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Oooh, a lot more snow today.


Very good.


I'm in love with the bench snowman.


I want to be his friend, sit next to him and read him a book.


Is he still alive?

As far as I know he's still alive. It's dark though so can't check. Maybe tomorrow if there's still snow I'll make a snowwoman. =)


Eenuh, is that a Burmese Mountain Dog? High five if it is.

Yep, she's a Bernese Mountain dog! Love her! =D

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Its really bad to drive on so ill just let you guys into somethings ive found which make it much easier to drive in these conditions.

-Set off in second gear where you can.

-Feather your brakes instead of slamming them on.

-Drive at a speed your comfy with.

-Dont let anyone bully you.

-If your wheels just spin, stop and set off slower.

-Avoid icy routes (even if it means take the long way).

-Most of all dont panic.



Has anyone here had any mishaps yet?

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It's carnage up here at the moment. Went to bed last night and having not snowed properly for a few days, it was beginning to melt. Woke up this morning for work and it was just a whiteout. It's been snowing hard all day and it's gonna snow tomorrow. I'll snap some pics later as i'm off to build a snowman.

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I nearly crashed my car today. Slid on ice and only just managed to regain control at the very last minute. Really uncool.


eep! at least you managed to get control again..


Thankfully most of our main roads are okay, but everything else is a disaster. The snow has compacted and basically turned to hard ice. Very scary!

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eep! at least you managed to get control again..


Thankfully most of our main roads are okay, but everything else is a disaster. The snow has compacted and basically turned to hard ice. Very scary!


It was nearly as bad driving as that time I tried to drive to Manchester Airport at light speed from Sheffield. :heh:

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We had a bit more snow today so I thought I'd go and take a walk and take some photos when I saw a kid making a snowman so I decided to go back home and...






He looks a bit drunk. The snow was quite dense so it was difficult to put things in (although after I took the pics I found some drawing pins so used those as eyes instead).


Then popped him on top of the hedge for passer-byers to appreciate (and hopefully not steal my hat and scarf!)

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Snow is awesome. I can't help but see how far I can slide along it on my way home.


We had PROPER snow just now, for about two hours -- the really fine stuff. People keep talking about inches of snow and whatever, but I'd say we've never had more than a solirary inch worth here in sheffield (unless there's been greater downfalls in my sleep, which is likely!).


Snow does make me feel all happy-for-no-reason. Is it bad that I want it to snow so bad we're all trapped in our houses 'til january?

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This Christmas has been so amazing. I caught the National Express from Newport to London, and I just had my face stuck to the window for most of the journey. Firstly, there were little patches of snow, but it gradually seemed to get thicker and more frequent the further south we travelled.


We got into London, and then I caught my next coach to Brighton. I actually asked the Driver to let me off early, before I got to Preston Park. The whole park was covered in snow. Thick snow. ACTUAL snow! I walked through it, carrying my heavy bag, with a huge smile of my face. :D


I took two pictures, which I'll post later when I upload them. There were some lads also playing football in the snow, haha. I wanted to join in.

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Snow is awesome. I can't help but see how far I can slide along it on my way home.


We had PROPER snow just now, for about two hours -- the really fine stuff. People keep talking about inches of snow and whatever, but I'd say we've never had more than a solirary inch worth here in sheffield (unless there's been greater downfalls in my sleep, which is likely!).


Snow does make me feel all happy-for-no-reason. Is it bad that I want it to snow so bad we're all trapped in our houses 'til january?

I keep wanting the same thing, but at the same time i see the downsides.

Would be cool, but get boring.

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As promised, here are two photos that I took of Preston Park in Brighton. :)






This is a photo of my two friends (who I stayed with) having a snow ball fight on The Level. :D At this point, my hands were freezing because I was throwing snow balls without gloves on. So, I took a break and took a few photos.




Aaaand...this is me failing to Ice Skate at an indoor ice rink.



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