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It is your birthday, which you may have guessed already.


Happy Birthday!


May the heavens rain down on you with sunshine and provide you with the gift of happiness on this truely memorable occassion. Have a nice day.


:D tnx guys. Doubt the day can get any better now ^^

So far the day has been awesome!!! :D


Just to give you guys a small taste of my awesome day:


Ever since Midnight I have been getting Bday messages.

I was awaken by the phone, It was the girl I want that called and said we should do something again soon. We had a nice conversation while my "bed partner" laid naked and clinged to me. When I finally got dressed some friends came bearing gifts.

And the awesomeness of the day has continued all day :D Going for some drinks now, and after that some friends are coming to my place for some Gametastic fun ^^


Chances are a lot of people have said Happy Birthday in their own way ;)


I'm sure you've had a good day (or it will soon) Hope you enjoyed your day and Happy Birthday DiemetriX!



Ever since Midnight I have been getting Bday messages.

I was awaken by the phone, It was the girl I want that called and said we should do something again soon. We had a nice conversation while my "bed partner" laid naked and clinged to me.


You my friends, are a god among men!


Happy Birthday!

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