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Lost: The Final Season


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It is 50/50 as far as I know...


I've watched LOST from day one and I've been hooked on it. I've loved almost every single episode and I was sad yet excited to see it end because I thought it would explain everything after six or seven years of watching it but I didn't think it did really.


I thought the last episode was just fantastic but if they could have come up with a better five to fifteen minutes, it would have been magnificent and a great way to end such a fantastic show! I wanna see the alternative endings and my friend said they were in some interview on YouTube but I can't find it, does anybody know what he's talking about?


I posted the alternative endings in the Lost thread, they arent proper ones. Just comedy ones that were made.

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Okay, a friend of mine has just explained it to me and I completely get it now but I'm still disappointed.


It makes sense to have an ending like that to end the season since that ending was basically from a story introduced in Season Six but I'm disappointed because I've been a huge fan since day one and I've seen it for six years only to have them die anyway? WTF! I'm also pissed off that they didn't explain Hurley's numbers and how it was all connected!


Anyhow, my score is now 6/10.


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The characters "created a place where they could all meet after they died" people are calling it purgatory, but I didn't get that impression from it. I saw it more as either some type of heaven or alternate universe or some shit. Although there was a light. But yeah it doesn't make sense that it was purgatory.

So they actually died in the crash, but the island was their purgatory. Meaning that those that died during the series was fucking pointless?


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So they actually died in the crash, but the island was their purgatory. Meaning that those that died during the series was fucking pointless?


No, everything that happened on the Island actually happened. This purgatory bit was them all meeting back up together after they all eventually died. Time doesnt really matter there so it didnt matter when they died.


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No, everything that happened on the Island actually happened. This purgatory bit was them all meeting back up together after they all eventually died. Time doesnt really matter there so it didnt matter when they died.


Exactly what I thought in the first place


I didn't get why Claire, Sawyer and Kate were there since they escaped the Island on the plane but now I do. Christian (Jack's dad) said "We all die sometime, kiddo. Some before you and some long after!".


It completely makes sense now to be honest and I suppose it's the only way they could close the door on LOST. I still feel a little disappointed (not as much as I did before) and sad though.


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Managed to watch the episodes nearly a day after they were aired without anyone spoiling it :)


It was a fine ending. I feel like enough has been answered by the show, and what is left has been left for mythology's sake -- I mean, the entertainment was in the journey and anyone who has been watching the show from week one shouldn't feel like all the enjoyment they've had for the last 5 years is suddenly somehow invalidated.


Personally I think it's great to even have a proper, genuine series finalé. It's so rare to have that, and I think as a piece of entertainment/art/whatever, it does the trick. I'm not going to waste my time getting bogged down into the finicky stuff just yet. Going to let the show process naturally.


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I actually quite enjoyed the finale. I'd already accepted the fact that we weren't going to be getting answers to some of the questions that really should have been, so I at least appreciated the strong character-driven side of things. I also really liked the final few scenes, particularly..

...the Jack-Christian meeting that I've been wanting all series.



So all in all, a few more answers to earlier seasons questions would have been appreciated (or even a promise from Damon and Carlton that they'd explain them afterwards in a webchat, JK Rowling-style), but in general, the episode was better than I expected.

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Okay, a friend of mine has just explained it to me and I completely get it now but I'm still disappointed.


It makes sense to have an ending like that to end the season since that ending was basically from a story introduced in Season Six but I'm disappointed because I've been a huge fan since day one and I've seen it for six years only to have them die anyway? WTF! I'm also pissed off that they didn't explain Hurley's numbers and how it was all connected!


Anyhow, my score is now 6/10.


Actually the numbers were explained in the lighthouse episode, with the degrees of jacob's compass. And ofc they were going to 'die anyway', no one lives forever! Living on the island never made them immortal, that's been obvious since day 1!

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Actually the numbers were explained in the lighthouse episode, with the degrees of jacob's compass.


That still doesn't explain how / why they were broadcast from the radio tower, or even why they happen to be the serial number of the Swan hatch.

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Just got a great coment on my youtube video about the sideways/purgatory/limbo...in fact very disappointed in myself I didn't remember it on my own.


But if the whole purgatory/limbo world thing is timeless and all the souls/conciousness' ended up there after their deaths and had no memory of their "real lives" or the island etc.

