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Dancing Shoes or Sit At The Bar Drinking Booze?


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Ok, here's a question to all of ye at N-E (hey, it rhymed. I'm a poet and I did not know that I was one...wait...rhyme broken)


When you venture outside your four walls onto the streets, be it pubs and clubs, what exactly are YOU like?


Are you the life and soul of the party?

Do you dance widly in the middle of the room?


Do you sit at the bar drinking by yourself?

Do you prefer to chat?

Are you afraid of dancing?



What type of going-out person are YOU?

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Drinking booze is the only way for me to acquire my dancing shoes, even then I'll only get up and dance if someone else is as well!


Unless the music is something I can really get into (cheese, usually) then I look awkward.


Strongbow changes that. Strongbow changes eveeeeerything.



Question: What kind of dancing do you lot do? Describe. In DETAIL. :D

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I'm naturally quite introverted, a few drinks soon changes that though, only problem these days is that alcohol and high heels really don't mix. I'm going to have to find a balance, in more ways than one, and find the right level of intoxication I can still walk in my heels in.

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Used to be a big fan of going out back home in brighton because of the great selection of places to go. Problem is i can't see too well in teh dark so navigating dark pubs/clubs full of really drunk people results in a spilling average of about 10 drinks per night.


Also I can't hear so great, so I either can't hear what others say, or talk waaay too loud.


I guess I'm definitely a drinker :P When I dance I have to be unafraid, becaues I dance like an idiot. Usually I'll dance for about 2 minutes then just stop and stand there pulling faces and feeling embarassed.

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Not a big going out type. When I do, I need a quiet pub, with a few friends or colleagues and a jukebox in it. Fiver in the jukebox, locally brewed pint on table, bullshit about girls and politics flying this way and that.


What little dancing I do is often in costume, making vague but enthusiastic attempts at the art of "popping". I rarely feel the need to drink while dancing.

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Depends where I am. If its at a club, and I've been fuelled with alcohol then I'll get dancing. If I'm not fuelled then I will dance but only if everyone else is or if someone wants me to.


If its at a party, when I'm drunk I'll dance like a prat but then so is everyone else :p

no one can dance lol, we all looklike prats..we just gotta accept it, thenforget it lol.

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I like to get a fine drink and sit and converse with a couple of good friends.


Dancing ain't my thing really, and that's reflected in the kind of places I like. For me it's all about traditional pubs and jazz clubs. At the former I'll drink plenty of local ale; at a jazz club it's got to be a gin martini in my hand.

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