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Blue suit. I was going to get another black one, but seeing some dude in one on Friday inspired me to change colour. Glad with the result, may take picture sometime soon.


Black trousers to complement current suit/anything.


Shoes. Exactly like my old ones but won't be wearing these to Tesco, if I can help it.


Trainers. Almost exactly like my old ones, except they don't say Airwalk down the side of them (still Airwalk though)

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Bought four GameCube games. Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, Mario Smash Football, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader and Spider-man 2.


I've been after Pokemon XD for quite a while. I wanted Mario Smash Football and Rogue Squadron II because I'd never picked them up during the GameCube era. Bought Spider-man 2 because I seem to remember it being good when I played it at a friends back in the day and it was only £2.50!


Anybody know if Club Nintendo codes can still be used from GameCube games? Pokemon XD and Mario Smash Football both came with unscratched codes, I don't think they can and don't really want to scratch them off if they can't even be used.

Edited by V. Amoleo
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Qwertee earning my business again.




Nice shirt! Qwertee always do some really nice ones :D


Anyway, I finally got me one of these bad boys... (Been wanting one for ages and I've finally got the money for it!)




An Alienware Alpha (i3 model - they bumped up the price of the i5 one and the slight performance boost wasn't really worth it :p ). Took out the included 500GB HDD and replaced it with an SSD (and put that HDD into my bedroom PS3).


Runs current gen games better than a PS4, is completely silent and is just a bit bigger than a Wii. The Alpha UI also works a treat for living room use!


It's fantastic! Well chuffed with it! Runs everything I throw at it with no problems at all :D


Got it hooked up with a 5TB USB HDD and have it coupled with a PS3 to act as a Plex media server. Works perfectly! :yay:


Very very happy with it! Would recommend it without hesitation!

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Oh and forgot I downloaded this on the PS4 last week



It's out? Damn, missed its release completely...


Not sure if I should get it, though, because..you know...The Witcher.


Edit: Just checked some reviews...looks like it's not very good :blank:

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It's out? Damn, missed its release completely...


Not sure if I should get it, though, because..you know...The Witcher.


Edit: Just checked some reviews...looks like it's not very good :blank:


Yeah, I picked it up as I saw a trailer for it on the Playstation Youtube page and from that, kinda guessed that it wasn't going to be anything more than average at best but thought "What the hell, I'll support the devs" as it's their first title.


It's not the best, there are some good ideas in there it's just that a lack of polish all around and taking on more than they can chew for a first title hold it back from being as good as it could be. I think in the hands of a better developer or ones who've been in the industry for longer (or even with a bit of outside guidance) the game could have been much better. It's a shame cause, as I said, there's some interesting ideas there and some Ico-esque qualities to it and it all could have done similar to what Never Alone has done in bringing that culture to the forefront but it's just all a bit janky. That being said, I don't regret buying the game as hopefully it'll act as a launchpad for Swordtale to lead to something better in the future but it's not something I'd recommend really unless you're willing to be forgiving of most of the issues.


I'll post more about it in the gaming diary thread in a day or 2 once I've finished to let you know more.

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Because I need to replay them both.


...and because I have no way of hoovering my car now I live in a flat (and have a garage with no electric!)




Had great fun with FFX on the Vita (something like 100+ hours in order to get the plat). Need to continue with FFX-2...

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