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EZA Game Sleuth (GT Pop Fiction)

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I'm pretty sure that was the building that kept me from wanting to jump off the ledge at the end of the level. So I was twatting around by those guard towers wondering how to get to it when in fact I already had the equipment needed to fling myself into the dam.

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I remember many feverish, hour-long attempts with mates who "knew how to cross the lake" from my youth. I was surprised this (and the aeris myth) made it to full-length episodes as both are ridiculously, and obviously, myths that really don't take more than a minute to tell.


But then, are there really that many gaming myths? The only other 'myth' I can think of is the Tomb Raider naked cheat, which again isn't true at all. God, I hope they don't do an episode of that!

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Tbh, me and my friends never obsessed over this in GoldenEye at all. I don't even remember paying much attention to it on any of my plays of the dam. ::shrug: Its blatantly a part of the background scenery! Does everything in games have to be there for a reason? Maybe it does nowadays, but in the past stuff was just there.


But then, are there really that many gaming myths? The only other 'myth' I can think of is the Tomb Raider naked cheat, which again isn't true at all. God, I hope they don't do an episode of that!


Aw man, here's a myth you just reminded me of: apparently back on the Snes/ arcade Killer Instinct, you could get B. Orchid to do her strip tease finisher towards the camera!

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Tbh, me and my friends never obsessed over this in GoldenEye at all. I don't even remember paying much attention to it on any of my plays of the dam. ::shrug: Its blatantly a part of the background scenery! Does everything in games have to be there for a reason? Maybe it does nowadays, but in the past stuff was just there.
The fact Rare have said it was going to have a use dispels that.


And playing the game you could sense that, you could tell it was more than just part of the background because it was you used your sniper site to zoom in on it you could see it was fully constructed in 3D, where as the mountains, and generally other background scenery was flat.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I heard about this a long time ago, and also that RARE wanted to use this as a section of the game, but then decided not to. Never really thought about trying to get to it. I sorta looked at it and thought "uh, ok, it's impossible to get over there, so I'm not going to bother."


As for the Ocarina of Time Running Man: You have no idea how many times and how many different techniques I used to try and beat him. It can't be done. He will always beat you by that one second. I even tried backflicking my way all the way, because I thought it might be quicker than running. :weep:

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They could probably do a massive one on Ocarina of Time. From the top of my head


- Running Man

- Triforce/Entering Sacred Realm

- Loads of other Ura Zelda myths (that apparently slightly existed in OoT)

- The bugs bugs. There was one where you could use any item as the Ocarina. I think this also let you escape Ganon (but that part may be a myth).

- This also extends to the different versions of the game, plus the things regarding the Fire Temple Music and Mirror Shield logo.

- I also remember hearing about (but not seeing) a glitch that let you use all your items while riding Epona.

- Turning any item into a bottle.


I'm probably missing loads of others, too.

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I remember trying some stuff in OoT but forgot what! I know there was one thing where you had to go up a slope near the castle but I forgot what would happen...


Also think I tried a glitch in MM where you could wear the Fierce Deity mask outside of boss battles, and I think I got that to work. My mind is hazy though so I'm not sure. =(


Edit: Was something like this that I tried (and it worked, whoo).

Edited by Eenuh
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Only just reading this thread now.


I'm still in shock about the Master Hand one, was expecting that to be a total fake.


As for OOT, wasn't there meant to be somesort of glitch that let you play the game from a first person viewpoint? I'd like to see them try that one.

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  • 1 month later...

Can you legitimately get Mew in Pokemon Red, Blue & Yellow?...



I was genuinely surprised by this!


I didn't know of that method! (or even the truck rumour, unless I'd forgotten that one)


What was the trick where you walking back and forth around a certain part of the coastline?


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I was genuinely surprised by this!


I didn't know of that method! (or even the truck rumour, unless I'd forgotten that one)


What was the trick where you walking back and forth around a certain part of the coastline?


The one you mentioned was the item multiplier one, where you'd sail up and down on the eastern coast of Cinnabar island after having talked to the guy in Viridian to show you how to catch pokemon and then you'd encounter Missingno and the item in slot 6 would read as being x99.


How sad of me to remember that. :bouncy:

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Guys, Jayseven posted a similar video a while back. yes, incredibly enough, Mew is real. Maybe I should go fetch him someday...


The one you mentioned was the item multiplier one, where you'd sail up and down on the eastern coast of Cinnabar island after having talked to the guy in Viridian to show you how to catch pokemon and then you'd encounter Missingno and the item in slot 6 would read as being x99.


How sad of me to remember that. :bouncy:


Hey, no shame. Everyone did that. I remember encountering Snorlaxes level 154.

But mainly, I did it for the infinite TMs and Master Balls.

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  • 2 months later...
They could probably do a massive one on Ocarina of Time. From the top of my head


- Running Man

- Triforce/Entering Sacred Realm

- Loads of other Ura Zelda myths (that apparently slightly existed in OoT)

- The bugs bugs. There was one where you could use any item as the Ocarina. I think this also let you escape Ganon (but that part may be a myth).

- This also extends to the different versions of the game, plus the things regarding the Fire Temple Music and Mirror Shield logo.

- I also remember hearing about (but not seeing) a glitch that let you use all your items while riding Epona.

- Turning any item into a bottle.


I'm probably missing loads of others, too.


I did a few glitches before, can't remember which ones. If I remember right a lot of them were fixed for the PAL versions.


The mirror shield design has definitely been changed in newer versions, it just doesn't look right.


Can you legitimately get Mew in Pokemon Red, Blue & Yellow?...


Ha, I tried the truck thing back in the days, didn't work :( I had heard of the working method, but it sounded too annoying to do so I didn't try it.

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They could probably do a massive one on Ocarina of Time. From the top of my head


- Running Man

- Triforce/Entering Sacred Realm

- Loads of other Ura Zelda myths (that apparently slightly existed in OoT)

- The bugs bugs. There was one where you could use any item as the Ocarina. I think this also let you escape Ganon (but that part may be a myth).

- This also extends to the different versions of the game, plus the things regarding the Fire Temple Music and Mirror Shield logo.

- I also remember hearing about (but not seeing) a glitch that let you use all your items while riding Epona.

- Turning any item into a bottle.


I'm probably missing loads of others, too.


Well, some of these I've read about. The Running Man is definitely unbeatable. I believe this has been confirmed by developers. Regarding the Triforce and the Sacred Realm, all claims made about them existing in the game have been debunked. Besides, the Triforce is already in the game - Link has a piece, Zelda has a piece, and Ganondorf has a piece. Being able to find the whole Triforce somewhere makes no sense.


Regarding the Fire Temple music and the Mirror Shield symbol, both were changed due to religious and cultural sensitivity. The Mirror Shield's original logo resembled the flag of Turkey too much, and the original Fire Temple music resembled certain prayers too much, hence these two elements were changed.

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