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Do you chaps have it on the little chain as well?


Ordered mine without. Don't like the small chains.


It looks very nice and would love to own one, but don't see the point personally.


Yeah, for most people it wouldn't make sense to buy one.

I find wristwatches a bit uncomfortable and I don't take my mobile phone with me all the time...



So I needed something to check the time, and since I love the design of the pocket watch, I bought it :)

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I tell you what I haven't bought; a fan. BECAUSE LONDON HAS SOLD OLD!


Same down here. There was literally a sign on my nearest electrics store telling people that they DON'T KNOW WHEN THEY'LL BE GETTING ANY MORE FANS IN SO DON'T ASK.

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Posted this is the Steam summer sale thread but these are the games I ended up getting from it:


Sleeping Dogs

The Witcher 2

All the Fallout New Vegas DLC

NBA 2K13

Mirror's Edge

Final Fantasy VII

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion

Endless Space

Cart Life

Cherry Tree High Comedy Club


Also I was gifted these from awesome people on a different forum:


Surgeon Simulator

Another World

Gemini Rue


Sonic Generations

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