things.


I had a friend who put on A LOT of weight, he began getting severe sleep apnea - when he lay down at night he required a breathing machine. At some times he would find himself at the dinner tabel or at the computer and would just fall asleep on the spot.


He suffered from other symptoms you have listed here too. In the end he ended up in hospital and nearly died. His obesity had affected his body in many ways and he'd basically toxified his body through bad diet and a lack of exercise.


Since then thankfully he has got a lot better. He now has to monitor his blood sugar levels and eats a controlled diet. He has lost a lot of weight and his sleep apnea and other symptoms have gone away.


The first thing you need to do is calculate your BMI:




Check your result against this:

18.5* - 25 Healthy Weight

25 - 30 Overweight

30 - 40 Obese

Over 40 Severely obese


If you are approaching 40 you are severley or morbidly obese - which means you are putting your health at risk through your lifestyle choices. Many illnesses can arise from these negative lifestyle choices.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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Look, not to be harsh, but the reality of the matter is that a poor diet and obesity is the cause of many problems. It's all linked to your body mass index. Exactly what you weigh and what your BMI is could affect a lot of things.


I had a friend who put on A LOT of weight, he began getting severe sleep apnea - when he lay down at night he required a breathing machine. At some times he would find himself at the dinner tabel or at the computer and would just fall asleep on the spot.


He suffered from other symptoms you have listed here too. In the end he ended up in hospital and nearly died. His obesity had affected his body in many ways and he'd basically toxified his body through bad diet and a lack of exercise.


Since then thankfully he has got a lot better. He now has to monitor his blood sugar levels and eats a controlled diet. He has lost a lot of weight and his sleep apnea and other symptoms have gone away.


The first thing you need to do is calculate your BMI:




Check your result against this:

18.5* - 25 Healthy Weight

25 - 30 Overweight

30 - 40 Obese

Over 40 Severely obese


If you are approaching 40 you are severley or morbidly obese - which means you are putting your health at risk through your lifestyle choices. Many illnesses can arise from these negative lifestyle choices.


I appreciate your comments.... before I say this I don't want to sound overly defensive or like I'm getting at you.


I know what my BMI is (39) I know I'm overweight. I don't have sleep apnoea, I rarely have any issues sleeping - only on the days where I've had several of the mentioned episodes during the day or when I'm having cluster headaches, bowel problems, or... arthritis.


I AM turning things around. I'm going to the gym 5x a week, have been for about 2 months. My diet is a lot better than it was. It's hard to get a happy diet when your bowel rejects a lot of healthy cereals, breads, n suchlike.


I don't think BMI is a neccesarily an accurate method of calculation. I am tall, and my entire family have a very dense bone structure - my mother was 14 stone when she was running 20 miles every day.


The thing is... your friend is pretty normal apart from the weight? I've got a LOT of health issues which are completely irrelevant to weight. I have arthritis.. more severely in the joints which aren't weight bearing. I am on anti-metabolites, immunosuppressants, antihistamines and drugs used for cancer therapy. It's not all entirely clear cut in my case.

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I appreciate your comments.... before I say this I don't want to sound overly defensive or like I'm getting at you.


I know what my BMI is (39) I know I'm overweight. I don't have sleep apnoea, I rarely have any issues sleeping - only on the days where I've had several of the mentioned episodes during the day or when I'm having cluster headaches, bowel problems, or... arthritis.


I AM turning things around. I'm going to the gym 5x a week, have been for about 2 months. My diet is a lot better than it was. It's hard to get a happy diet when your bowel rejects a lot of healthy cereals, breads, n suchlike.


I don't think BMI is a neccesarily an accurate method of calculation. I am tall, and my entire family have a very dense bone structure - my mother was 14 stone when she was running 20 miles every day.


The thing is... your friend is pretty normal apart from the weight? I've got a LOT of health issues which are completely irrelevant to weight. I have arthritis.. more severely in the joints which aren't weight bearing. I am on anti-metabolites, immunosuppressants, antihistamines and drugs used for cancer therapy. It's not all entirely clear cut in my case.


I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. However I can offer you some advice. It sounds like you'd be best suited to a low toxic diet. I would suggest eating mainly fresh vegetables, grilled fatless meat and fresh fruit. Couple this with plenty of water and you should in a few weeks start to feel better.


Avoid anything with flavourings, lots of sugar, artificial colours and carbonated drinks. No chocolate, especially no coke, no crisps and no junk food. Diary is good to cut down on too, especially cheeses and cream. Obviously every now and again allow yourself a small treat.


Meals like chicken or steak with salad and baby new potatoes are great. Tuna and other fish are good too - high in protein which won't store on you like carbs. I would also suggest amongst the vegetables to have plenty of greens - avocado and broccoli are especially good. From the fruits - plenty of vitamin C is important and bananas are great for energy.


Hope this is of some help, I've also provided a few links:




Natural News, the second link is a gem of a sit offering real alternatives to fast food and toxic substances put into mass produced food.


If you fancy knowing more, please ask and I'll hekp as much as I can :)

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I have a weird thing with heights, that I wouldn't call fear but just something that gives me the jitters. I'm fine being high up or in tall buildings but it's when there's no barrier between myself and the ledge that I get a little unnerved. Nothing that halts me in my step or makes me a quivering wreck but just enough to make me go 'Oh shi- no barrier. Best move swiftly on'. But it's juxtaposed by the adrenaline rush I get from being up high or on top of tall buildings (Standing up on top of the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh was an interesting experience and hot air ballooning was the most excited I've ever been) which is weird. So sometimes I'm totally fine and others I get a tiny bit nervy.


Oh, and the camel spider thing looks awesome :bouncy:

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With regards to other medical illnesses, i've got a few. I've got a big history of immune disease (Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, and bowel disease), which is why I was concerned about ruling out something like Myesthenia Gravis which is strongly linked and following a lot of my symptoms.


...only on the days where I've had several of the mentioned episodes during the day or when I'm having cluster headaches, bowel problems, or... arthritis.


... It's hard to get a happy diet when your bowel rejects a lot of healthy cereals, breads, n suchlike.


Have you investigated the possibility of celiac disease; which is an allergic reaction to gluten and is often misdiagnosed? Information here and here.

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The first I heard of those camel spiders I was told they hate the sun so they walk in the shadows of soldiers in Iraq and if the sun hits them they shriek really loudly. I was also told that during the night while they sleep a camel spider can bite you and numb the flesh, and then start eating you alive so if you don't wake up in time you'll have half your leg missing and a fat whore of a spider on you. Thank GOD google revealed that isn't true.

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Usually spidery-related shit.


Also, sleep paralysis/false awakenings in the moment, but awesome lolz after. I never find awesome lolz to follow anything spider related.


You know what's definitely not cool? When you're having crazy dreams about spiders and then find yourself in a sp/false awakening situation, which I fucking just had to have about 2 weeks ago.


EDIT: Fuck that fucking camel spider, and fuck me if I'm watching any of those videos before I sleep now.

Edited by Rummy
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That reminds me of a dream I had once. I was being attacked by a horrid, brain-eating insect (actually resembled that Camel Spider, now that I think of it).

Eventually I woke up, went back to sleep...and dreamt the thing was there, right by my bed, waiting to strike. One of the few things that made me wake up while attacking everything around me.


Anyway, insects are some of the most disgusting creatures on earth, but Camel Spiders aren't the worst: cockroaches are the worst, because they're common and they can't fucking die.

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