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There is a CEX, Grainger Games, gadget shop (Menkind) and Game right next to each other in the shopping centre next to work so I wander on down during my breaks for a browse.


Mainly to see if they have a Walkman (mp3 before any of yo' peeps start jiving me) so I can fight the system by being able to listen to music whilst at work.


Got one for £35 at the CEX in the town square. Also on my lunch break.

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It's been on my Spotify regularly since playing Furi last year so I finally decided it was time to pick up a copy. Brilliant album, particularly love Looking for Tracy Tzu and Roller Mobster but there's so many great tracks on the album.


Also picked up Everything on PS4 because I wanted something completely weird to play in between turns of Horizon Zero Dawn and Mass Effect Andromeda.


And pre-ordered Rain World, Snake Pass and Blackwood Crossing on the PS4 as well. So not going to go wanting for things to play in the coming weeks.

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My PS4 Gold Headset doesn't work anymore after almost 4 years. I've used it pretty much everyday. :( Sad to see it go but I guess it's time for something new:




Supposed to be a good and cheap gaming headset. Looking forward to giving it a go tomorrow :) (if it arrives, that is)

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I got a pair of HyperX after my Playstation headset died and I really liked them.


Good to hear. I bought the least expensive of the HyperX Cloud series. I don't need surround sound so I went with these as they appear to be pretty solid for 50€.


Howcome you're never on OW anymore @drahkon?


All of my online multiplayer time goes to Modern Warfare Remastered and occasionally Infinite Warfare with a mate :D

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