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19 hours ago, Goafer said:

I guess I'm lucky as my Pearl GameCube doesn't seem to have yellowed. My Dreamcast on the other hand hasn't fared so well. My NES has started to as well. My SNES is pretty good, although I don't know if they yellow, as its more grey than white.

Yeah they do, apparently the 1-chip variant was treated to prevent or at least reduce the yellowing.

On 10/07/2018 at 12:45 PM, Hero-of-Time said:

Just a reminder @Ike that NERG is on this weekend.

Ooh, forgot about that, thanks! Can't decide if I want to give this a year a miss and save some money or not, but the thought of maybe finding something interesting is tempting...

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On 7/11/2018 at 7:10 PM, Ike said:


Ooh, forgot about that, thanks! Can't decide if I want to give this a year a miss and save some money or not, but the thought of maybe finding something interesting is tempting...

I'm still debating whether to go or not. I skipped last years but i've got a pretty quiet weekend and may just have a look out. I'll probably just drive to the Metro Centre, park there and then hop on a bus to Gateshead. It will save having to faff around with parking when I get there.

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9 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'm still debating whether to go or not. I skipped last years but i've got a pretty quiet weekend and may just have a look out. I'll probably just drive to the Metro Centre, park there and then hop on a bus to Gateshead. It will save having to faff around with parking when I get there.

Good idea, it was bit of a pain to get parked last year. Not sure if I want to risk it and drive or get the Metro down.

Just bought my ticket so guess I'm going. ::shrug:

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41 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Did you end up picking anything up, @Ike?

In the end I didn't bother going. The weather was too hot to be in a crowded convention and I figured I have spent enough this month on retro goodies.

Yeah, I ended up buying Dragon Quest IV for the PS1, couldn't remember if I had it already and it was £3 so... ::shrug: (turns out I do have it). Also got Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Japanese but it's in pretty good condition).

Wanted a new Sega Saturn controller but couldn't find one. I found the model 1 version just thrown in a box under the table but it looked kinda dirty so I left it. Dunno if the model2 ones are rare or something... I felt like there wasn't really as much there as the last couple of years though.

I didn't stay long because it was crowded like you said and it was giving me a headache, so maybe I missed something. It probably would have been worse today since it's even hotter.

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7 minutes ago, Ike said:

Yeah, I ended up buying Dragon Quest IV for the PS1, couldn't remember if I had it already and it was £3 so... ::shrug: (turns out I do have it). Also got Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Japanese but it's in pretty good condition).

Wanted a new Sega Saturn controller but couldn't find one. I found the model 1 version just thrown in a box under the table but it looked kinda dirty so I left it. Dunno if the model2 ones are rare or something... I felt like there wasn't really as much there as the last couple of years though.

I didn't stay long because it was crowded like you said and it was giving me a headache, so maybe I missed something. It probably would have been worse today since it's even hotter.

I don't think the model 2 was a rare, just that they are more sought after due to them having a better form factor.

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@Hero-of-Time, we ended up buying Breath of the Wild from Argos. Cheers for the heads-up! :D

I've got my Summer break from school and I already said months ago that I'd start my second playthrough of The Witcher 3. According to my save file, I finished the DLC 12/07/2016, so 2 years and one week ago. :D 

We've decided that @Eenuh is going to play this first (since there's no way both of us can play this at the same time, without owning two sets of hardware and two versions of the game) and I'll play The Witcher 3. Then, we'll do a swap afterwards and she'll do her second Witcher 3 run through and I'll do BotW. Seems sensible! 

I'll tell you what though, getting everything set up was an absolute ball ache. We had to go rummaging through the boxes to find the WiiU stuff. That didn't take too long. So, console got set up reasonably quickler. Having to find the WiiU gamepad cable was fun, seeing as it has it's own special cable that it needs and isn't just a standard USB cable. So, we charged that up. @Eenuh is using the headphones to play the game and there don't seem to be that many customisable options in game or in the system to turn up the in game sound or turn down certain things, etc. 

