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What was the last surprise you had?


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not my surprise but lols all the same.


Dad's birthday tomorrow and mum booked a night's stay on a house boat without telling him


then today, as I left uni and was walking home dad literally walks out of work and almost straight in to me- then offered a lift home with mum who was en route. Faintly awkward few minutes waiting for the car knowing full well mum was not going home and I was wasting time. Had no excuse to bail, either.



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That my family have decided to move to Orkney this year/relatively soon.


I'm leaving for uni, so don't really mind, and it's more for my sisters sake, but it's a hassle for the holidays, as I'd come back to Edinburgh presumably, to see my friends. And just makes seeing people a hassle in general. But yeah.

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Hm, maybe not directly surprised, but I was freaked out a bit last night when I saw an ad during a TV show. The ad was for another television show, a funny series about lackluster ghost hunters, and consisted of a brief image of a ghostly figure appearing on screen for two seconds accompanied by static. Absolutely brilliant.

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An unintended surprise - I got a First on an essay I didn't think was very good at all.


Intended surprise - My best friend got us tickets to see Matt & Kim last year. Was such an amazing thing to do. I've got the ticket on my wall. :smile:

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This morning when I woke up I couldn't feel my small or ring finger on my left hand. It wasn't like when you sleep on your arm, because this didn't go away after several minutes. I think I had a trapped nerve, I massaged my shoulder a bit and the feeling came flooding back. Such a bizarre feeling when the sense floods back into your limbs, like you can feel them growing....

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Most surprises are actually kinda lame. Can't think of the last 'big' surprise I had. Oh wait no, its a lecturer actually following up on his word. Always nice.


Other than that recent ones;

- Bumping into various friends yesterday

- Finding a book in the library that will actually be of use :geek:

- New season of HIMYM is out next month on DVD (here, but out in America for years) and reasonably priced.

- This:


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