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Mary-Kate and ...


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Thanks everyone :)


I think it's going to be a quiet/overshadowed birthday but hey ho. I knew my 23rd was never going to be too big as I'm living in limbo at the moment. But tomorrow should be a good day, meeting the infamous Jodie and going to the cinema and drinking champagne.


Enjoy the day, if you can leave the N:E community temp to enjoy it.


I'll be leaving later to fulfil the necessary family face time requirements. And I'll be gone all day tomorrow so nah! :heh:





Me and Raining are bag buddies. *high fives*



Should keep me busy for a while.



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Should keep me busy for a while.


Kept me busy for a total of 7 hours. For 3 times, already. Such a great book, if politically dubious.


Anyway, Happy B'day fuckface. Or something.


And since everyone's posting pics and videos and whatnot, I'd feel empty if I didn't...




I'm not really that good at this. :red:

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A Very Happy Birthday to you Ashleymonster!



Stitch says hi!



Better clean off all that cake and frosting!


I hope the family thing isn't too annoying! And I hope you have lots of fun in London and meeting up with Jodie and all that. =D

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