About 15 minutes into the game, @Eenuh decides that the WiiU Gamepad is a piece of junk and is just plain uncomfortable to use. So, we go to find the Pro Controller. We find the Pro Controller. Then, we realise that it (for some unknown reason) don't use the same cable as the Gamepad and is also not standard USB. It's a mini-USB cable. So, we have to go ransacking the boxes for that. We find the cable. Now, we both realise that there's no headphone jack on the controller, so Eenuh now has the WiiU Gamepad on her lap, with the power cable powering that up, plus the headphone cable going from that, whilst she's also charging the Pro Controller and using that. 

I think she can finally start to enjoy the game now! :D

Also, is there any lag on the WiiU version? She said she's noticed some slowdown already.

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, there is a bit of slowdown in various parts of the game. Nothing major but it is still noticeable. 

There was a bit of it when @Eenuh was climbing up some trees and was at the very top amongst the leaves. I thought it looked like some sort of cool effect, but not sure that she agreed. :D

What do you make of the whole weapon breaking mechanic? I saw her doing the Stone Talus boss and could see that it was quite frustrating having to switch your weapons every few seconds due to them breaking. 

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Well there has been significant slowdown whenever there is some fog around, or a small group of enemies. I found it quite noticeable, but hopefully it won't become too distracting.

The weapon breaking thing is just annoying though to be honest, I really don't get the point of it. Three hits and your weapon breaks, great. And switching weapons is cumbersome as well, which is probably down to the horrible button layout on the controller (god I hate those buttons...). Keep pressing jump when I want to use my weapon for example, urgh. Really dislike the WiiU controllers. :(

Anyway, apart from the horrible controller, I've just been having fun exploring the plateau, trying to find food/treasure etc. Only done two shrines so far so haven't really done much yet in regards to progress/story.

Also, I'm not sure if I am missing something, but is there no way on the WiiU game to have the locking stay on an enemy without having to hold down the shoulder button?


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I've been playing through Super Mario Sunshine the past week or so because I never managed to play it much when it first came out, also gave me a chance to test out the Hyperkin HD cable and I'm happy to report its worked flawlessly - looks just as good as the component cables did on my old TV so it was a decent investment considering i'm going to be playing through a lot of other Gamecube games I missed out on.

Super Mario Sunshine itself was definitely difficult to get into at first, Mario has never been so jittery and the lack of a backflip or a long jump made the stages without FLUDD really awkward to get my head around - I'm so used to getting around in 3D Mario games by just long jumping about the place that it was really weird to play a game without such a versatile manoeuvre. Similarly FLUDD was pretty awkward at times too, especially to begin with, it has a lot of eccentricities to the way it changes how Mario moves and getting used to aiming at enemies took me a little while too. 

What I liked least about the game was how once you come to a shine that frustrates you in a stage you're basically stuck attempting it until you can collect it, whereas in Odyssey if a particular moon is irritating you then you can just go and find another one to look for. Part of it is definitely due to being coddled by more modern Mario games but I don't remember getting as irritated every time I was kicked out of a level after getting a star in Mario 64 than I was when I got a shine in Sunshine, it was exacerbated by one of the conventions of the Gamecube era where there are too many cinematic interludes, not as heinous in Sunshine as it is in something like Star Fox Adventures where the same damn animation plays every time you open a chest or gain a new ability but it does grate a bit seeing those bloody Pianta's gazing into the shaft of light for the hundredth time. 

After those little gripes I really enjoyed it though, there's a lot of charm to the setting and the peripheral characters (the plot is pretty bonkers) and the music is really great. One thing that griped me to begin with was how bloody difficult some sections were but eventually it enhanced the experience because there was a real sense of peril knowing that if I cocked up a jump I'd have to go through the whole thing again thanks to the lack of checkpoints.

