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Your favourite gamepad?

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The best controller for me is the Xbox 360 controller. Up until recently I thought that the GC controller was the best but after going back to it last Christmas I realised it was just that bit too small so the 360 takes it.


The PS3 is also too small and on the left handside the dpad and the analogue stick are the wrong way round! It's much more natural for the analogue stick to be up above as that's where your thumb goes!


In terms of proper retro stuff it has to be the N64, just for when your mates came round who had PS3s and picked it up with the dpad side!

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The gamecube was always one of my favourite pads as well, just really comfortable and good button placement.


The controller I always remember the most though was this one I had for the Megadrive:




I had one of these for my snes! Other than the B button slightly wearing out from all the jumping I did in mario, I loved that pad! I still have it, had to do a few strange repairs, but it seems to still work all right too. It had even more turbo switches than that mega drive one, is funny looking back.


Also I ain't getting what the Xbox pad hates are about, I liked both the S and the 360 pad!

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The retro fanboy in me wants to just scream SNES, because it fit the console all so well.


The GCN controller is great for a lot of stuff... but it's horrible for FPS... so sadly it loses there.


My favorite controller would have to be the Xbox 360 controller. The thumbstick layout is a lot more natural to me than the Sony controllers... the only downside to the 360's controllers are the Dpad. If they were to make them less floaty It would easily take the crown for the best controller ever.

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The N64 and GC controller are the best controllers ever. Others come close, but it doesn't get better than those two.


The Dualshock 1&2 aren't bad, but the sticks should be smaller, and the D-Pad should be softer. It hurts the fingers after a while. Though I have barely picked up the PS3 controller, maybe they have already corrected those flaws. If they did, then it ranks up there along with the GC and N64 controllers.


I have also barely touched the 360 controller. Would like to see how it feels.

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I'm used to the playstation controllers so currently the ps3 one is my favourite. The gamecube one was good too but the ps2 one was better.


Saying that I've had terrible luck with Gamecube controllers. I have bought 2 different ones so I could play smash bros properly(the ones for the family always end up broken somehow...) But both times the bloody buttons don't work properly. Have to press the L and R buttons the whole way in(requires me to depress them like 2 inches, not good for fast blocking), the A button sometimes decides not to work and the c stick being loose. The ps2 ones were maybe sturdier.

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The thread title is "Your Favorite Gamepad"


without the awesome caps.


Anyhow, that really changes my previous post.... like.. I was going off what I felt was the best gamepad, something that is versatile and efficient. If I'm going off just what my favorite pad is... it' have to be the NES pad for nostalgic reasons. There's something about the pad where if I just hold it it makes me smile.

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I love either the Sega Arcade Stick or the NES Arcade Stick... Don't know why but they just looked awesome, the kinda industrial gamer peripheral. If it has to be a standard pad it has to be the N64 pad, it just worked so well!

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Gamecube overall due to best comfort, really follow the shape of the hand well. PS3 controller next, not bulky and has changed little in terms of design so it's great for games with rapid button entry (at least, I don't know the 360 pad well enough). The D-pad is also good, unlike the 360's.

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I've been using my Wavebird recently for Super Metroid on the VC and for playing some old Cube games. It really is a thing of beauty. I'm also growing more and more attached the Wiimote. Love the look and feel of it.


The more I use my housemate's PS3 controller, the more I realise it just isn't for me. It feels too clunky in my hands.

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and I loved my yellow N64 controller! We went through a lot of awesome games together! :p




I had a yellow one as well, all the great memories and games i played with it. To be fair, i don't recall a single game i played when i didn't use this pad. Took it round friends houses for Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Perfect Dark and Goldeneye sessions all the time. Think the stick broke eventually.


Too bad i sold it, along with the 64 and a few games. Wasn't using it since i had the GC, it was gathering dust in the corner. Think thats what killed it eventually, and didn't work.




My personal favourite gamepad, well thats the Gamecube pad. Beats everything i've used hands down. Not only was it comfortable to hold, but everything on it was in easy reach and it holds so many great memories as well.

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I massively prefer the standard GameCube controller over the WaveBird. So much that I bought a GameCube console just to get a Black GameCube controller that was in good condition (I already had a WaveBird). Rumble and low weight is more important to me than wireless.

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It's funny you should say that, Cube, because quite often I use my Wavebird to play GC games on the Wii but last night I was playing Wave Race: Blue Storm and couldn't believe how much I missed the rumble in that game :eek: I craved it so much that I got up and switched to a normal black controller and was much happier :grin:


I also noticed that it somehow felt considerably different to the Wavebird in my hands and, in actuality, even more comfortable :hehe:

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Yeah, I agree I loved the Wavebird for its wireless ability, but the normal controller was more comfortable.


I also think the Xbox 360 controller is the most comfortable, and then the gamecube normal and then probably N64, though it has been a long time since I've held one of those beauties in my hands so I may just be being nostalgically biased.

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