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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Damn it, forgot about that free shield! I went and paid for one :heh: Only used the graveyard to plant some beans and Suns song :(
Yeah I'd forgotten about it to, I just luckily happened upon it again before I hit the shop!


Don't forget the heart piece you can get there aswell.

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I had Dampe dig up every spot, but didn't get the Heart Piece, is it only available after a certain point, is it's location random and I missed it or anyone know?
Oh really? Maybe it wasn't a heart piece then... did you get something other than Rupee's... because there is something you can get from there... I thought it was a heart piece.
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Oh really? Maybe it wasn't a heart piece then... did you get something other than Rupee's... because there is something you can get from there... I thought it was a heart piece.


Got some Rupees, but I was sure there was a Heart Piece there as well. Sure I remember getting one before.

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It's just random. I nabbed mine on my 4th spot.


I've just finished the Shdow Temple but I remember it being alot harder and longer ( snigger ). I blitzed though it, although the boss gave me some trouble. I had one heart left and made my final arrow count as I hit him in the eye and unleashed hell with my sword.


Time for a bit of fishing as I still need the gold scale and then off to the Spirit Temple.

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Iwata Asks - Ocarina of Time (Original) Part 1


Iwata Asks - Ocarina of Time (Original) Part 2


Yeah. You might say that, but before Super Mario 64, I had actually been making Zelda II: The Adventure of Link in polygons with Miyamoto-san.



Before Super Mario 64… You mean for the Super Famicom System?



Yes. We were experimenting with a thin, polygon Link seen from the side and fighting with his sword. Chanbara was a pending issue at the time. We couldn't really bring Zelda II: The Adventure of Link into form at that time, but I kept that desire to achieve a sword-fighting Zelda game until I joined this team.



As we went along looking at everything, it was so hot that we ducked into a playhouse to cool off. They were doing a ninja show. A number of ninja were surrounding the main samurai and one lashed out with a kusarigama (sickle-and-chain). The lead samurai caught it with his left arm, the chain stretched tight, and the ninja moved in a circle around him.



And…that led to Z-targeting?



Yeah…I think so, if my memory serves me correctly.


Aonuma: Something I always think as I work on the series is how hard it was to make The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but it was also a great time. As mentioned earlier, we were making something unprecedented.


Iwata: There wasn't anything you could compare it to.


Aonuma:We didn't know where the finish line was! (laughs)


Iwata:Without knowing a due date, time dragged on… (laughs)


Aonuma:Yeah. Sorry about that. (laughs)


Iwata: I was at a different company at the time, so no need to apologize to me! (laughs)


Everyone: (laughs)


Koizumi: I changed the character design for Link a lot for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. At first he had a button-nose.


Iwata: Yeah, he had a distinctive nose.


Koizumi: My wife said, "All of Nintendo's characters have funny noses. Don't you have any handsome ones?" I was shocked.


Iwata: (laughs)


Koizumi: Then when we were making The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I was in charge of Link's character design, so I made him a little better-looking.


Aonuma: Huh? So Link is your wife's type?


Koizumi: Yes. (firmly)


Everyone: (laughs)


Iwata: The Great Fairy is extremely flamboyant!


Aonuma: The first time I saw her, rather than smile, I drew back! (laughs)


Everyone: (laughs)


Takizawa: Volvagia is a dragon, so it wriggles and undulates. I only gave Morita-san the dragon model parts, but he set it in motion immediately. It was mysterious how he could do that.


Iwata: You were impressed—like, "I don't get it, but wow!"


Takizawa: Yeah. I couldn't help but ask how he did it. He said it was the same as the programming for Star Fox 64. There's this scene when another fighter aircraft is tailing Arwing and…


Iwata: (jumping in) Oh, that? That's right! It's the same!


Takizawa: I should have known you'd pick up on it right away! (laughs)


Haruhana: Because he's a programmer, too! (laughs)


Takizawa: But when I heard that, I didn't quite get it. I just thought, "Wow, that's cool…" Iwata: The way the fighter moves as it flies and Volvagia's movements are exactly the same.


Morita: I could do it easily by switching in the dragon for the fighter.


Takizawa: I was like "Whoa!" and "I see!" and had a great time every day marveling over it all.


Iwata: The Fishing Pond in Ocarina of Time is so complete that it's practically a whole fishing video game. That is a part of the Zelda tradition that continues to this day. How did you come to make something on such an impressive scale?

