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OK: Best thread I ever made? Maybe. Maybe I'm just slightly delirious with man flu and need some fresh air...


Either way, which N-Europe Forumites would you take with you if you were in a zombie apocalypse, and had to try and survive. As I'm currently psyched to fuck about Left4Dead, I'm saying it'd gonna be you and 3 other members.




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The Bard



Letty would just kick so much zombie ass, as would The Bard. As for Eenuh, I can just imagine her in an Aliens type situation. "Get away from her. BITCH!" in a massive yellow robotic suit.


I'd probably die first, you can tell.


EEVILMURRAY and MoogleViper for the fucking awesome comedy, and rokhed for his amazing usefulness. Imagine having him there, the giant...we'd win in an instant.


I've thought about this quite a lot before, so I instantly know who I'd choose.


Me (nah, I'd stay at home, let the other suckas do the fighting. Actually, no, I can't wait til the zombie nation takes place! I've always imagined kicking zombie arse, ever since I was small and watched Dawn of the Dead. Fothermucking Hells Yes!)


ViPeR: He's my best matey off here, and I wouldn't have anyone with me apart from him. Plus, we'd be quoting Arnie as we hacked zombies to death.



"Shut the fuck up, Jim."


The Bard: We'd have a little competition about who could kill the most zombies in a limited time period. I would then jump off a high ledge, onto the leader's head, shooting him on the way down, therefore winning the internets.


EEVILMURRAY: He's awesome, plus he'd join in on the Arnie quoting as it was taking place, and I think he'd be a dab hand at the keeeling part too.

  chairdriver said:


The Bard



Letty would just kick so much zombie ass, as would The Bard. As for Eenuh, I can just imagine her in an Aliens type situation. "Get away from her. BITCH!" in a massive yellow robotic suit.


I'd probably die first, you can tell.


Oh, thanks for including me....:indeed:




For me;


Eenuh - Really an essential on any zombie-battling squad. Should be obvious why.

Fierce_Link - To form the couple, with Eenuh. In my movie, one of you would die...


Who else would be a laugh...?


Emasher - He can destroy zombies with the power of his photoshop skillz.


hum, well, i am armed rather well, and actualy have enough swords for one each.


id have to go with

moogleviper, cos he makes me laugh

jayseven, cos hed not mind the odd drunken night in a safe room (assume these occur in real life)


eevilmurry, cos he appears fairly bad ass, in a "wouldnt mind stabbin a zombie child" manner


course, people can be substituted if i find any one with decent weapons. a gun any one?

  The fish said:






You know it makes sense.


An atheist, a Christian and an evolutionist. Makes perfect sense.


Darksnowman - He'd scare them away with his Irish accent

Jayseven - We'd hypnotise them with mewithoutYou!

Chuck - He'd scare them away with his jackface


  conzer16 said:

(former forumite) demonmike04


  Chris the great said:

jayseven, cos hed not mind the odd drunken night in a safe room (assume these occur in real life)





I personally do not feel that I'd survive that long, so I would pick people tha tI think would not only kick ass but also carry me on their shoulders;



Chris The Great (not just because you voted for me but also because you have SWRDSS!!)



EDIT: OMG GIZMO! so true... I'll substitute myself for YOU in this squadron of awesomeness.

very immediate selection, very bad, we'd probably all die.Sorry.

  jayseven said:

EDIT: OMG GIZMO! so true... I'll substitute myself for YOU in this squadron of awesomeness.

very immediate selection, very bad, we'd probably all die.Sorry.


But then your group will have mewithoutYou!




Flink: Guy's been going to the gym lately so he should be good in a fight. Plus I can be entertained by calling him a different nickname every time we speak.


Eenuh: In the hope she has latent Penny Crayon-esque abilities. Failing that she could make us up to look like zombies, thus avoiding detection.


Mr. Bears: To be our human shield. Zombies might be brainless but surely they still have a heart! How could anyone hurt the guy?

  Aimless said:
Flink: Guy's been going to the gym lately so he should be good in a fight. Plus I can be entertained by calling him a different nickname every time we speak.


Eenuh: In the hope she has latent Penny Crayon-esque abilities. Failing that she could make us up to look like zombies, thus avoiding detection.


Mr. Bears: To be our human shield. Zombies might be brainless but surely they still have a heart! How could anyone hurt the guy?


This would be my team as well, except exchange my name with Aimless. =D


Even if we ended up dying anyway, at least I think I would've had a fun time with my three favourite NE people! =D

  Shino said:
An atheist, a Christian and an evolutionist. Makes perfect sense.


It's more to do with the fact they're all (in my eyes) very wise folk, and 'wise men make their own fate'.

  The fish said:






You know it makes sense.


Hmmm, that would be a good trio of the damned.


  Shino said:
An atheist, a Christian and an evolutionist. Makes perfect sense.


Atheist? I like to think of myself as hardcore agnostic. Anyway, seeing as I feel zombies are a very real threat I already have a plan of action in place, but who to execute this plan with?


Let's see, I think I'd need:


Bard: I reckon he would be handy with a weapon or two, plus any zombie battle needs a badass metal soundtrack.

Flink: Other than the zombies, your no.1 danger is internal feuds which get out of hand. I'm pretty sure Flink would diffuse any such situations.

Fish: Returning the vote and we can continue a lovin' :grin:

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