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Bye! / Zai Jian!!!


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Hey guys!


I've been so busy the last few weeks i didn't have time to say goodbye to this beloved forum!


I left the UK on sunday for my travels with my girlfriend and we will be away for a year and a half. Gulp! We arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday and have already been having an amazing time. We'll soon leave for Thailand, then move up to Cambodia, then Vietnam and finally into China where we will teach English for a year.


Anyway, just wanted to say an official goodbye. I will still come online when i can and stalk you all though so this isnt forever!


Please feel free to check our blog though which we hope to update at least once a week. At the moment im waiting to put up pics but stupid me forgot the USB cable and these computers dont have SD slots. Boo. Hope i can find the right lead soon so i can share how amazing it is out here.


Dont miss me too much ;)


Though i miss you :( sssssh!

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