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After all 3 conferences, theres just a ton of things i want now. Luckily i bought a Wii a few days ago for Punch-Out (sublime) and now im thrilled that ill get to play Metroid OM. Im also now convinced i need a PSP Go. Even Natal makes me want a 360 but i still cant seem to overlook the RROD gamble.


So, as the title suggest, has E3 09 convinced you to buy a 2nd or 3rd console? A new handheld?

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Got the lot already mate but im going to buy a PSP Go as my PSP is fooked


Great games coming for PS3 nd 360 so im happy, Wii didnt impress me but will prob end up buying the Co-Op Mario

After all 3 conferences, theres just a ton of things i want now. Luckily i bought a Wii a few days ago for Punch-Out (sublime) and now im thrilled that ill get to play Metroid OM. Im also now convinced i need a PSP Go. Even Natal makes me want a 360 but i still cant seem to overlook the RROD gamble.


So, as the title suggest, has E3 09 convinced you to buy a 2nd or 3rd console? A new handheld?


The only current gen machine that I'm yet to get is a Wii. And it would take something pretty miraculous to convince me to buy one at the moment. What the conference has done however, is persuaded me to get one eventually. Probably when it's no longer current generation.


Sony's conference tempted me to purchase a PS3. Problem with that is I've got a 360 and Wii, and it's bit greedy of me to have all 3 and a bit of a waste.


Defo getting the PS3 in the next month or so. I already have the Wii and Xbox 360 its not enough for my gaming thirst! PSP Go maybe depends how my wallet copes! :P


Already have a Wii and 360.


Yesterday's Conference by Sony has made me give serious consideration to picking up a PS3 also, but I also need to justify the expenditure and worth of owning all three machines.


Still happy with the 360 and I only picked that up in December so I am still in the process of trying to catch up with a lot of the back catalogue which is eating into the available funds a bit as well as consuming a load of time.


Not particularly impressed with the Wii but I also would be very unlikely to sell it as there are still a few titles on the horizon that should be worth picking up.

I already own the 'main 3' so i'm very happy to see all 3 consoles will be getting some quality games!!


Tempted by a PSP again though, i cant miss out on a MGS game!


Yeah me too, My PS3 is my main console that I buy all multiplat games for. I got an Elite for the MS exclusives, and a Wii for.........erm........The Conduit.


I thought all 3 gave a strong showing with games I am interested in, Sony just edged it in terms of games imo.


Sold my PSP a while ago, so definately picking up a PSP Go, with GRan Turismo.


Sold my PSP a few years ago and I've been waiting for the download only one for ages. I'll definitely be picking up a PSP Go at launch with a few of the big games. I think it's going to be a great relaunch for the system.


Everything else I already have, so won't be buying other hardware - a lot of games on my to buy list mind.


This is wonderful to read. Lots of people will be joining the ever growing ps3 base here. But seriously, i didnt watch any of the conferences (work) but the news i have heard and seen has tempted me to get a PSP Go at some point in the future while making me pretty proud (and relieved) to have chosen the ps3 over the box, and also happy that I havent sold my wii as Metroid OM looks so enticing, as does the new Mario Galaxy.

i really like the look of that racer from the makers of LBP so could well have a ps3 (prob get one for myself for xmas)


That was the game that got my attention too. I might get one for Xmas but I much prefer the online infrastructure of a 360. Home is just gay and much of the current catalogue doesn't impress me much.


I'll decide at xmas whether to go 360 or PS3 but I've got nearly 20 games I'm yet to finish on the Wii first, so I'll be busy with that. Plus it's my final year of uni next year so I doubt I'll have much gaming time.


There's no way I'd get both, Crackdown 2 looked amazing and the 1st one is mint, I'd love to own that. Rare are on 360 including Banjo Tooie and PROBABLY Perfect Dark and Jet Force Gemini... But then the PS3 has FF14 and R* exclusives as well as Mod Racers Nation. This s going to be a tough choice.


In short: Yes, it made me want a new console.


I own all three but while I really enjoyed Sony's conference, I won't be going out to get a PSP. I barely play my DS as it is or any of the home consoles so there's really no point in getting something that will most likely just lie around unused.


I'd say E3 has made me want to hold on to the PS3 to get the likes of the Last Guardian and.... actually, now that I think about it the only exclusive to the PS3 that has me really interested is that. Not really fussed for Uncharted 2 or GOW3 or Ratchet and Clank. But I'd say that's reason enough for me to keep it. I'm sure my brother will like the other games.


Not seen Sony's conference yet but from what i've read it was very impressive. If they do a PS3 price drop soon i'll pick one up. Failing that i expect the lure of MAG will be too much and i'll get one when that comes out. If I didn't already own a Blu-Ray player i'd have caved by now, nearly bought a PS3 at Xmas!


I own a Wii, 360 and a DS and im extremely happy with the 3 of them....I have my Nintendo fix and the joy that is xbox live. Good to have some Wii titles to look forward to, as in galaxy 2, new mario bros, metroid, silent hill, the conduit, the grinder, red steel 2 and sin and punishment 2.


I'll either buy one this summer for the exsisting PS3 games I want... or I'll wait until the new controls drop and buy one.


If I didn't have any consoles at all, Sony would have blown my mind. Then I would have thought a long time considering a 360.

But I have them all so I'm happy.

I am really considering a PSP Go. It just looks too tiny, plus if I were to buy any previous UMD games how do I play them? But it looks sexy.

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