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The alcohol appreciation thread

mcj metroid

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Hmm, I never go out, so I don't drink really. Ages ago I would have a drink with friends from time to time, but just one or two (we went out to talk, not to get drunk). I would usually get a white Martini. Yummm.


Used to like vodka and mixed it with stuff, but don't remember what. Don't know much about other drinks though. And I don't drink beer because it's blargh. :shakehead


I guess the only thing I really drink anymore these days is wine. White wine preferably. And sparkling wine/cava or champagne. Since that's all I get. Only happens very occasionally, at a BBQ or some party.


So I guess I don't drink enough to be in this "alcohol appreciation" thread. X3

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Scrumpy jack and K cider are drinks of choice. Blackthorn can be nice, but if it gets warm then cold again it don't taste too good. Olde English lost respect when they lowered their alcohol percentage (and charged the same amount...), and woodpecker is just... not worth thinking about.


Diamond White Cider isn't really cider, but it's 7.5% and reminds me of co-op xbox gaming. White Lightning is the Fool's Gold of the cider world; it's not too shabby, but far too expensive for what you get. Check out polaris or White strike if you're into that shit.


I love bloody Marys, and I ought to do some home-made cocktails at some point. My Chili Vodka has claimed only three more victims since returning to brighton, and I want to make some more with sweeter chilis.

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Funnily enough, I've recently made the decision to become T-total. So I guess I don't really appreciate alcohol. I've had some really bad nights drinking, as some of you might remember my fiasco last year. Being honest, I'm no good at limiting myself or drinking responsibly, so it's best I stop. It's not really that enjoyable anyway and can be quite expensive so I hopefully won't be missing much.


I will miss cider most of all though.

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Funnily enough, I've recently made the decision to become T-total. So I guess I don't really appreciate alcohol. I've had some really bad nights drinking, as some of you might remember my fiasco last year. Being honest, I'm no good at limiting myself or drinking responsibly, so it's best I stop. It's not really that enjoyable anyway and can be quite expensive so I hopefully won't be missing much.


I will miss cider most of all though.


Kudos to you sir, its often a hard decision to make. : peace:

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I just clung to my bottle of Vodka last night. I just kept either hvaing it straight (Not the nices thing in the world, it burns) or with Coke/Lemonade.


Had some strongbow, which I really dislike. It's just got a horrible after taste.


I've decided to not drink wine from now on though. It goes straight to my head basically. If someone gives me a bottle of wine, I'm theirs. :p

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Funnily enough, I've recently made the decision to become T-total. So I guess I don't really appreciate alcohol. I've had some really bad nights drinking, as some of you might remember my fiasco last year. Being honest, I'm no good at limiting myself or drinking responsibly, so it's best I stop. It's not really that enjoyable anyway and can be quite expensive so I hopefully won't be missing much.


I will miss cider most of all though.

Going to be hard to just stop, but then again i don't feel like drinking since my encounter.. Just do when im with friends, a bit more carefully.


Thank you, I know it's something I'll stick to, I've felt quite proud of myself turning drinks down off friends.

That's where ida cracked :(

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I drink all the time! Then I realised I meant I drink anything pretty much. Rum is a firm favourite, with ice or some coke, depending on my mood or the rum in question. Not big on Vodka, though I'll drink it if it's what's going. Mainly these days I been sticking to Beers, guest ales in pubs, sometimes a lager(Coors, don't usually drink other lagers in pubs, will take a guest ale instead) but my staple drink is probably a good old pint of John Smith's. Occasionally get a Kopparberg cider mmm.

If I'm not in a pub, I'll generally drink lagers from can, whatever's around(got some Fosters and Stella in the fridge right now) though I like to try some lesser known lagers like Tyskie(think it's polish), sometimes get bottled ales as well but they're a bit pricey for my drinking tastes. I would recommend Badger and Brakspear ales though, some of my favourite ales done by them!