Morita: The Water Temple is in Lake Hylia. Aonuma-san designed that dungeon. The boss that appears there is Morpha. Just when I was making that, there was a landform like a pool.

Iwata: Morpha rises up out of the pool and fights Link.

Morita: Right. When I was making that boss, I casually…

Iwata: "Casually"? (laughs) I doubt you had that kind of time!

Morita: But for some reason I did. (laughs)

Everyone: (laughs)

Morita: I just happened to have a model of a fish, so…

Iwata: You "just happened" to have it? (laughs)

Morita: Yes! (laughs) A model of a fish for putting in an empty bottle. I borrowed that and had it swim in the pool in the dungeon, and when I saw it swimming around, I thought, "Oh! I can go fishing!"


Iwata: What did you do for a fishing pole?

Morita: I took the model for something and made it a cylinder, and then… (gestures as if casting a fishing pole)

Haruhana: You used the motion for Link swinging his sword.

Morita: Yep. But at that time, it was just for my own enjoyment. You know, for when I needed to take a breather.

Iwata: How long did it take before the other project members discovered this?

Morita: Hmm, not long.

Aonuma: At first, I didn't have any idea he was doing that.

Morita: Oh, that's right. Aonuma-san came over and I was like, "Uh-oh!" and immediately closed the screen.

Everyone: (laughs)

Aonuma: Well, you were supposed to be making a boss!

Iwata: We had pushed back the project several times, so making a boss was pressing business. You should have been doing that! (laughs)

Morita: Nonetheless, for some reason, it just kept coming together and…

Iwata: "For some reason"?! Yeah, because you were pouring your energy into it! (laughs) Is it really that easy to make a fishing game?

Morita: Yeah. I didn't have to put much effort into it.

Aonuma: Really…?

Morita: No, it's true. And it turned out just as I imagined.

Aonuma: Oh, so you had a complete idea of it before you made it?

Morita: Yeah.



So many great details on the game and I wish for Majora's Mask 3DS and Asks one.

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How big a fish do you need to get a Gold Scale/Piece of heart/useful shit?


Because I spent ages and the biggest I got was 9 pounds and was given five Rupees.


Fucking hate fishing...


Do I need the sinking lure?

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How big a fish do you need to get a Gold Scale/Piece of heart/useful shit?


Because I spent ages and the biggest I got was 9 pounds and was given five Rupees.


Fucking hate fishing...


Do I need the sinking lure?


Young Link it needs to be 10 for a heart piece. Adult Link it needs to be 20... I think, for the gold scale.


You can get both of these without the sinking lure.

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The only fish I've caught was 10 pounds, which gets you a heart piece. The best place is standing on the log in the pond - the biggest fish are nearest there. Plus (as the guy mentions) the fish will be bigger later on.

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The only fish I've caught was 10 pounds, which gets you a heart piece. The best place is standing on the log in the pond - the biggest fish are nearest there. Plus (as the guy mentions) the fish will be bigger later on.


Yeah, the bigger fish usually are staying still near that log or sometimes in the reeds. For some reason I think the fishing is harder in this version of the game. I used to be able to catch the fish quite easily on the N64/Cube versions but on this they are constantly getting away after a couple of minutes of trying to reel it in.

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Stand at the waterfall and cas towards the log. The big 10 pounder is always left of the log whenever I've played OoT. When adult link standin on the log works well.


Is the loach still in the game? It was like a playground urban myth back in the day.

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Is the loach still in the game? It was like a playground urban myth back in the day.


Despite playing through this game a stupid amount of times I never did see that or the sinking lure.


I managed to catch a 19 pound fish, luckly that was enough for the gold scale. :yay:

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Stand at the waterfall and cas towards the log. The big 10 pounder is always left of the log whenever I've played OoT. When adult link standin on the log works well.


Is the loach still in the game? It was like a playground urban myth back in the day.


I always thought that was a myth too,maybe now is the time to test if its true or not


I was sure there was a Heart Piece too and tried digging everywhere and just got Rupees.


Its there it usually takes me forever to find it, today on the first dig i find it! i'm amazed:yay:

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Good news*


You can still get the soundtrack


Due to strong demand and technical issues, we are extending this offer. Members who register the game by midnight, Pacific Time on Monday June 20, 2011 will receive the soundtrack CD.


*Just realised that's only for USA and Canada... it's promising though, surely NoE will follow suit?

Edited by The Peeps
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