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Derren Brown's "I'm failing the nation" series


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so like is he going to explain how he supposedly did this?

It looked to me like hypnosis. I don't really know for sure but I think it was Derren Brown telling people they'll be stuck to their seat followed by that swirly thing on the screen that caused it to happen to some people. For me it felt just like sleep paralysis...

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Wow this is crazy. 90 guests watching thread.









[/subliminal messaging]

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Hello, I registered on this forum as it was one of the first results for Derren Brown's trick.


This did work for me, I became stuck to my seat. I was surprised because I'm normally sceptical about these kinds of things. When the video finished I felt like it had no effect on me and decided to move... I couldn't!


On the TV you could see people strugling to get out of their seat. For me it went differently, I couldn't move a single part of my body, not even my fingers, I could only move my eyes. After a few seconds I got felt a a rush of panic and suddenly I could move again. But for about 5 seconds, I was frozen!


Hey DollyPolly! That's awesome that you got stuck to the chair and signed up! : peace:


Awesome! I cannot believe how many people are viewing this thread!!!


I didn't get stuck to the Chair! :( I really wanted to as well. I did everything he said. :D


My Sister didn't either nor did my mum! :grin:


Although she couldn't get up earlier on in the programme but that was due to a back problem! :p

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Haha, hello and welcome.


well apparently hes jurned jim into steven fry.


didn't work on me, though brought back memories of my course work, had to write a bit about subliminal messages.


the low success rate here isnt exactly supprising, its hardly an unbias group. i mean most people here are fairly.... outside of the mainstream, which would suggest low conformity to me.


i was a bit disserpointed to just stand up, but also thrilled because it means im less suceptable to mind controle.


did any one else see darker shapes in the moving lines?

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Hello, I registered on this forum as it was one of the first results for Derren Brown's trick.


This did work for me, I became stuck to my seat. I was surprised because I'm normally sceptical about these kinds of things. When the video finished I felt like it had no effect on me and decided to move... I couldn't!


On the TV you could see people strugling to get out of their seat. For me it went differently, I couldn't move a single part of my body, not even my fingers, I could only move my eyes. After a few seconds I got felt a a rush of panic and suddenly I could move again. But for about 5 seconds, I was frozen!

So am I the only skeptical person who's going to point out that the only person this worked on in this thread is a new person with no plausible credibility whatsoever? And it just so happens we're high on google for a certain phrase relating to it?


I'm just saying, this is the perfect place to prove this as BS, we have people from everywhere that we've known for years, people who won't be actors or anything, and along comes an outsider to say it worked.... Maybe there are people out there working for the show who are just googling, signing up to threads and saying it worked on them.


No offense if I'm way off! That's mad if it really worked on you.

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So am I the only skeptical person who's going to point out that the only person this worked on in this thread is a new person with no plausible credibility whatsoever? And it just so happens we're high on google for a certain phrase relating to it?


I'm just saying, this is the perfect place to prove this as BS, we have people from everywhere that we've known for years, people who won't be actors or anything, and along comes an outsider to say it worked.... Maybe there are people out there working for the show who are just googling, signing up to threads and saying it worked on them.


No offense if I'm way off! That's mad if it really worked on you.


interesting theory.....

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So am I the only skeptical person who's going to point out that the only person this worked on in this thread is a new person with no plausible credibility whatsoever? And it just so happens we're high on google for a certain phrase relating to it?


I'm just saying, this is the perfect place to prove this as BS, we have people from everywhere that we've known for years, people who won't be actors or anything, and along comes an outsider to say it worked.... Maybe there are people out there working for the show who are just googling, signing up to threads and saying it worked on them.


No offense if I'm way off! That's mad if it really worked on you.


I know I'm new, and I'm also new because of this thread, but I didn't join to talk about it, in all honesty.


It BEGAN to work on me, but only on the second time round. I turned the lights off on the second one too, because I thought it might help. My legs and knees became extremely heavy, and I looked away because I was scared.