Then how come characters like Charile could appear to Hurley when he started seeing ghosts and give him advice/tell him what to do.???????

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Just got a great coment on my youtube video about the sideways/purgatory/limbo...in fact very disappointed in myself I didn't remember it on my own.


But if the whole purgatory/limbo world thing is timeless and all the souls/conciousness' ended up there after their deaths and had no memory of their "real lives" or the island etc.

Then how come characters like Charile could appear to Hurley when he started seeing ghosts and give him advice/tell him what to do.???????



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I thought the ending was incredible. Immensely satisfied having been following Lost since it began airing over here and downloading ever since. Can't wait for the complete box set to hit.


I wasn't looking for mystery answers as Lost has never been forthcoming with that stuff. I was just looking for a decent character resolution and an acceptable explanation for the flash sideways as they were being inappropriately called. I got it, in spades.


Don't see how anyone who has been watching the last six years can watch the last scene of the show and not feel immensely satisfied as well as affected by what they're seeing. Powerful, emotional stuff. I'm still thinking about it now and will be for a long time.


Maybe all the things that happened concerning Hurley and the numbers happened because how things pan out for him and his importance. Fate or something, I don't know. I did think he was incredible in the finale and his final scene with Ben was so good.

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But if the whole purgatory/limbo world thing is timeless and all the souls/conciousness' ended up there after their deaths and had no memory of their "real lives" or the island etc.

Then how come characters like Charile could appear to Hurley when he started seeing ghosts and give him advice/tell him what to do.???????


That's what I thought...is this one of the mysteries that lies with your own conclusion or was this explained?

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Good read from some at Bad Robot's take on the Finale.


First ...

The Island:


It was real. Everything that happened on the island that we saw throughout the 6 seasons was real. Forget the final image of the plane crash, it was put in purposely to f*&k with people's heads and show how far the show had come. They really crashed. They really survived. They really discovered Dharma and the Others. The Island keeps the balance of good and evil in the world. It always has and always will perform that role. And the Island will always need a "Protector". Jacob wasn't the first, Hurley won't be the last. However, Jacob had to deal with a malevolent force (MIB) that his mother, nor Hurley had to deal with. He created the devil and had to find a way to kill him -- even though the rules prevented him from actually doing so.


Thus began Jacob's plan to bring candidates to the Island to do the one thing he couldn't do. Kill the MIB. He had a huge list of candidates that spanned generations. Yet everytime he brought people there, the MIB corrupted them and caused them to kill one another. That was until Richard came along and helped Jacob understand that if he didn't take a more active role, then his plan would never work.


Enter Dharma -- which I'm not sure why John is having such a hard time grasping. Dharma, like the countless scores of people that were brought to the island before, were brought there by Jacob as part of his plan to kill the MIB. However, the MIB was aware of this plan and interferred by "corrupting" Ben. Making Ben believe he was doing the work of Jacob when in reality he was doing the work of the MIB. This carried over into all of Ben's "off-island" activities. He was the leader. He spoke for Jacob as far as they were concerned. So the "Others" killed Dharma and later were actively trying to kill Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and all the candidates because that's what the MIB wanted. And what he couldn't do for himself.

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Having just watched it for the 2nd time I actually think it was a pretty good end to it, albeit with a few glaring nonsensical bits that just don't seem to tie in with the overall theory behind it.


It was a good end to the show from a character development point of view, everything ending nicely and rounding up the journey we've seen them take over the last six years.


I would have liked to of seen some of the earlier series wrap up better, as it is I think a bit too much of the earlier stuff has just been left with no explanation or without being wrapped up properly at the time.


Overall though I think they tied up the main story well, my only problem was, and i may be remembering wrong here, but didn't they pretty much totally forget about the smoke monster for a few series and then all of a sudden he's actually the main bad guy. It always seemed at the start he was more of a weird curiosity.


Anyway, I'm happy with the ending and leaving so much open will probably turn out to be a good thing in the long term.

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Just watched it. Loved it.


Some people say that introducing the flash-sideways just to end in purgatory was a cop-out. I disagree. For a show that loves killing off their characters left and right, having dead characters come to terms with their personal issues in the afterlife was perfect. If they had introduced this "alternate world" in the finale, THAT would've been a cop-out.


