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I own Krusty's Fun House for Gameboy. Its as crap as ScrewAttack say. So why do I own it...? Well...


Remember when you were wee and you saved up money to buy a game? You didn't know what was good, what was bad and what releases were coming up to look forward to. All you had to work with was what the shop stocked and your instincts. It was a simpler time.


Thats how fate conspired to allow Krusty's Fun House to make its way into my fledgling collection. I can't remember the shop I got it from but I do remember they kept their games in a glass cabinet - being able to only stare at those cardboard boxes through the glass made them all the more mystical. Strangely by todays standards, being a licensed game didn't automatically equate to a substandard game - in fact, with the way things used to be, it was probably bucking the trend for a licensed game to be bad. Plus, it has fun house in the title, which could only have meant it was sheer quality, right?



Erm, no. It was a poor game and even I could tell that when I was young. I still played the crap out of it because thats what you did whether a game was good or bad. As I said, it was a simpler time.


More recently, Mario vs DK has done this type of game much more justice.

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I own Krusty's Fun House for Gameboy. Its as crap as ScrewAttack say. So why do I own it...? Well...


Remember when you were wee and you saved up money to buy a game? You didn't know what was good, what was bad and what releases were coming up to look forward to. All you had to work with was what the shop stocked and your instincts. It was a simpler time.


Thats how fate conspired to allow Krusty's Fun House to make its way into my fledgling collection. I can't remember the shop I got it from but I do remember they kept their games in a glass cabinet - being able to only stare at those cardboard boxes through the glass made them all the more mystical. Strangely by todays standards, being a licensed game didn't automatically equate to a substandard game - in fact, with the way things used to be, it was probably bucking the trend for a licensed game to be bad. Plus, it has fun house in the title, which could only have meant it was sheer quality, right?



Erm, no. It was a poor game and even I could tell that when I was young. I still played the crap out of it because thats what you did whether a game was good or bad. As I said, it was a simpler time.


More recently, Mario vs DK has done this type of game much more justice.


totally agree it was crap. i had it on gameboy too because it came bundled with it when I got it for xmas and what a load of shit....compared to the awesome bart vs the juggernauts which I also owned it was an absolute turd.

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Bart vs the juggernauts. Loved that game! The skateboarding levels were solid but probably easy as now. The Simpsons games always bordered on having amazing potential but never really delivering. I didn't even like the GTA clone they did when everyone else seemed to love it.


Simpler times when you never knew what a game was going to be like was always exciting but we had to play through some tripe.

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I didn't even like the GTA clone they did when everyone else seemed to love it.

The Simpsons Hit and Run. I agree that it was terrible.


I never understood why they never made a Simpsons adventure game. Something like that would have been able to keep the look of the show as well as the humor. :sad:

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So its unanimous then! How much of it did you play?




Not sure if I played it... so I've probably not. What was the Simpsons game on the Master System? I thought it was alright, but again I was probably young and naive.


I played quite a bit of krusty vividly remember many hours of frustration. Was the master system a port of bart vs space mutants? That was a game I loved but went back and played it last year and it is a turd! I feel a simpsons thread coming.

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Super Tennis is a game I really wish I owned back when it originally came out!


It may not be on the Virtual Console (for whatever reason :nono:) but I have had it in my SNES collection for a few years now thanks to my brother and am very impressed by just how good it is :hehe:


The reason I would have liked it in my younger days is that I feel I would have got stuck into it and tried to progress through the single player tournaments, something I can't really see myself attempting now :hmm:


I've been wanting a sequel from Nintendo for a while now instead of Mario Tennis.. maybe on Wii U, eh..? ::shrug:

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I played quite a bit of krusty vividly remember many hours of frustration. Was the master system a port of bart vs space mutants? That was a game I loved but went back and played it last year and it is a turd! I feel a simpsons thread coming.


Yeah, the main 2D scroller on the 8/16bit systems was Vs the Space Mutants. Looked good at the time but was dire. The best game was The Simpsons Arcade game. Juggernauts had wrestling and skateboarding down huge slopes onto targets in it. Utter tosh nowadays but we never had it better back then.


Also: Super Tennis is immense. Loved the animations in the backdrops. I remember getting to a Japanese stage as a kid and biting my controller due to sheer frustration!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Saturday night my girlfriend and alot of my mates girlfriends had an Ann Summers party thingy, so we all decided to hook up and have a game night.


So I arrive at my friends house, with 360 Controller, PS3 Controller etc, only to find that he'd set up the SNES, Megadrive and N64.


FUCKING AMAZING night was had, started the evening with some Snes playing Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, the some Mario Kart.


Moved onto the Megadrive where we had a dabble with Fifa 95 and Road Rash, then moved to the N64 for the remainder of the night where we only needed 2 games...


Goldeneye and Smash Bro's


very very enjoyable evening, gave me a spark to get back into some older classic games.

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Crazy question i'm about to ask here so bear with me.


Does anyone on here have some old N64 games that are boxed? If so could you have a look in the cardboard box and see if you could actually dismantle it if need be. Is there a sort or edge/seal/seam that could be broken so the box could be opened out and then laid flat?


I'm thinking about picking a N64 up and was wondering if its worth trying to get boxed games, even if they are tatty, and then doing the boxes up. My plan kinda hinges on whether or not I can get the boxes opened up and flat.

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Crazy question i'm about to ask here so bear with me.


Does anyone on here have some old N64 games that are boxed? If so could you have a look in the cardboard box and see if you could actually dismantle it if need be. Is there a sort or edge/seal/seam that could be broken so the box could be opened out and then laid flat?


I'm thinking about picking a N64 up and was wondering if its worth trying to get boxed games, even if they are tatty, and then doing the boxes up. My plan kinda hinges on whether or not I can get the boxes opened up and flat.


Yes, two side panels have been glued together, so if are careful pulling them apart, you can lay the box flat then when done, glue it back as it was.


I can take photos if it helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I bought two games on the Wii's VC the other day.


One is this:



Incredibly difficult in later levels, more or less because of the lag in the registering of your movements with the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck.


And the other is the one and only awesome game: The Legend of The Mystical Ninja


I'm going through it with a friend, like you said @Dcubed, and it's an ab-so-lute blast! It's quite hard, has nice minigames and has that Japanese vibe which we both, as students of Japanstudies, adore :D


Thanks for this awesome recommendation a while back fellas!


Can't believe they dropped the series though....:nono:

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So I bought two games on the Wii's VC the other day.


One is this:



Incredibly difficult in later levels, more or less because of the lag in the registering of your movements with the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck.


And the other is the one and only awesome game: The Legend of The Mystical Ninja


I'm going through it with a friend, like you said @Dcubed, and it's an ab-so-lute blast! It's quite hard, has nice minigames and has that Japanese vibe which we both, as students of Japanstudies, adore :D


Thanks for this awesome recommendation a while back fellas!


Can't believe they dropped the series though....:nono:


Good man! Knew you'd like it :D


Too bad that the Konami of today have gone batshit insane and have forgotten that the series exists :(


At least we still have the likes of Muscle March to keep the crazy alive :D (the fact that the game is pretty fun is nice too!)


If you're after more Japanese nuttiness, look out for Tomena Sanner on Wii Ware, Cho Aniki on the Wii VC and Tokyo Crash Mobs on the 3DS eShop (coming out in the next month or so)

Edited by Dcubed
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