The girl next to me couldn't move and started to hystericaly cry until they played the clearing tone and she could get up and move again. It was all a bit wierd.

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Actually, I think it sort of half worked on me. Strangely enough though, it was when Derren was talking to the camera just before the hypnosis tape and not after, when he was repeating key phrases ("cemented, glued, gelled" and "harder, harder, harder" [har har]), I attempted to move my left leg an inch or so and had to sort of drag it along the floor. I can't describe it, it was basically like my leg worked but my foot didn't want to leave the floor, so it slid a little bit. But it wasn't a conscious effort, it was like a fidget.


That was it, though. When the tape was on and had finished I was able to get up easily, though didn't particularly want to, I didn't have much drive to get up but did anyway. Interesting if not a little disappointing!

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If it is/did actually work on people, isn't it essentially just some sort of trance state? I'm pretty sure they use them in hypnosis anyhow.


This, imo, is something that is all done with suggestion and a bit of belief, I think all these tricks he's doing are slowly going to build up, and will slowly break down the disbelief of the skeptics, and he'll have a spectacular finish. I'm looking forward to see how he progresses now, and I might give this a go later whilst being a bit more open to it, though half of me really doesn't want to give in to him dammit!

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Hi guys, just signed up to say that it has worked on me, and apparently will only work if you are really willing for it to work in the first place. Two of us watched it, the other adament Derren Brown is a load of bull, but I think the guys interesting.


Anyway, hard to explain, basically felt like I could easily get up, but when I tried, I couldn't. All I could do was rotate my head left and right.


Did it a second time, same response. I willed myself for it to happen, which allowed my sub concious to tell me to stay sat down, no matter what I conciously thought....my take on it any way. Panicked like mad the first time till the start of that 'if your still stuck, watch this' then I was fine.


Second time round was fun to see it wasn't an accident! If you are skeptical, it wont work. All about how open your mind is.

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so like is he going to explain how he supposedly did this?

I imagine he'll say he will in a later programme, but instead talk bullshit and we'll have to find out his "method" on Yahoo! News.

Haha, hello and welcome. I just googled "Derren Brown stuck to your seat" and low and behold...we were the first result.


Nice one, Eevil. :D

I'm just too pretty... Seriously! [/Zelos]


EDIT: We're not first anymore. This is bollocks.

He should've done the show at 4am with everyone too tired to move anyway.

Pretty much the same as Quiz Call really, except you could win monies!

Hi guys, just signed up to say that it has worked on me, and apparently will only work if you are really willing for it to work in the first place.

Like how Jedi Mind Tricks only work on the weak minded? :hehe:

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I watched it on 4OD. He could at least have said something about it not working in lower resolutions at the beginning. So now I can't have the smug satisfaction of saying it didn't work.


Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait for the public outcry about how insensitive it is to paraplegics.

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I watched the bits with the giraffe and the homeless person, but missed whatever you guys were watching. I found the show really boring, so I switched over to Red Dwarf instead.


I don't like Derren brown because he doesn't seem to have much respect for people. In his previous series, he was stealing goods from shops with fake money. Posing as a homeless man to take advantage of peoples' good will was also taking it too far.

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Me and my housemates kinda watched this on 40D (god bless Virgin Media), and we just found it rather hysterical. The bit at the end for people 'still stuck' -- "remain calm, and stand up." Ridiculous.


I think David Blaine lost a lot of his credibility when he started doing his massive stunts, and I jus thope Brown doesn't follow the same route.

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me and mate watched it last night. Didnt work on me :( but my mate was glued :o he couldnt move no matter how hard he tried he couldnt move hands off his legs either. But when the sound came up to cancel it out he stood up :o freaky


alot of you were skeptical before hand and you watched and it didnt work...the thing with it was it will work if your allowing to make it work. If your watching laughing thinking its a big joke it isnt gunna effect you is it :S

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