I always noticed, throughout the season, that the characters seemed to become better people and actually solve their problems. It all makes sense now, it actually had a purpose instead of implying that the island screwed their lives.


I do like how the surviving characters' futures are left in blank. How did Hurley govern the island, how did Richard react to the present world, what will Sawyer do now? It doesn't matter, their lives move on.


Excellent send-off. It actually focused on what it should: the characters, not the mysteries.


@Mokong: As for characters living their lives again, Jack having a son, etc. was all part of their "redemption". Jack wanted to find meaning and success in his life, and a son gave him that.



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I would have liked to of seen some of the earlier series wrap up better' date=' as it is I think a bit too much of the earlier stuff has just been left with no explanation or without being wrapped up properly at the time.


Overall though I think they tied up the main story well, my only problem was, and i may be remembering wrong here, but didn't they pretty much totally forget about the smoke monster for a few series and then all of a sudden he's actually the main bad guy. It always seemed at the start he was more of a weird curiosity.


Anyway, I'm happy with the ending and leaving so much open will probably turn out to be a good thing in the long term.[/quote']


Yeah, they totally said it was a 'security system' for a while. I mean I know it was crazy Roussea, but still, I agree, it just proves how utterly unplanned the entire thing was.


From what I got from that apparent writeup from BadRobot, the writers did have have the end of the show planned from the start but only the very end. Thus all of the Jacob / MiB shit that wasn't relevant to the central story and thus was made up along the way.


To use a bad pun, the show was a great and the central idea they had planned was too but the writers got lost along the way to the finale, by it was bloated with mysteries that didn't really matter in relation to the actual plot. Meh.


Anyhoo that's my two cents. The only unforgivable thing about the finale was Sayid and Shannon. Urgh.

Edited by dan-likes-trees
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ABC mess with Lost ending.


Those final images of Sunday night's series finale—of the plane wreckage on the island with no survivors—were not the producers' doing.


The show's ABC rep just told me:


"The images shown during the end credits of the Lost finale, which included shots of Oceanic 815 on a deserted beach, were not part of the episode but were a visual aid to allow the viewer to decompress before heading into the news." The statement was first acquired by the Los Angeles Times.


The images were added by the network, not Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, to soften the transition to the 11:00 news.


Yeah, they totally said it was a 'security system' for a while. I mean I know it was crazy Roussea, but still, I agree, it just proves how utterly unplanned the entire thing was.


Being the monster was manifestation of the island's power meant for protecting the island but Jacob thrown his brother into power source causing MIB to gain the abilities.


Inside the power source cave were skeletons laying around the site, which could mean previous protectors had shed their physical bodies in order to become the smoke monster and protect the island.


-Mother comes to/is at the island

-Mother becomes protector and loses her "humanity" by becoming smokey

-Jacob and MIB are born

-Mother wants MIB to be protector because he's special

-MIB runs away

-Mother kills MIB's people and camp

-Mother makes Jacob the protector, but just wants him to protect and not take on smokey form, so tells him to stay out of light

-Mother is killed (either because she transferred her powers or there was no rule preventing it) by MIB

-Jacob does the exact opposite of what Mother wants, thinking putting MIB into the cave will kill/destroy him

-MIB comes out as the monster, but not the protector--all of the powers of the monster but was never meant to protect, sort of a "reject" protector


Screencap of the stone plug:


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I loved the ending, and the entire show. Easily my favourite drama TV series of all time. It just shows that some of the criticisms people have had in this topic throughout the series were pretty unfounded most of the time and were only made through lack of understanding. I think it was ReZ who said it was silly how in flash sideways everyone from the island just happened to be bumping into each other and the coincidence was too unlikely. But now it's completely obvious why they all bumped into each other again.


What wasn't solved is left to the imagination. Which is nice.

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Yeah I liked that not everything was explicit. Enough was made clear that the dramatic arc and themes all concluded. The rest was, at least, heavily implied and hinted at strongly enough so that anyone can work it out for themselves.


obviously some stuff will never be properly explained because, being a 6 year running show that was subject to an unusually high level of studio interference, stuff was dropped here and there from external factors but overall it wrapped up extremely well considering.


It's just the compulsions of an ADHD generation raised on blatant as all fuck shows like 24 to have it all laid out for you.

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