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Guest Captain Falcon
"Where there is a jar that needs opening or a spider that needs scooping into a cup and throwing out the window, I'll be there." Chivalry 1329BC - 1997AD.


I didn't realise that they had windows that far back in time.



Anyway, it's only dead if we let it die - I intend to preserve it as I always have.


As long as I walk the Earth, chivalry will do so besides me.

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The way I imagine it, he said it at some point in his life. Not necessarily early.


I think I have got a bit too into this personification...


I hear ya with the chivalry though. I always hold the door for our be-wombed comrades.

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handed in my SHITTY FUCKING ESSAY. seriously; it will be THE worst score I've EVER received.


Mates bbq had, liek, no guests besides us so we had some chicken and talked shit. He filled me in on some of the lessons he'd learned from Angel, that odd pick-up artist who claims to be able to score any woman, and the 'ladder theory' which actually makes a HELL of a lot of sense.


Also... Kinda.. made plans to meet my ex on friday. Not good. Not good at all. This can surely only end in pain and misery but... fuck. I don't know. I simply cannot explain it to anyone in any way that they'll agree it's the right thing to do... so I guess it really is the wrong thing to do. But I'm still doing it. It's going to be the biggest day of my year so far and nobody else seems to notice this, so, uh, yeah.


Why, where ya going?

Out. Back now. Not 1k yet but I'll still miss it. First person to post on the 1k mark gets... er.. a hug? I dunno.

Beyonce is one of the few genuinely talented female pop 'stars" still left.



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But, I fucking hate Beyonce. I don't know what it is. We are all born with something called the Coolness Bears complex, where we're born innocent and happy with the world. Then, sooner or later, the EEVIL theory comes into play, where you just feel grumpy at one particular thing, or several things. Man, this is how much I hate Beyonce. Read this post back, and you can almost feel the anger.


Oh, man. I feel it. Don't I just feel it.

I'm sorry, but wah?

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I managed to pull myself out of bed at 12 today. As soon as I had a coffee by my side the work began. It's not been a full on marathon of work, I've just been doing it steadily. Pretty much taking shape now. All I need to do after all this work is probably a lot harder work. Prooobably shouldn't have left it till the last week before hand in.

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Man, I tell you something. I loooove women. I love women with great bodies, physique, nice voices, all shapes and sizes. I love women who play games, and women who are into their music. I love women who love other women, too! They're the fun kind.


But, I fucking hate Beyonce. I don't know what it is. We are all born with something called the Coolness Bears complex, where we're born innocent and happy with the world. Then, sooner or later, the EEVIL theory comes into play, where you just feel grumpy at one particular thing, or several things. Man, this is how much I hate Beyonce. Read this post back, and you can almost feel the anger.


Oh, man. I feel it. Don't I just feel it.




This theory may be true. I like Beyonce. :)

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Guest Captain Falcon

Out. Back now. Not 1k yet but I'll still miss it. First person to post on the 1k mark gets... er.. a hug? I dunno.


But it's only 1K because of how many posts you've got set to appear on the page.


Surely the person who gets the 25,000th post is more special?

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I had another semi-quality fit this afternoon. I don't think it was a proper hardcore one because I don't remember waking up on the floor or on my bed. But I know I've bitten my tongue and I have some burn marks on my face.


I know for a fact I didn't drink last night, the cause of each fit, I did attribute it to a possible salt 'overdose' as a I had a few packs of bacon flavoured fries whilst watching Return Of The Jedi.


But whilst at work I realised it might be due to blood loss, since I had to go to London to have an US Embassy approved medical and they stole three vials of my blood, I'll find out in four days if shit is acceptible for my visa application to go ahead. But the lass who stole my blood said if there are any abnormalities I might have to go back for further tests, which means a shitload more money, It cost me £135 to go to their medical house, not including train fare.

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Yeah, it's pretty cool. I had no idea Japanese shared so many similarities with Turkish, for instance.

Yay for agglutination!

Whats this Kindaichi you speak of? Linguistics is good in the sense that it is (well, mostly) all rule relegated. You learn the rules and it clicks which is handy. (talking about any language here)

He's an old school Japanese linguist, who's written various books on Japanese linguistics for a lay audience, at least one of which (the Japanese Language) has been translated into English. Re: rules - kind of, but the world is never quite that perfect, which makes linguistics even more awesome. Things get really crazy when you start trying to identify the general principles underlying all languages.

Mates bbq had, liek, no guests besides us so we had some chicken and talked shit. He filled me in on some of the lessons he'd learned from Angel, that odd pick-up artist who claims to be able to score any woman, and the 'ladder theory' which actually makes a HELL of a lot of sense.


Also... Kinda.. made plans to meet my ex on friday. Not good. Not good at all. This can surely only end in pain and misery but... fuck. I don't know. I simply cannot explain it to anyone in any way that they'll agree it's the right thing to do... so I guess it really is the wrong thing to do. But I'm still doing it. It's going to be the biggest day of my year so far and nobody else seems to notice this, so, uh, yeah.

I disagree fairly fundamentally with ladder theory from an annecdotal perspective... it's not like it's been validated or discussed seriously, anyway. :heh:


Either way, good luck with your ex, however things may turn out.

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^ I ask myself the same question everyday. Happens to me on the weekends as well and it's just awful.


Argh.... spent the last 20 minutes trying to access my psychology report files on my memory stick on the PC downstairs that has the printer connected and it won't let me access the files. It knows a drive has been inserted as it's coming up but because my dad's a prick and has blocked all priviledges on all accounts bar his, it won't let me access the drive because I don't have those priviledges. :nono: And as a result, my mother is now in the huff with me because I was moaning to her about it and how the PC is such a piss of shit. Don't really care as it is and they've been told hundreds of times before to sort out my account so I can do work. Not exactly how I wanted to start the day. Will try another way to get it printed later on but I'm so not in the mood now.

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Guest Jordan

God damn it.


Huge headache on set probably due to the fact i got 2 hours sleep, just like the night before.


Going to have to ring in sick, i'm hardly in a state to think straight never mind work.

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"If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it." Has this woman not heard of the credit crunch?

nyaaaaa.... my new housemates are both super big fans of whatshername. they were playing her music really loud the other day until me and the other sane guy in the house went nuts and had to ask them to stop before our ears bled out.... :nono:

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nyaaaaa.... my new housemates are both super big fans of whatshername. they were playing her music really loud the other day until me and the other sane guy in the house went nuts and had to ask them to stop before our ears bled out.... :nono:


Ewwww that song is hideously bad. I hate it when it gets stuck in my head. :shakehead

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FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. My coursework is only supposed to be 5 pages :| I've written it to 6! FUCK. I was about to hand it in when someone said something about the header and footer. I've just looked on the piece of paper and its only supposed to be 5 pages. SHIT. 1 hour to sort it out and get there to hand it in.

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