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What would you do if you woke up with your head sewn to the carpet?


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I'd cut the carpet around my face and then walk around town hoping to make a new fashion or something.


How would you get the scissors if you were sewn to the carpet?


You'd just have to lie there, in an eventual puddle of urine. And the urine would ruin the carpet too.

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Well it would totally ruin my chat up line "wanna come and see my carpet samples?" as it'd be on my face :(


Wouldn't that be more of a chat up line used by a woman? Think about it, sounds a bit strange a man saying it but a woman saying "Wanna come over and check out MY carpet samples? ;)" isn't quite as strange.


Anyway, if I woke up with some carpet sown to my head I'd first wonder how in the hell it happened. Apart from someone stapling it to my head, really not a lot of excess skin that could be used for sowing it on. I'd probably then just go back to bed or something.

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Since we have no carpet at home, I'd wonder whose house I ended up at, and whether they drugged me or I went there myself... And then apart from that probably not much as I'd be stuck with no way to get myself free. =P

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First things first, i'd have to wonder how i came about with carpet sewn to my face.


If anyone came up to me with a hoover, i'd become the first person to have his face hoovered.


Then i would probably cut the carpet off afterwards. Would get in the way too much.

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I'd unpick the stitches.


You guys would seriously live the rest of your life with a bit of carpet stuck to your face?

But this is the only opportunity you'll ever get to have carpet stuck to your face, and you didn't have to go through the painful process of knowing it is happening. Once you remove it, it's gone forever, you're not going to be stupid enough to do it again.


You could cut around it, leaving just a strip of carpet which you could pin accessories and badges to.

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But this is the only opportunity you'll ever get to have carpet stuck to your face, and you didn't have to go through the painful process of knowing it is happening. Once you remove it, it's gone forever, you're not going to be stupid enough to do it again.


You could cut around it, leaving just a strip of carpet which you could pin accessories and badges to.


It'd be a pretty good dinner conversation topic too!


"Hey, what's that on your face?"


"EXCUSE. ME. It's a birthmark, and I'm extremely sensitive about it!"


"Oh... gosh! I'm so sorry, I mean, I didn't mean to..."


"No, it's cool! I just woke up one morning with my head sewn to the carpet."


"Oh-ho! (laughs) Wow, that's pretty unusual, how did that happen?"


"Well, it all started when..."




Anyone care to continue the story?

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