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Your Bank Holiday!


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It was a Bank Holiday in the UK yesterday (except for loser Scots). What did you do with it?


We had my wife's sister and family stay at ours for the weekend. Eight of us (four adults, four kids) in our 2-bed terraced house: AWESOME. We climbed up a small local hill called White Nancy and had a picnic. Doesn't sound amazing, but I love doing little walks like that.

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House work, turned the spare room into an office and painted the banisters white, put laminet flooring down in the spare room also,



very difficult to do when feeling like shit, my birthday was on the Sunday so I wasnt feel all that great yesterday but HAD to get the house work done.

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I got absolutely wasted Friday night, spent the day hanging (in several ways) in London on Saturday, went to Thorpe Park on Sunday, then rested up on Monday. It was expensive, exhausting and awesome.


I also ate a lot of pizza. Again. Oh, and sent more text messages in three days than I had previously sent in my entire life.

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I was a loser Scot.


hah sucks to be you =P


I was getting all my boxes/bags of clothes and putting them in my new fancy ikea wardrobe! wooo


Had to go out and bloody buy coathangers too! Might have to do what shorty did and clear all the stuff i'm not gonna use/wear... 75% of the stuff doesn't even fit anymore, or just needs binned.


And I managed to banjax my keyboard so some of the keys now have no facias.


I also have today and tomorrow off (woo)! Today was spent doing not all that much apart from going to gym and purchasing a HR monitor, and tomorrow i'm sitting in waiting for my new 750gb hdd for my laptop, yeay!

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The heck is a bank holiday?


Anyway, might as well tell about my weekend, then. Went to a party at my "old" school (the one I graduated from a few months ago :heh:) Friday, had massive fun - it's the only place where you can dance to good music. Only one other place in town is good for clubbing, but it's filled with people who are quite frankly not my type. Didn't stay out too late because I had to get up early and help a friend of mine move into his apartment. That evening I went to town again even though I was already a bit tired, but I managed to stay out till about 6 o'clock - though I wasn't always entirely in the mood that night, especially not by the end. Too tired, I think.

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nightwolf's dad was working.


I.....editted a great review of Scott Pilgrim


If you havn't seen it, critics are calling it "Astounding" and "Michael is the breakout star of the decade"




Then Molly was all like "You wanna see Scott Pilgrim again?" and I was all like "Hell yes I do." So we did.


Then....I got home and wrote up a mafia night phase thing for another forum, where they were going mental at me because it might be inbalanced (I lolled) but its all fine, and going well and then that was it.


So it was pretty great! Enjoyable than the average day. :)

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My bank holiday didn't exist! I spent about 5 hours being one of about 3 people at my school, tidying my classroom and moving old books from the bookshelf that the previous teacher had collected over the years. Some of the crap she had was gold. If gold smelled like the guts of a fish dipped into a bucket of urine. Goldfishurine, I call it.


I wanted to play Little King's Story all day. Maybe on the weekend. Bank Holiday Sunday...TWO.

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Basically, spent the bank holiday working in the garden.


A few months ago, it was a lumpy and bumpy mess. Concrete on one side and grass/rubbish on the other with an old pond filled with more rubbish. Much work later, and a hired person (my mate) and it is nearly a garden. Now have a prepared area for turf, 2 beds for flowers/plants, a shed and a pathway. Looking to turf in a week or so now.

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For the bank-holday weekend I went up to wales for a meet-up with cousins (was a day early), which ended up being rather boring because one cousin didn't show, another has two young kids and a boyfriend with a bad back and my sister is heavily pregnant... Finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on the train up, then finished The Girl Who Played With Fire by sunday, and now have about 150 pages left of The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest that I'll finish tomorrow!

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