I don't know if I'm going to 100% it, I'm up to 70 shines at the moment and I think I've done all of the FLUDDless challenges, can someone tell me if any new challenges unlock once you earn a certain number of shines? I'd like to play all the game has to offer but I don't really want to scavenge about each stage finding 100 coins just for the sake of getting 120 of them. 

And what is with red and blue coins not counting towards the 100 coin total? Absolute heresy Mr Miyamoto!

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8 hours ago, killthenet said:

I don't know if I'm going to 100% it, I'm up to 70 shines at the moment and I think I've done all of the FLUDDless challenges, can someone tell me if any new challenges unlock once you earn a certain number of shines? I'd like to play all the game has to offer but I don't really want to scavenge about each stage finding 100 coins just for the sake of getting 120 of them.

The blue coins are far worse than the 100-coin shines. To get the 120 Shines, you need every Blue coin, and they're hell to find. Feel free to ignore all of that if you're so inclined, as you can still beat the rest of the game regardless.

There are a few extra levels/challenges scattered throughout Delfino Plaza that are worth playing, but they're not Fluddless levels. Quite the opposite, they're some of the most creative uses of Fludd in the game.

Edited by Jonnas
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The Wii U version of BOTW has some horrendous slowdown.  Hyrule Castle runs at like 15-20FPS at all times and FPS drops to the teens are pretty common.  They clearly gave up on it when they decided to make it a multiplatform release (hilariously, it doesn’t even support the touch screen for text input when playing Off TV; so you get the standard system keyboard pop up on the Gamepad screen whenever you need to input text but it doesn’t work properly!).


I have both the Wii U and the Switch version and the latter just runs so much better.

Edited by Dcubed
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This is cool! Someone just uploaded a digitised version of an old promo VHS for the SNES/Super Mario All Stars released in the UK in 1993! Has some neat SNES Dev footage, 90’s tude and Craig Charles as host!



Think I actually still have this old tape myself kicking around somewhere, but here it is in easy to digest YouTube form for all of you old farts who remember what a VHS is! :D 

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That was great. 

I don't think they should be shouting from the rooftops that Mario was in a movie. :D 

I love it when they were talking about Starwing and said how the Super FX chip allowed for high speed action. Nothing could be further from the truth! :p

Crazy seeing the Hotline and just how far you've come since then. 

I burst out laughing at the Aladdin review. "The evil Jaffa" What the hell? Also "This game will keep you interested forever." The game is super short. Even back then I knew it was stupidly short. :laughing:

The guy review the racing game looks suicidal or as if he's being forced at gunpoint to speak to the camera. :grin:

I freaking loved Lost Vikings. I never had the SNES version but I used to play the hell out of it on my Amiga 600.

I now wanna play Super Mario All-Stars. 

I always wanted to play Yoshi's Safari but I never got to play it, despite owning the Super Scope. :( 


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18 hours ago, Dcubed said:

This is cool! Someone just uploaded a digitised version of an old promo VHS for the SNES/Super Mario All Stars released in the UK in 1993! Has some neat SNES Dev footage, 90’s tude and Craig Charles as host!



Think I actually still have this old tape myself kicking around somewhere, but here it is in easy to digest YouTube form for all of you old farts who remember what a VHS is! :D 


Great vid @Dcubed, I'd definitely seen it before, but a loooong time ago and had forgotten just how entertaining it was, so thanks for sharing.

Shigeru M-eye-amoto? :heh:

Hilarious how that Zelda review has the low health warning sound throughout the entire thing. :laughing:
Also, 88% for sound on Super Mario Kart? W...T...F!? :grin:

Gotta love even more hyper than usual young Craig Charles though, what a legend. :cool:

18 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I love it when they were talking about Starwing and said how the Super FX chip allowed for high speed action. Nothing could be further from the truth! :p

Hehehe! Quite possibly the worst case of false advertising ever. And that Star Fox footage was more sped up than an old-school TV car chase scene! :D

Edited by RedShell
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