Funnily enough, I've recently made the decision to become T-total. So I guess I don't really appreciate alcohol. I've had some really bad nights drinking, as some of you might remember my fiasco last year. Being honest, I'm no good at limiting myself or drinking responsibly, so it's best I stop. It's not really that enjoyable anyway and can be quite expensive so I hopefully won't be missing much.


I will miss cider most of all though.


A very commendable effort! I used to have bad nights out, I've gotten slightly more sensible and tend to have all right nights with horrendously rough mornings. I tried to stop completely once or twice, went about a month then started drinking again. I'm not sure if I could ever give it up forever, which is a little worrying.



Whilst we're here in this thread though, it reminds me of a discussion me and my mates were having, though taking things slightly off point. What's worse between drinking semi-regularly and small amounts throughout the week, even if not in company of others, or going out once or twice a week but getting absolutely smashed to the extent of partial memory loss, even minor, though with people?

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I used to be quite a heavy drinker, whenever a drink was passed to me I'd take it, but that was more ''must fit in'' teenage years than actually appreciate for alcohol.


Nowadays I appreciate port and blue wkd together, it's called a cheeky vimto, whilst it's expensive, it's loverly and the only alcohol drink that I could drink without feeling like I've drunk petrol or something.


I do like strongbow but only in moderation too many and the taste left in the mouth is shocking, I used to drink vodka til it came out my ears now I feel sick thinking about it.

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Olde English lost respect when they lowered their alcohol percentage (and charged the same amount...), and woodpecker is just... not worth thinking about.


They were probably dodging the duty rates. There are a couple of tax brackets and I know anything above 8.5% is considered 'wine' by the government and they kill you with tax after that so some of the stronger stuff we have, we take home ourselves. :yay:.


Cant believe so many people here drink strongbow it is really crappy. Reading in the trade magazine at work its something like 5% apple juice (from concentrate). It makes me wonder what the hell they are actually putting in there!? But since I work for a real cider company i probably a little biased. :heh:

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Fruli - strawberry beer. It's so nice, and the perfect afternoon bevvy in the sun. Not reccomended for nights out though, it made one of my mates spew up pink sick repeatedly the next day.




I go for Bud or Becks otherwise, or if they dont have those then i settle for Kronenbourg. I cant stand the cheap favourites in this country such as Fosters, Carling, Carlsberg etc. They are so nasty. I particularly dont like Stella. That stuff is rank.

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I managed to stay a non-drinker for 2 years at Uni. To make up for lost time, I'm spending the other two years in a constant state of drunkenness.


I love cider. On my birthday, a lovely ladyfriend of mine came around carrying 3 bottles of Brother's Strawberry Cider. My face lit up like it was my birthday - which is was. HURRAH!


I would've made love to her right there and then, if it wasn't for her Dutch giant of a lover, who is also a splendid chap.


I don't like doing shots anymore, because of a bad experience. When I finished my old job last year, me and my friends went to a pub after work. They lined me up 9 shot-glasses, 3 containing Tuaca, 3 containing Tequilla and I can't remember what the other three were.


Took them all, and all I remember is that 2 hours later I got kicked out of the Brighton Pavillion Gardens because I had fallen asleep. I must have rung my friends, who were also in town that day, and they came to pick me up. I'm quite proud of that day, because it was a union of my work friends, my Brighton friends, and my housemates. My three worlds collided, and in the middle was me falling asleep and saying hello to the tuna sandwiches that I had eaten six hours earlier, but this time on the floor infront of an unimpressed taxi driver who wouldn't take me home.


Shots - NEVER again. I drink far more sensibly now. Cider, and nothing but. Well, except this and that.

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I drink Heineken like water. Guinness if I feel like something else. Only beers I drink.


As for spirits, I've taken to blue mandarin sambuka lately, because it tastes divine. And Jagermeister as always.


Then again, if I don't have a choice, I'll drink anything.

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